AllDeaf 2005 Review


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, here's another AllDeaf Review thread for 2005. List some of the positive things that you remember happened so far in 2005. Mine are:

- became 3 years old in April
- was visited by 60,608 unique visitors in November alone making it the highest so far
- was recognized and mentioned on popular sites such as and
- ADers: Vampyrox, RoadRunner, and LinuxGold: Thank you for being a big part of our community. It's been a pleasure working with you guys, and I look forward to working with you in 2006. Members: Thank you so much for your continued support of Because of you, the site is what it is today. Together we have accomplished a lot.

When I come up with something else, I'll post it here. In the meantime, feel free to list some of the things you remember on AllDeaf in 2005.
My positive comments for this site is that i have recieve alot of support from ad members when i decided to get a ci.

I have come here to cheer myself up when i am not in a very good mood, and soo far it had works. So thanks to you all for cheering me up even if you didnt know it.

Coming here and meeting you all were a life-changing experience for me because i had met many deaf people from all over the world, and meet older people who are deaf, and it help me realize the facts and stuff about the deaf commuity, as a year ago from now, i hated the deaf community, i hated the deaf culture because i did not get alot of perpective as i only hang out with my age group and quite franky, my age group was very immature and not waht i wanted for my future. But this place had helped me realize about the facts of deaf community in the real world.

Another thing was that it had change who i am as well. I had learned to share my personal opinion without flaming someone or insulting someone. I had also learned to keep my cool when someone insult me or something like that. It had made me a better person in real life. Thansk you all

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy new year, Hopefully 2006 will be a great year for AD and help me recieve more experiences
umm....i liked when me and Cental made those threads that made everyone laugh. that was fun. but then the bible thumpers moved in and chased all the cool people away so now its not so fun anymore. but the cental and aj threads were awesome.
My positive things that I remember happen so far in 2005, I gotten to meet a few people from Alldeaf in real life, Peachylady & her family, DreamDeaf, MizzDeaf, Tongueonfire and Tekkmortal in June of 2005. It had been a pleasure in meeting them and had a blast with each of them, I wouldn't knew them if it wasn't for AllDeaf. :)

Another positive things I remember when old members decide to come back to AllDeaf, Like GalaxyAngel, CookieMonster, bbnt, Autunmn Tree and Malfy. I adore those peeps...:grouphug:

One/two more positive things are, I learned a greatest lesson to forgive and forget, and made friends with CyberRed after a long battle between the two of us. I'm greatful and proud of myself that I've came a long way of letting the things in the past go and give people another chance. So far CyberRed and I am doing great and I hope it remains the same. ;) And we've got some great newbies who joined AllDeaf this year and I'm glad I've gotten to know each of them and they're the nicest peeps! :P
I want to thank Alldeaf for being one of the most exciting websites for the deaf communities.

My condiser is part of this site as my family members here.. No matter how's bad or good times. I'll be here all the time and cannot leave this site for any reason.. If bad.. I'll leave here for while until cooling off.. which great for discussion debate pro vs con still stand... I love this site very much.. Why thank you Alex part of this site "alldeaf founder by Alex" You're the best! Will look forward meet you AD Cancus! :thumb:

Thank you very much for bring me here first delgiated (sp) One of member who left here permantly.. I want say Thank you to you... (Oldest member) alike me..

I'm hoping I could meet you rest of you AD'ers early before AD Cancus, My goal meet to... all AD'ers.. (chuckles) I gonna *cross my finger*

Espically I've been dreamed and wanted to fly oversea and to meet two of them who coming from Germany and Aussie since 2nd year and ain't going give up my dream and meeting you. My reason wanted challenge new langauges and cultures thrills.

And also whoever you're going Deaf Cruise on October 28th 2007 perfect Lovely to meet you and have blast time look forward this. . :D

**P.S. I love you all AD'ers, wishes you have the best luck and Merry Christmas 2005**
I SALUTE ya Alex for the best forum ever.....But then keep making it better :)
I have had ups and down here. Even though I can sometime be a bad boy for giving some ADers hard time. I only want them to see that their talk really hurts my ADers friends. I am truly glad that I found this forum!

Of course, I met some ADers and HATE them to start with and did have fights with them, but that is all forgiven and forget. I even made good friends and bad friends (Unfortunately).

I hope 2006 would bring me Sunshine and that ADers would give the best year in 2006.

I may have BIG surprise of Y'all But I don't want to disclose just yet.
I want to mention that I think is a wonderful, learning experience for me in all kinds of emotions; laugh, get crazy, get alot of goosebumps esp at RR &^A^ engagement thread, "oh boy" :roll: :pissed: frustrations, got bored with totally useless bashing, :sadwave: TOF, :fingersx: hope, :popcorn: actually ate dinners while reading, :Ohno: Taylor, :applause: Taylor's back, :rofl: at hilarious jokes, :) making friends with members of AD all over the world :cheers: :grouphug:

:ty: Thank you, Alex, for making AD to exist :bowdown:
I want to thank my good friend LinneaElliott for telling me that I need to check out this website and I fall in love with it!

I also want to thank all the members that supported me to get through everything such as: support me to get through the family death and depressed about the problems and friends, etc. I want to thank them so much for that and made me so welcome to this AD

Thank Alex for making this...if you didn't make this, I wouldn't have a lot of friends here! :)
I want to tell TweetyBird for telling me about AllDeaf - without this, I wouldnt have met my wonderful twinnie bro, Oakley_04 and his lovie, Nozobo (NoBoZo); my best twinnie friend CheriTree, (cant wait to meet my other best twinnie friend ^Angel^ and her love of her life, RoadRunner - I wanna introduce him to the closet!!), for opening my eyes to different horizons and ecouraging me to expand my mind to new possibilities, horizons, perspectives, opinions and teaching me so many new things...

AllDeaf, you rock!!!

Without AD, I wouldnt have also met TweetyBird, Tenderspiritual, GalaxyAngelz on VP, and ...

I wouldnt have had the time or opportunity to twist my words elsewhere!!!

I believe in AllDeaf, I believe in AllDeaf,
I believe there’s always postwhoring when all seems finished
I believe in All Deaf
I believe in AllDeaf, I’ll tell you why I do

I believe the gossip and outlandish opinions can come true
I believe in postwhoring I believe in flaming
I believe in AllDeaf and I believe in you

I believe in members in forum and in laughter
I believe in being negative and positive in AllDeaf
I believe in not looking farther than the next post

I believe when someone flames us we should flame them back
And I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf
I believe that chaos should prevail at any cost and I believe in AllDeaf

I believe in gossip and tattletlaing
I believe in making up stories and being a good friend
I believe in being a troublemaker

And lookin’ at our forum as another way to make trouble
And I believe that everything that is said is what it’s supposed to be said
I believe there is an Alex somewhere although he’s hard to find

I believe I am crazy so therefore I should make up stories all I can
To bring chaos and trouble to AllDeaf
And I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf

I believe there’s always friends when all seems lost in chaos
I believe in AllDeaf
Let the members sign
(I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf
I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf)

Let the whole forum sign with us
I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf
I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf

Let the whole forum sign with us
I believe in AllDeaf I believe in AllDeaf
I believe there’s always friends when all seems lost in chaos
I believe in AllDeaf
I also do want to thank Tousi for sending me a card twice - it was a big surprise!!!
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I thank Alldeaf so much for Fei Ku who introduced me to sweetheart and met Fei Ku on alldeaf in early 2005.
I thank Alldeaf for making new cyber friends (the ones I haven't met yet).
I enjoyed reading lot of threads with many subjects that go up and downs.

Let's hope for a great new year for Alldeaf in 2006! :thumb:
alldeaf has been part of my life for 3 yrs and the co sponsoring of my forum with alldeaf thanks alex u made AD the best along with JP :) with love and respect.. JP :)
And let us not forget that 2005 was also the ‘AllDeaf Year of the Mentally Unbalanced Troll’. :lol: So let us all pause for a moment to give recognition to Steve and Trish—without them, we would have no fear of what we might become.
:lol: @ flyfishfemme .....

Alldeaf is like a second home to me when I hardly have time to make new friends in RL, I've met so many wonderful people in here, and even made some new friends and hopefully to meet them in RL one day! :).... No matter how bad things were during the year of 2005, I always will think of Alldeaf as my number one forum and I wouldn't think of leaving here because there's no other forum out there that does it better than you have Alex... I am very impressed with all the hard work that you and your moderators had done to keep this forum as peaceful and friendly and have alot of patient putting up with all of us here too even when we're being a tiny bitty bad :lol:....

I am looking forward to a new year here in AD, and I sure can't wait for the AD Cancus next year of 2006, I will get my chance meeting you all, and I've been waiting to meet DD and PL for quite a long time, but glad to know I'll have my chance on meeting them soon....

Thank you Alex and all the moderators for making this forum the best on the interent!!....Keep up the good work!! ;)
Levonian said:
And let us not forget that 2005 was also the ‘AllDeaf Year of the Mentally Unbalanced Troll’. :lol: So let us all pause for a moment to give recognition to Steve and Trish—without them, we would have no fear of what we might become.



Who is Trish?

and with this thread..

I'd like to nominate a candidate for best new ADer.....

Moi. :thumb:
apathrev said:
I'd like to nominate a candidate for best new ADer.....

Moi. :thumb:

That gives me an idea to get you a shirt that says "It's all about me!" :giggle:
I thank Fei Ku for having me to meet my Sequoias. :D
I thank SpiceHD for asked me to check this website out and I enjoy to coming here and post and reading people's threads very much.
I thank Alex for making this website! :thumb:
I thank Sequoias for being wonderful guy and being mine ;) :ily:
I joined AllDeaf last year of October but didn't really look it til this past May, ever since I got "addicted". The best part of the AllDeaf is reading some really funny threads such as the "AJ and Cental (apathrev)" Threads. There were great threads that made me cry, laugh, given me chills, etc. Also, I got to meet some really great people in AD. They're awesome!

Now, its kinda slowing down for me since all that "God" stuff is going on. I was not interesting in reading it. No offense, I believe in God. Just that it wasn't something that can make us laugh. It was all the bickering and comparing. Hopefully that'll stop soon.

I've got Tweetybird to thank for encouraging me to come in AD to check this out. I've made alot of friends and they're great people!

Thanks to Alex and MODS for making the best of it!!!! :thumb: