What is the worst valentine's gift you ever get?


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Aug 27, 2007
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The worst valentine's gift

I have read a story about a woman name Amanda, and her story was very interesting one. So here her story and you tell me what you think and what was your worst valentine's gift ever happen to you.

The worst Valentine's Day "gift" I have ever received was from a guy whom I had only been dating for about four months. We were getting pretty serious so I got him tickets to see his favorite baseball team. On Valentines Day I gave him the gift and then he went to his room. After a few minutes he came back with a beautiful pink ice ring. I put it on and it fit perfectly. I hugged him and took it off again to get a better look at it when I noticed something on the inside. I leaned over to the lamp when much to my surprise I found an engraving that said "To Carrie love Andy". I must mention at this point that my name is AMANDA!!! I was so enraged that I threw the ring back at him and stormed out the door.
I never got a bad Valentine's Day gift.

My friend got a bag of condoms from her husband on Valentine's Day. She didnt appreciate that. I asked her if it was a joke and she said no. OOOPS...
me neither, never got a bad valentines gift.
Never got any in my entire life. Only 'Happy valentines day' messages on my cellphone.
I remembered that I dated a guy some 5 years ago, but we are not together anymore. But here what happen to me on valentine's day 5 years ago. I got him a really thoughtful gift. He loves shrimp scampi so I cooked it for him and set everything out at his house. When it came time for me to open my gift, I was a little disappointed to find a pair of socks lying in the bottom of the box. I thought he was joking so I started laughing but quickly realized my mistake when he got all mad and stormed out. His reasoning for the socks, because they were red. Oy!
I never got a bad Valentine's Day gift.

My friend got a bag of condoms from her husband on Valentine's Day. She didnt appreciate that. I asked her if it was a joke and she said no. OOOPS...

OUCH! I am sure that was slap in the face with the box of condoms lol. I bet she wanted something more than a box of condoms! ha
i dont like bad gifts on valentine's day but i wanted trust nice gifts as "good" like as jewerly or whatevers.

if your boyfriend or girlfriend,spouse taking you out dinner if who watch your children when going out on dating as valentine's day need trust as tips like good or bad.

im hope my boyfriend will give me nice gifts on 14th next week they if he will give me nice gifts if i like that gifts i will trust him as 100% and no bad gifts like going to games!

Good tips
out dinner
Gifts include jewerly,earrings,bracelets,whatevers for your wife and girlfriends really loves and also dont mess-up with your dating and wife!

bad tips
going games include (football,baseball,basketball,whatevers dont taking your dating to the games!)
gifts include socks,shirts,ties,shoes,whatevers keep focus!

what your idea?
i dont like bad gifts on valentine's day but i wanted trust nice gifts as "good" like as jewerly or whatevers.

if your boyfriend or girlfriend,spouse taking you out dinner if who watch your children when going out on dating as valentine's day need trust as tips like good or bad.

im hope my boyfriend will give me nice gifts on 14th next week they if he will give me nice gifts if i like that gifts i will trust him as 100% and no bad gifts like going to games!

Good tips
out dinner
Gifts include jewerly,earrings,bracelets,whatevers for your wife and girlfriends really loves and also dont mess-up with your dating and wife!

bad tips
going games include (football,baseball,basketball,whatevers dont taking your dating to the games!)
gifts include socks,shirts,ties,shoes,whatevers keep focus!

what your idea?

Don't forget, women love to have a guy make breakfast in bed for her lol
Hmm... sounds like she should have given him a chance to explain. Two different things could have happened... He probably did order "Amanda", but the engraving place wrote "Andy" by accident or by misunderstanding... It probably did say "Amanda", but the engraving made it look like "Andy"... He did have "Andy" engraved at his own fault...

Either way, it was probably a misunderstanding... but he could have checked himself beforehand. Or, he was simply too excited to notice that he really looked forward to giving her the new gift. :(
I've never gotten a "worst" Valentine's Day gift. I did have a gift turned bad once, but turned good... eventually.

I had a Palm PDA that I used a lot. On Valentine's Day, I ran a few on-campus errands. When I got back to my room, I realized that my PDA was missing. I ran all over looking for it, but it was nowhere to be found.

Later, I went to my girlfriend's room to get ready for our night out. I told her how I lost my PDA and she felt sorry for me. Yet, she had that odd expression when I told her... but I thought it was simply a "Oh, no! I'm sorry" type of expression.

That evening after our Valentine's Day dinner, we went back to her room and exchanged gifts. She gave me a cute bag with a bunch of stuff in it... candies, cards, etc. One thing in there was something that even I was too ashamed to have gotten. It was a specially designed stylus with a light-up tip for my PDA. When I opened it, my face turned red... and I looked at her. "I'm sorry." She said that was why she made that face earlier. I told her, "Hey, I still love it. It's the thought that counts and I love you."

I kept it anyway thinking that I might get another PDA soon.

A month later, I got an email from another student living in the dorms (5 dorm buildings over). He said that he had my PDA. I was like, "WTF!?" I set a time to meet with him and he gave me back my PDA. Apparently, his roommate found it. Since his roommate is hardly in the room, he never went ahead and went looking for the owner. When this guy found it, he finally asked what it was. That's when he realized to check and see if he could find my contact information on it. So, he emailed me.

Now, I got my PDA back... I ran quickly back to my room... got my new stylus... then ran to my girlfriend's room... and acted innocent... "Hey! Check out the stylus you got me!"... lit it up... and used it right away. She was puzzled at first, then realized that her gift finally had purpose. :)
I've never gotten a "worst" Valentine's Day gift. I did have a gift turned bad once, but turned good... eventually.

I had a Palm PDA that I used a lot. On Valentine's Day, I ran a few on-campus errands. When I got back to my room, I realized that my PDA was missing. I ran all over looking for it, but it was nowhere to be found.

Later, I went to my girlfriend's room to get ready for our night out. I told her how I lost my PDA and she felt sorry for me. Yet, she had that odd expression when I told her... but I thought it was simply a "Oh, no! I'm sorry" type of expression.

That evening after our Valentine's Day dinner, we went back to her room and exchanged gifts. She gave me a cute bag with a bunch of stuff in it... candies, cards, etc. One thing in there was something that even I was too ashamed to have gotten. It was a specially designed stylus with a light-up tip for my PDA. When I opened it, my face turned red... and I looked at her. "I'm sorry." She said that was why she made that face earlier. I told her, "Hey, I still love it. It's the thought that counts and I love you."

I kept it anyway thinking that I might get another PDA soon.

A month later, I got an email from another student living in the dorms (5 dorm buildings over). He said that he had my PDA. I was like, "WTF!?" I set a time to meet with him and he gave me back my PDA. Apparently, his roommate found it. Since his roommate is hardly in the room, he never went ahead and went looking for the owner. When this guy found it, he finally asked what it was. That's when he realized to check and see if he could find my contact information on it. So, he emailed me.

Now, I got my PDA back... I ran quickly back to my room... got my new stylus... then ran to my girlfriend's room... and acted innocent... "Hey! Check out the stylus you got me!"... lit it up... and used it right away. She was puzzled at first, then realized that her gift finally had purpose. :)

Ha,, wonderful story, Now that a good one you just told. :)
Sara1981 said:
bad tips
going games include (football,baseball,basketball,whatevers dont taking your dating to the games!)

Please do not speak for me as I'm a woman too, and I would not even mind if I was received a ticket to a football, basketball or baseball game. :)

I don't recalling ever received a bad gift on Valentine's Day, I love them all and cherish them all. ;) Sometimes I received a poem made by my ex or a greeting card.

Receving gifts isn't everthing. Valentine's day is all about expressing the love for that special person, more of celebrate the love you both have for eachothers. and it does not have to be done by giving a gift or expecting a gift in return. ;)
i dont like bad gifts on valentine's day but i wanted trust nice gifts as "good" like as jewerly or whatevers.

if your boyfriend or girlfriend,spouse taking you out dinner if who watch your children when going out on dating as valentine's day need trust as tips like good or bad.

im hope my boyfriend will give me nice gifts on 14th next week they if he will give me nice gifts if i like that gifts i will trust him as 100% and no bad gifts like going to games!

Good tips
out dinner
Gifts include jewerly,earrings,bracelets,whatevers for your wife and girlfriends really loves and also dont mess-up with your dating and wife!

bad tips
going games include (football,baseball,basketball,whatevers dont taking your dating to the games!)
gifts include socks,shirts,ties,shoes,whatevers keep focus!

what your idea?

hey Sara...for me, going to a football game would be an awesome Valentine's Day gift but football season is over by then. :giggle:

I wouldnt mind if my date takes me to sporting events as I love them as well.
i dont like bad gifts on valentine's day but i wanted trust nice gifts as "good" like as jewerly or whatevers.

if your boyfriend or girlfriend,spouse taking you out dinner if who watch your children when going out on dating as valentine's day need trust as tips like good or bad.

im hope my boyfriend will give me nice gifts on 14th next week they if he will give me nice gifts if i like that gifts i will trust him as 100% and no bad gifts like going to games!

Good tips
out dinner
Gifts include jewerly,earrings,bracelets,whatevers for your wife and girlfriends really loves and also dont mess-up with your dating and wife!

bad tips
going games include (football,baseball,basketball,whatevers dont taking your dating to the games!)
gifts include socks,shirts,ties,shoes,whatevers keep focus!

what your idea?

Oh I wouldn't mind my date or lover, or future husband take me to a good ball game, eatting popcorn and hot dogs and getting a good seating. I know some women not big on watching sporting events and other women love sporting events. :)
(3 years ago) My worst valentine's day gift was none at all and had to tell my ex-bf to go store to get me something cuz its so rude and hurt my feeling for spending all the money on him and get nothing in return not even thank you and he makes face and groan going all "fine whatever" and went to walmart got me red bear. And one year later same thing happened then he got me chocolate heart AFTER I told him "why you do that again? Ugh you go get me something and no chocolate heart I hate it"
Thank god I finally saw that he's a$$hole and dumped him (can't believe I've been so blind for 2 years!)