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  1. M

    why it's hard to meet a decent guy online

    its hard to find a decent guy online since many of them 'online' just want to flirt and maybe get laid cheaply but not a serious relationship. the annonymity of internet can make them be very obscene and direct towards sexual fantasies [Unnecessary remark removed by Mod via mobile phone.]
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    Kenyan Name Sign for Obama

    HI In Kenya Obama is dangerously famous. We the Deaf have a sing name for him You sign like- make a B sign from the diaphram between the ribs and move it curvely out.-----as if trying to gesture 'pass'- wish i could sign it to show it better
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    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    hi am a late deafened adult. i lost my speech at 20 years of age and learned KSL and all. I am now a strong figure in the Deaf culture AND MY SPEECH IS STILL VERY NORMAL 5 years down the line. I sign well and speak normally. Sign with the Deaf and lip read and speak with the hearies. I am...
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    Deaf University

    hi all Well am a Deaf in Kenya and am interested in pursuing a Masters degree and i was wondering..... are there other universities which can accommodate Deaf students apart from Gallaudet?
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    Funniest thing an uneducated person has said to you?

    a hearing teacher to another i hate that ignorant boy, he is so arrogant and always has ear phones with him even during calss time...... ear phone are what the hearing aids were refered as and she thot that the Deaf boy was always listening to music lol
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    I Love ya!

    I loooooooooove youuuuuuuuuu allllllllllll
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    Longest word

    wat ddt dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
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    Topic On God

    i have seen a great interest in the Deaf community as far as everything heavenly is concerned. What bothers you most about this topic? What do you love most in this topic? I mean, the bible and everything about God.
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    u are very right and presice. i love you idea and i will see how i can explore it. fair trade i wonderful and practical. we could do some garbage cleaning around the city. i will first find out with our national organization which is as good as dead. thank u alot dude
  10. M

    What is your secret obsession?

    AM WITH YOU HERE. it aint a secret if it is told. keep it between you and yourself and we'll call it a secret, tel your friend and its a secret told, place it in a public forum and it aint anywhere near a secret
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

  12. M

    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    Sure, We got some knowledge. God knew that if we did, it would be disastrous-thats why He didnt want us to be that knowledgeable so that he would take better care of us. Now after we wronged him, we got some knowledge. They both noticed their nakedness!!!! this knowledge has brough hell on...
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    I do not know how to say this but you shoul all know that there is a SUPERIOR BEING. you may call Him God or Nature/Mother Nature. He cannot be seen neither heard but felt
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    they opposed him and in the process gained knowledge over the entire creation. He then left us for ourselves. Why do you think people cry for God's help and nothing happens? Its said that before his eyes, we are all equal but when you pray your prayer aint heard? Does He help others and...
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    I would say God leaves us alone to help ourselves, sometimes He intervenes when the worst comes to worst. God loves us so much that He gave us a beautiful world and an intelligence to watch over it. He wants us to care for all His creations. When shit happens, its not God's fault but the way...
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    am glad you are willing to help. a lot is needed in these sides, but am thinking if Deaf could unite and establish a small scale enterprise and be good in the same, then that would be a great development fo the Deaf. right now am working on a project for job training and placement of the Deaf...
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    ok deafies must fight harder whose with me????????
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

  19. M

    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    ohhhh I dont know what it would take to bring one Deaf child to come those sides. But in any case you people rock. I mean, Deaf must be clever than most Hearies, imagine if you could go through a system where the teacher ''talk,talk,talk!!!!!'' and then at the end of the period you still get a...
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    Deaf in America should thank God!!!!!!!

    Today in my office I met a young Deaf girl in my office. She had come for a peer training session. She had with her her 5 year old little-beautiful-girl. I managed to talk with her and I relly felt for her. She was in love with a Hearie who impregnated her and left her. Now she feds for...