Woman set to become 14th to die by execution since 1976

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Of course, I cannot change people's minds about the death penalty, but for me, my mind will never change on this. It is simply because we human beings do not have the license to kill no matter what. This is what I am convicted in because I know murder is wrong no matter what. There is only one entity that can give and take life. So if a person killed someone close to me, all I would want is for the punishment to properly fit the crime which would be life in prison.

I support the idea of the death penalty with STRONG solid evidence. Just get rid of those losers who hurt people for no reasons. They will never get better. Period. i dont want to pay them to live for free house, food and game. FORGET IT!!! waste taxes!
I hope it truwly never happens...such a horrible thing as losing someone you love. Before mybrother was murdered i was uncertain on my stand of the death penatly. The day he died i wanted those bastards to die. Until today i have not changed my mind. I live in fear of them every hurting a loved one again. One of them almost got out. Again, its fine if others think the death penatly is bad. But there is life situations that could change yoyr mind no matter how much you say your mind will never change.
Well, you'll never change my opinion either....the man who murdered my mother in cold blood while I was sitting in a chair....right in front of my face...then trying to convince the Court that he didn't do it...that I did....and I was a child....He not only took my mother away from me and my 5 siblings that lived with her...she was a single Mother....worked 2-3 jobs to support all of us without any child support or Welfare....he took away my innocence and and my childhood...left us all to fend for ourselves!....

Good riddence to the SOB!...I for one would never opt to put him away...feed him...give him a roof over his head, medical/dental...whatever....

Perhaps you've never seen anyone of ur family being executed by a monster?...Dunno if that would change the way you feel....*probably not*...

I am sorry you had to experience that as a child. I am sorry for your loss as well. However, my mind wouldn't change on my conviction that no man should ever be killed even by the way of the death penalty if a loved one was murdered.

I support the idea of the death penalty with STRONG solid evidence. Just get rid of those losers who hurt people for no reasons. They will never get better. Period. i dont want to pay them to live for free house, food and game. FORGET IT!!! waste taxes!

I understand how you feel, however, we are called to treat people how we want them to treat us! This is the golden rule!

I hope it truwly never happens...such a horrible thing as losing someone you love. Before mybrother was murdered i was uncertain on my stand of the death penatly. The day he died i wanted those bastards to die. Until today i have not changed my mind. I live in fear of them every hurting a loved one again. One of them almost got out. Again, its fine if others think the death penatly is bad. But there is life situations that could change yoyr mind no matter how much you say your mind will never change.

One's mind will never change, provided their conviction in something is strong. My conviction is strong in the fact that murder is wrong no matter what form or shape.
I truely hope you never change your mind. And if you do that it is not because you have gone through experinces such as the one robin, i and many other have gone through. In a way i guess..if you sont change your mind, i guess it means nothing bad has happened.

I understand how you feel, however, we are called to treat people how we want them to treat us! This is the golden rule!

Are you sure that your motto is accurate? golden rule about treating people how we want them to treat us.? :confused:
I truely hope you never change your mind. And if you do that it is not because you have gone through experinces such as the one robin, i and many other have gone through. In a way i guess..if you sont change your mind, i guess it means nothing bad has happened.

I stated that even if I were to go through such an experience I still wouldn't change my mind. This is because we are called to treat others in the same way we want them to treat us and also, to suffer the wrong.

Are you sure that your motto is accurate? golden rule about treating people how we want them to treat us.? :confused:

It is not my motto as it is just simply a golden rule that all of us humans should abide by.
I am sorry you had to experience that as a child. I am sorry for your loss as well. However, my mind wouldn't change on my conviction that no man should ever be killed even by the way of the death penalty if a loved one was murdered.

I understand how you feel, however, we are called to treat people how we want them to treat us! This is the golden rule!

One's mind will never change, provided their conviction in something is strong. My conviction is strong in the fact that murder is wrong no matter what form or shape.

Your "being/feeling" sorry for what happened...don't cut it with me...I've heard that quote all my Life....and feel sure other people have too....

What good does "I'm sorry" do for someone who has experience their loved one being murdered?.....Not a dang thing if you ask me.....Why should we, the victims...have to live each day with the memory?...While the murderer is locked up for Life...eating and sleeping...exercising...taking a hot bath....etc., etc.?....Don't patronize me!....
I stated that even if I were to go through such an experience I still wouldn't change my mind. This is because we are called to treat others in the same way we want them to treat us and also, to suffer the wrong.

It is not my motto as it is just simply a golden rule that all of us humans should abide by.

Well Murder goes against nature. you know that.
Your "being/feeling" sorry for what happened...don't cut it with me...I've heard that quote all my Life....and feel sure other people have too....

What good does "I'm sorry" do for someone who has experience their loved one being murdered?.....Not a dang thing if you ask me.....Why should we, the victims...have to live each day with the memory?...While the murderer is locked up for Life...eating and sleeping...exercising...taking a hot bath....etc., etc.?....Don't patronize me!....

It is sad when people cannot accept condolences. It is not like I could bring your mother back to life by saying, "I am sorry." It is the thought that counts in which I expressed my condolences. I recall you saying something along those lines of "....it is the thoughts that count..."

It is fine if the murderer is locked up and doing things while in jail because we are commanded not to kill. The murderer already has an entity who will take his life and judge him rightly.

Well Murder goes against nature. you know that.

It is much more than murder going against nature as murder goes against the law.
It is sad when people cannot accept condolences. It is not like I could bring your mother back to life by saying, "I am sorry." It is the thought that counts in which I expressed my condolences. I recall you saying something along those lines of "....it is the thoughts that count..."

It is fine if the murderer is locked up and doing things while in jail because we are commanded not to kill. The murderer already has an entity who will take his life and judge him rightly.

Jail gives them some free and play around and dont learn anything at all.
Your "being/feeling" sorry for what happened...don't cut it with me...I've heard that quote all my Life....and feel sure other people have too....

What good does "I'm sorry" do for someone who has experience their loved one being murdered?.....Not a dang thing if you ask me.....Why should we, the victims...have to live each day with the memory?...While the murderer is locked up for Life...eating and sleeping...exercising...taking a hot bath....etc., etc.?....Don't patronize me!....

I think you remember me - in past, I personally don't believe in death penalty due to my religious belief, however I believe in victim's families who make decision to execute the murderers.

I support victim's families whatever they want.
Do you notice how cruel and rude your comment to robin is? Plus in my case i dont recall the muders of my brother ever saying sorru, they still laugj about it. And ive worked with many other who vr murder moat dont even care. So should we just be likr. Oo my brother got killed, its fine you forgiven go havr fun in jail while i pay all your expenses.
Jail gives them some free and play around and dont learn anything at all.

Not necessarily. Many jails/prisons have a library and many inmates are allowed to have a certain number of books in their cell.

The only problem is that lions, tigers, bears and other predators do not know it. :lol:

Those carnivores are designed to kill animals for food. They don't, however, kill of their own species. You don't see a lion killing another lion. You don't see a bear killing another bear. They kill their prey which the prey is NOT of their species. It ought to be the same way for humans as they can kill animals for food, clothes, oil, etc, but not their own fellow human being.

Not necessarily. Many jails/prisons have a library and many inmates are allowed to have a certain number of books in their cell.

Those carnivores are designed to kill animals for food. They don't, however, kill of their own species. You don't see a lion killing another lion. You don't see a bear killing another bear. They kill their prey which the prey is NOT of their species. It ought to be the same way for humans as they can kill animals for food, clothes, oil, etc, but not their own fellow human being.

How did you know? you have never been in jail before. some cops let them be whatever they want to be. Such a waste tax.
Im pretty sure ive seen lions kill other lions...and so worrks for someother species....
How did you know? you have never been in jail before. some cops let them be whatever they want to be. Such a waste tax.

State prisons usually have library or education department.

I don't think anyone convicted of capital murder will have access to more services, beside death penalty cell and solitary confinement.
Do you notice how cruel and rude your comment to robin is? Plus in my case i dont recall the muders of my brother ever saying sorru, they still laugj about it. And ive worked with many other who vr murder moat dont even care. So should we just be likr. Oo my brother got killed, its fine you forgiven go havr fun in jail while i pay all your expenses.

I am called to treat all people, even my enemies the same way I'd want them to treat me. Nothing gives me the right to treat anyone in a bad manner.

Two wrongs do not make a right! Keep that in mind!

How did you know? you have never been in jail before. some cops let them be whatever they want to be. Such a waste tax.

I do know because I read articles often of inmates being able to do certain things in jail such as having books to read, writing letters, and so on. It may be a waste of taxpayer money, but we are still called to treat them the same way we'd want them to treat us.

Im pretty sure ive seen lions kill other lions...and so worrks for someother species....

It doesn't work for other species as we human beings are the only ones who kill for no valid reason.
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