Are you a "night owl"?


May 3, 2012
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I'm awake very late every night. Even if I have a long tired day I'm a night owl. What about you?
With this computer that I am on, yes, I am likely an night owl. But I get up in the morning around 7 or 8 o clock when I have to go on appointments or do some errands. Yes, it does make me tire. I am trying to go to bed early enough before midnight but somehow it does not work for me. **sigh** I am very addicted to computer. I love it. Can I help it? :dunno:
Not I. My daughter is though. She stays up most nights until 2-4 am and sleeps until noon or so.
These days my sleeping hours are messed up so, yea, I guess you could say I'm a night owl temporarily. :)
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I have FMS, and as with most people with FMS I tend to be a night owl. (It's because Fibro changed the sleep-wake cycle)
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I am. But that's just the schedule we run on in our household.
Worked nights most all my life, so yes, I'm a night owl.....Never could figure out how some people looked so cheerful and "bright-eyed" in the early AM :giggle:....(there's no life before coffee, I believe). But do get up around 6-6:30 to see the boys off for school, then go back to bed.....With coffee and a bath, I'm good to go and wide awake.
I used to work night shifts at Denny's and UPS. Even though I'm not working nights, I'm often up late in evening.
Yep don't get much sleep ever! Always tinkering with something or doing work on a client's computer or console otherwise trolling my town's forums... About to go back to school can't wait... Used to just bake every night but these nights are long gone...Clean for 2 weeks so far lol a coffee and nug patty sounds really good about right now!! Just one hit!!! Oh the bliss!!! Haven't had coffee cause I'm afraid it will trigger my old habit!
Definitely a night owl here. I sleep when I get home then I'm up all night until around 3:00 a.m. Too much to do on the computer, too little time!
Most definitely a night owl.

My ideal sleep time is about 6am to 1pm. I love going out when it's dark and I love to do my grocery shopping at 3am. Noone to bug me except people stocking the shelves. I CAN do the early morning thing but I spend the whole day exhausted only to wake up and get energetic when it's supposed to be bedtime and not be able to sleep till 2 or 3 in the morning.
Used to be. But then my daughter was born, and she was always awake, even as an infant, at 6 a.m. Arrgghh! LOL! :eek3: So, from then on, the latest I can keep my eyes open (I read in bed every night) is about 11:30-12:00 a.m. Then the words on the page blur and it's time to give up and turn out the light. :P
Night owl. I also get by on about six hours of sleep a night. My husband is a morning person who prices himself on getting up at least two hours before I do, but doesn't want to talk about the fact that he goes to bed at least five hours before I do.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I have FMS, and as with most people with FMS I tend to be a night owl. (It's because Fibro changed the sleep-wake cycle)

My doctor put me on a prescription that puts me to sleep and relaxes the legs enough for at least 6 hours of sleep. My next day isn't so good, but now I will be seeing the rheumatologist to see what more can be done.
Night owl checking in!

I feel sad for those of you who can't sleep due to pain. :hug: For me it's just habit and preference and maybe a screwed up body clock.

Most definitely a night owl.

My ideal sleep time is about 6am to 1pm. I love going out when it's dark and I love to do my grocery shopping at 3am. Noone to bug me except people stocking the shelves. I CAN do the early morning thing but I spend the whole day exhausted only to wake up and get energetic when it's supposed to be bedtime and not be able to sleep till 2 or 3 in the morning.

We could be long lost sisters! I agree with everything you wrote, especially going out to shop at 3 am.

I'm odd but I feel secure knowing and seeing that the world is still going on even in the middle of the night.
Night owl checking in!
We could be long lost sisters! I agree with everything you wrote, especially going out to shop at 3 am.

I'm odd but I feel secure knowing and seeing that the world is still going on even in the middle of the night.

Everything here in my new town closes down at 10. It's a suburb of Minneapolis, so big city. It just feels so primitive to me. My old town had sooo many 24/7 places and a population of 12,000. Weird how that works.
Yes, Im an night owl and love it...just the other night I ordered a whopper at the window around 1am..the drive thru wasnt busy at all.. I love the little things. I stopped by at Walmart and I saw few ppl doing grocery shopping. I thought to myself that's a good idea. I am somewhat addicted to my puter. The only addiction I have so Im not mad at myself. I do a lot of good things on puter like sports fanasty teams. My sleeping hrs are 5am/6am to 2pm/3pm. 7hrs to 9hrs a day.. Ive always liked night shift jobs b/c morning traffics makes me miserable. I used to do landscaping in big city so I know all about it. Im not working right now.