Are you afraid to fly?

panda manda you dont mind being harrassed by security officers at the airports?
Recently I flew out to San Diego and the security wasn't too bad on the way out. I did get a little pissed on the return trip. My belt has a metal buckle that I forgot about so I set off the metal detector. When I started to remove my belt, the guard said not to remove the belt, only the buckle (I thought it would be easier to remove my entire belt). So I was forced to remove the buckle while holding up the line.

Then, somewhere between my removing the buckle and handing it to the guy (who then placed it on the belt) and at the other end, the buckle got caught up in the machinary and caused quite a mess. When a second guard finally fixed the belt and removed my now bent buckle from the machinery, I got a lecture of how much of an idiot I was for removing my buckle and not my entire belt and for placing the buckle on the conveyor. I told the guard that the other guard removed the buckle and put it on the belt himself, his response was 'Yeah right...we don't do that shit'.

On top of that, another guard who was X-raying the bags didn't like the way a glass candleholder showed on the X-Ray and wanted to examine it. He unwraps it from the paper...looks at it..says OK and then breaks it as he is putting it back in the wrapper. A note for you travelers..they are not responsible for any damages they may cause LOL.

That is the only bad experience I've had with security with the exception of a longer wait.
I really never thought to being scare of fly because I fly alot.
when i was at deaf school i have to fly every fridays and sundays from school to home and from home to school, so i got used to it... i loved it especially around holidays when kids with special needs are off planes and only 3 or 4 of us left ... the pilot would be nice enough to play around... like pulling nose up really hard making us feel like we were 500 lbs u know.. feel like something were pulling us down. (awesome feeling) then he would let nose go down and cause us float in air for few seconds (even more awesome feeling) before he gently bring nose back up to normal level. BOY that was soo fun! At times he would let me fly the plane and teach kids how to fly plane... by the time i became senior i was able to take off the runway and land the runway by myself but of course pilot is always there :) been wanting to renewl my pilot license and own a small plane. i absolutely love to fly.

want to know someting ironic? Im actually afraid of heights lol... not when im in plane no.. but if i climb up on a tall tree and then i would look down.. boy i got scared and hold on for life lol.. weird huh? any rides on rollercoaster and planes im fine.. just not when i stand or sit in/on non-motion object. if i stand on roof of a house.. i get scared. *shrugs*
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i would fly when i HAVE to (if time does not permit me to just drive) -- personally i prefer driving now a days over flying -- its MUCH cheaper and theres MORE space than on the stupid flights where u are stuck in ur seat for the entire flight
SpiceHD said:
when i was at deaf school i have to fly every fridays and sundays from school to home and from home to school, so i got used to it... i loved it ...
That sounds like a fun experience, but yikes, it must have been very expensive to fly every week.
I love to fly, and when I get a chance, I will fly in airplanes. However, I do love going by car more than flying. Its a wonderful experience seeing the country by road and seeing things change before your own eyes. Give me a choice, I'll opt for a road trip any time!
I don't mind flying, it's alot faster than driving a car for hours on the road.. :thumb:
^Angel^ said:
I don't mind flying, it's alot faster than driving a car for hours on the road.. :thumb:

Thought all angels fly - so youre lucky you can fly anywhere you want with your wings :)
Reba said:
That sounds like a fun experience, but yikes, it must have been very expensive to fly every week.

actually its free... government paid
aw, I love to fly... reglardless of the security... the very first time I went on the plane after 9/11 was just few weeks ago... I had plenty of metals on me which I totally forgot about... the steel in my shoe, my buckle, my wallet that had zipper, a small spinral note book somewhere in my pocket... lucky the security was rather very friendly, but I felt silly holding up the line. The flight back home, I made a mental note to take ALL metals off of me and went smoothly through the first time without any hassle! heh heh... that wouldn't stop me from flying though! :)
Taylor said:
On top of that, another guard who was X-raying the bags didn't like the way a glass candleholder showed on the X-Ray and wanted to examine it. He unwraps it from the paper...looks at it..says OK and then breaks it as he is putting it back in the wrapper. A note for you travelers..they are not responsible for any damages they may cause LOL.

Get a lawyer! Theyre are lawyers now will sue airport security Like the ACLU is doing because women are complaning theyre being touched too much and they dont like it. If i breaks it you sue.
Everyone! Take the amtrak! youll have a nice peasant trip i promise you that. The conductors are very nice much nicer than the airline attendants. You ask the conductor you want an extra blanket ot an extra pillow theyre give you another pillow or extra blanket. The conductors are not rude like airline attendants by telling you please stay in your seat even you have to gop to the bathroom. But guys if your used to looking at sexy airline attendants forget it! The conductors are mostly men something the girls might be interested looking at. So switch to amtrak i gurantee you wont be harrassed by anyone except anoying passengers cant prevent that if theyre been drinking too much cause theres a bar on the train if they wish to drink.
Hm... that may be true... but the thing is.. flying is faster and i alway perfer flying or driving over train... i dont know why... its cool if u perfer that :)
Amtrak (The Acela) Train can go up to 150. Hell they can replace new tracks for the autotrain. This is my suggestion where they should buiild new tracks for the acela.

See the map from tampa all the way to DC. Forget from tampa to miami they can stop in tampa and transfer. That would cut down airtravel from vistors who wanna go down to disneyworld. It would be a 12 hour trip hell amtrak can steal business from the airlines for the winter season to florida.


BTW this is the acela expess route. Make sence to extend the service.
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ravensteve1961 said:
This is my suggestion where they should buiild new tracks for the acela.
Members of my family have taken the train from Charleston to Connecticut. They enjoyed it.
I always travel, so I usual use planes... It doesn't bother me at all but glad to sleep all the way! :-D
SpiceHD said:
how much does it cost? usually?
Where you wanna go? i can check for ya?
For the new tracks and constrution? $775,000,000 out of the american taxpayer. Its worth then feeding the needy.