Woman set to become 14th to die by execution since 1976

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Like you said...you would have "to see" someone commit murder or rape, molestation, etc., then you (yourself) would feel "justified" to killing that person.....How come?...Other people would or might discount you...saying you killed, not the person who actually committed the murder...you just shot him to cover up your tracks....

We do have DNA...it's wonderful...and I'm sure the Courts do all they can to make sure the person is guilty as charged before passing down any sentencing. They do make mistakes...we all make mistakes...Besides, criminals sit on death row or locked up. while appealing their sentences....for years and years...and their lawyers or advocates do everything they can to prove them innocent...if they are innocent.
Did you realize the true punishment is lifetime prison than execution? The only thing that one gets execution is fear of death and facing them in swift and the suffering don't last that long. When one stuck in jail for life will always think, when will I die? Please hurry up and I wanna get out of this hole NOW. Remember the guy that kidnapped three woman for years in Ohio, he hanged himself. It is because he can't stand living in tiny cell room which is TRULY a punishment. Who wants to be stuck in 5 foot by 7 foot room with lousy, and unclean food for the rest of life?

Other example, Jeffrey Dahmer? He wanted to get execution, but the victim families turned down. He was put in protective housing, Jeff don't want that, he wanted to be in general jail population. I suspect he wanted to go there so he knew one of prisoner will kill him and it did happen.

Another good example, Zacarias Moussaoui. He was expecting Jury to vote execution for him, only one juror decline that, got Zacarias real pissed off, and gone nuts because he thought will get execution but instead, lifetime ticket to ADMAX (Most secured prison, 100% solitary confinement). He was squirming and begged for death penalty. Case closed. I followed his case closely, man! glad he didn't get execution.

It isnt. The death of an innocent is not justified. And no argument will say otherwise. But there is many on death row who are guilty for their crime. And those need to pay too. And i know its a little off topic but life sentence at some point is not a punishment for tye person anymore but a way of life. So then how are they been punished for their crime?
Thats beauty of SYG.

You know, there is a case in small town in Texas where father heard his 9 years old daughter screaming, he ran to her only to find a guy raping her. He beat that scumbag to pulp, didn't realize he killed him right on spot. Sheriff were required to press charge on him, handed to Grand Jury, Grand jury (Thank God!) declined that charge, case closed. That is where I am OK with, because it is between the father and the molester, rather than the people of state against guilty one.

Like you said...you would have "to see" someone commit murder or rape, molestation, etc., then you (yourself) would feel "justified" to killing that person.....How come?...Other people would or might discount you...saying you killed, not the person who actually committed the murder...you just shot him to cover up your tracks....

We do have DNA...it's wonderful...and I'm sure the Courts do all they can to make sure the person is guilty as charged before passing down any sentencing. They do make mistakes...we all make mistakes...Besides, criminals sit on death row or locked up. while appealing their sentences....for years and years...and their lawyers or advocates do everything they can to prove them innocent...if they are innocent.
It is true that there is cases in which some prefer death. Bit there are many more than even enjo life in prision. I have worked with many of those. And some even working inside priaon continue to cause harm toinnocent people outside. How is that a punishment for those who get used to life in prision? It isnt. There is cases like you said that they are more sceard of life in prison, but there is also not innocent people that are more terrified of death.
Lets put this way, everybody here is entitled to their opinion. I am not going to change anyone opinion, and I am here to express myself what I think about execution. I am pretty much at "All or none" on this type of justice (Death penalty). In order to have a true justice system, everything has to be done perfect, or else! One mistake kills the justice integrity where we expect them to be perfect with integrity WITHOUT single eye open upon (Concept where the scale holder is being blindfolded). The point on this one is because of the past flaw found, how can we depend on true integrity of our justices in future?

Based on past history where flaws were found, the innocent were set free, and the guilty one is actually already out there and we don't know who was the guilty and may never bring true justice served, how do we expect every case from then to now and future to be 100% PERFECT?

Other issue here with judicial is, have there been case where sentencing handed down to guilty parties were either insufficient punishment, or excessive and unusual punishment given? So, if there has been case that its true either way, how do we justify the death penalty, with execution when there are chances of punishment as excessive or unusual?
Example, earlier in mid-west where teacher who had sexual misconduct with student (Minor) gets only 30 days in jail.
Yeah, got to agree with that. Sorry if i disrespected you in any way, i wasnt trying tl just also giving my opinion. i do think that our system as flaws, but i still think that the death penalty should be used
But that case of the molester only been 30 days in prison, that is really messed up and i do hope something is done avout ot.
I fully support the death penalty. They don't just get convicted and get to live off my tax dollars with food, a warm bed and tons of free time to get degrees and what not! DNA is incredibly accurate, more so than YOU'RE willing ot admit. No, it's not 110%, but between DNA and other trace evidence, it is much rarer to jail someone innocent than to get the right person. Since we can't all be at the crime scene and give "instant justice" as you put it, we have jurys to listen to evidence and hear BOTH sides of the story. That's also why we have appeals and what not. If one person on that jury doesn't agree, they're not getting death. So, for 12 people to agree that someone is guilty and needs to be put to death having no prior knowledge of the case and not knowing the person... that says a lot. There are cases where there is 110% fact the person did it, ( Rape evidence, finger prints in blood of the victim, evidence left at the scene by this person who has NEVER met the murder victim ect ect ) all added up... Rarely is a case brought to court off of just DNA, seriously. Yeah, they need to go. Again, I don't support giving these people a free pass for the rest of their life. Yes, a free pass. Cable TV, doctors, medicine, the ability to get a college degree, dental care ect ect. Most people outside of prison that bust their humps every day don't have that! When people get a prison sentence, it's not like it was many many years ago.... it's a damn cake walk in comparison to how it used to be! Death penalty, good job Texas... What a disgusting crime! Shame on her! :mad:
I fully support the death penalty. They don't just get convicted and get to live off my tax dollars with food, a warm bed and tons of free time to get degrees and what not! DNA is incredibly accurate, more so than YOU'RE willing ot admit. No, it's not 110%, but between DNA and other trace evidence, it is much rarer to jail someone innocent than to get the right person. Since we can't all be at the crime scene and give "instant justice" as you put it, we have jurys to listen to evidence and hear BOTH sides of the story. That's also why we have appeals and what not. If one person on that jury doesn't agree, they're not getting death. So, for 12 people to agree that someone is guilty and needs to be put to death having no prior knowledge of the case and not knowing the person... that says a lot. There are cases where there is 110% fact the person did it, ( Rape evidence, finger prints in blood of the victim, evidence left at the scene by this person who has NEVER met the murder victim ect ect ) all added up... Rarely is a case brought to court off of just DNA, seriously. Yeah, they need to go. Again, I don't support giving these people a free pass for the rest of their life. Yes, a free pass. Cable TV, doctors, medicine, the ability to get a college degree, dental care ect ect. Most people outside of prison that bust their humps every day don't have that! When people get a prison sentence, it's not like it was many many years ago.... it's a damn cake walk in comparison to how it used to be! Death penalty, good job Texas... What a disgusting crime! Shame on her! :mad:

Florida has best death penalty ever!!! :cool2:
Florida has best death penalty ever!!! :cool2:


I always thought it was funny how everyone thought Texas was the big giver of the death penalty... Floridas motto seems to be, "Kill one of us, we're going to kill you back." :laugh2:

I always thought it was funny how everyone thought Texas was the big giver of the death penalty... Floridas motto seems to be, "Kill one of us, we're going to kill you back." :laugh2:

Execute all violent prisoners and clean up the state prisons.

Just like zombies. :lol:
Execute all violent prisoners and clean up the state prisons.

Just like zombies. :lol:

Nope, I feel no remorse to those who take another life. Being behind bars and living a gang type lifestyle doesn'tcut it anymore. We need a REAL deterrent, say a trip to an island and...


Lets put this way, everybody here is entitled to their opinion. I am not going to change anyone opinion, and I am here to express myself what I think about execution. I am pretty much at "All or none" on this type of justice (Death penalty). In order to have a true justice system, everything has to be done perfect, or else! One mistake kills the justice integrity where we expect them to be perfect with integrity WITHOUT single eye open upon (Concept where the scale holder is being blindfolded). The point on this one is because of the past flaw found, how can we depend on true integrity of our justices in future?

Based on past history where flaws were found, the innocent were set free, and the guilty one is actually already out there and we don't know who was the guilty and may never bring true justice served, how do we expect every case from then to now and future to be 100% PERFECT?

Other issue here with judicial is, have there been case where sentencing handed down to guilty parties were either insufficient punishment, or excessive and unusual punishment given? So, if there has been case that its true either way, how do we justify the death penalty, with execution when there are chances of punishment as excessive or unusual?
Example, earlier in mid-west where teacher who had sexual misconduct with student (Minor) gets only 30 days in jail.

You're asking for a "perfect justice system"?...There will never be one, so dream on....DNA has solved many, many cases and freed many innocent people....DNA has also convicted many guilty people....Our Courts have a tremendous job of proving someone is guilty...beyond a reasonable doubt.

We also have "bad Judges...bad Lawyers...bad witness, bad jurors"...incompetents....again, we are not "perfect".

You cannot take the Law into your own hands and shoot someone because saw them commit a crime, even tho' you might think that would be "perfect justice".

More and more Cold Cases are being solved...DNA is getting better and better...and of course, there will be criminals that have slipped thru the cracks....and people that are convicted, but are truly not guilty.
You missed my point, your right justice will never be perfect, to do execution, justice HAS to be perfect but because there is no way to ensure justice at 100% perfect so therefore execution is not justified at all cost.

In order to shoot somebody as SYG, that person HAS to threaten somebody's life (Clear and present danger), not just because they grabbed your iPhone and run which is not justifiable for shooting them.

You're asking for a "perfect justice system"?...There will never be one, so dream on....DNA has solved many, many cases and freed many innocent people....DNA has also convicted many guilty people....Our Courts have a tremendous job of proving someone is guilty...beyond a reasonable doubt.

We also have "bad Judges...bad Lawyers...bad witness, bad jurors"...incompetents....again, we are not "perfect".

You cannot take the Law into your own hands and shoot someone because saw them commit a crime, even tho' you might think that would be "perfect justice".

More and more Cold Cases are being solved...DNA is getting better and better...and of course, there will be criminals that have slipped thru the cracks....and people that are convicted, but are truly not guilty.
So even of by all odds the person is the right one, murdered someone and the family wishes for their execution, it is nit justice? Im tlaking only of cases where they so kill the right peraon.
It isnt. The death of an innocent is not justified. And no argument will say otherwise. But there is many on death row who are guilty for their crime.

Correct. and there are some who are innocent. i'd rather have a system that lets the guilty go free then murders one innocent man.
You're asking for a "perfect justice system"?...There will never be one, so dream on....

tell that to the innocents that have been murdered by the staste for criems they did NOT commit. what do you call it?

tough luck? ah well?, shit happens? imperfect system, complain to your maker?

DNA has solved many, many cases and freed many innocent people....DNA has also convicted many guilty people...

people that would of been murdered by the state save not for the advance of technology. which is itself imperfect.

We also have "bad Judges...bad Lawyers...bad witness, bad jurors"...incompetents....again, we are not "perfect".

thus is why ritual state murder (and thats what the death penalty is) must be abolished.

More and more Cold Cases are being solved...DNA is getting better and better...and of course, there will be criminals that have slipped thru the cracks....and people that are convicted, but are truly not guilty.

thus is why ritual state murder (and thats what the death penalty is must be abolished!!!!
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