Mom Thinks "Blog" Means Sex


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Oct 6, 2003
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Over at the Holy Observor website, they run an article: "Christian Mom Thinks "Blog" is a Euphemism for Sex"... the title itself is hilarious.

To add more humor to this article:
"Sue Harrington is troubled by her daughter's frequent use of the word "blog," an Internet-era term she thinks is a euphemism for sex. The term, which Harrington's daughter Brittany has used several times during the last month, recently landed the 15-year old in her room for two weeks.

As net-savvy teenagers everywhere know, "blog" is nothing more than a shortened form of "weblog," or online diary. Mrs. Harrington, however, is worried that her daughter may be engaging in premarital sex. "Just yesterday Brittany told me she had been late for dinner because she had spent the day blogging at Heather's house," she told THO. "When I told her she was grounded for her sexual indiscretion, she lied and said that's not what she meant. But I've seen those Monty Python movies, and I know all the lingo."

"she does admit that for the most part, Brittany is a well-behaved teenager. "Why, just last weekend I overheard her talking to her friend on the phone about 'buying some E.' I just love that she appreciates Elvis enough to spend her allowance on his records. Most of her friends can't stand the music from my generation. I just know she'll be all right in the end."

I suspect this website is sort of a satire-type news provider... it is a funny website. Be sure to check this out. [No offense intended... I have warned you people that this is a satirist website so for sure they would have offensive materials.]
:lol: That's a joke -- the mother will be begging for her daughter's forgiveness once she understands what 'blog' means. :roll:
LOL. Posting this on my blog, and then having some blog later on, LOL