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  1. logtar


    Well, I know not everyone here has a blog or my space or whatever, but I am having a lot of fun with this so I thought I would share. You know the pangram “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.” well, its simple. Write it on a piece of paper, sign it with your first name or handle and let...
  2. logtar

    I am intriguing, why would you put a picture for your avatar

    Mine is just something a friend designed.
  3. logtar


    Just came back from camping!
  4. logtar

    For a Deaf Son

    The movie is available for viewing here.
  5. logtar

    For a Deaf Son

    You see, I totally disagree with you on this. I am not sure why the kid commited suicide but I do not blame it on deafness or the parents reaction towards it. I am sure there was other stuff involved. If you take time and read what I have posted, you will see that you do not have all the...
  6. logtar

    For a Deaf Son

    If you follow the link to my site, I have all the info I have gathered there. You can even view it online. <- the post I am talking about.
  7. logtar

    For a Deaf Son

    DeafDyke, yea you have the right movie. You make an excellent point, but it is hard to establish how much of it really affected Tommy. Parents have to be able to express their frustrations and thought without it necessarily meaning that they have the attitude towards the kid. Educating a...
  8. logtar

    For a Deaf Son

    if you go read the post there is a lot of information about the movie, and a lot of other background. Annotation The life of four-year-old Thomas Tranchin, born deaf to a hearing family, and the struggle of the producer/director to unlock Thomas’ speech capacities is documented through home...
  9. logtar

    For a Deaf Son

    I watched the movie and had to write a reaction paper for my ASL class. I have posted a couple of things on my weblog and well, I wanted to share my thoughts with all of you. More than anyone else I would like your opinion on my paper, because I am writting about a subject where I am really...
  10. logtar

    Who got snow already?

    Pictures here...
  11. logtar

    Post your best picture ever!

    Thanks Cricket!
  12. logtar

    Post your best picture ever!

    my sis and I :)
  13. logtar

    What is Love?

    Love is in the air :) I'm in love ;)
  14. logtar

    any1 from midwest ??

    Michigan :) and also Chicago. I live in Michigan but visit my family in Chitown quite often :)
  15. logtar

    The Flu

    got it right now, feel like crap, sux
  16. logtar

    What do you like...

    I love my positive attitude :) everything is good in Logtar's land :)
  17. logtar

    Mom Thinks "Blog" Means Sex

    LOL. Posting this on my blog, and then having some blog later on, LOL
  18. logtar

    Mystery Animal in Maryland

    its the chupacabras, LOL
  19. logtar


    It will totally be worth the wait dude. Not sure how it will perform on an Xbox, but it a powerful machine it looks beautiful
  20. logtar

    Open-Captioned Drive-In!!!!!

    Both movies are awesome. Too bad I am too far away :(