Duggars Family... When Will It End?

She has got WAY more than what she is capable of. The older siblings have to take care of the younger siblings, Michelle just takes care of the very youngest ones - then hands them off to one of the other children to have to raise. That isn't right. This isn't teaching responsibility, this is taking advantage of your older kids to be your free babysitters while you keep popping out more. The older kids are robbed of really being able to enjoy their years in the home and just be kids.

The number of children don't fool me, it's the media blessing that fools others into believing that Michelle does all the work herself - if you think about it, she really can't do it all by herself, it's humanly impossible with 20 kids.

I honestly think that when the older kids go off to college they are rejoicing of their new found freedom. Yes they realize they need to do well in college, but now if they want to go out and hang with friends, they are free to do so. They don't have to stay home and look after little Johnny all night. They aren't competing with 20 other siblings for attention. They get to get out and enjoy new experiences they never got living at home. (remember they were all homeschooled, and they went out maybe once a month for grocery shopping and to weekly church sermons). They don't have to share bedrooms with 4 or 5 other siblings, they have a bit more privacy at college. They get to have some alone or "me" time to just get away from the rattle and buzz of living in such a large family.

I wonder what the APA has to say about children growing up in such large families and what the effect is on their mental being.

Only in your world, you believe that. I don't care too much about modern worlds or fitting in the society. And I don't think they cared too much either. Although a few of them may go off and don't like the way they were raised, but that happen to all family. just about everyone find fault in their family.

Some may go to college, but most don't see the need for it. If they did go, more likely they'll go to a christian private college.

Family is family. My mom used to had put shoes on her sisters (my mom was the second oldest child), and she is glad she did for she loved her sisters and knows she can count on them and they can count on her. She think sisters are the greatest and they were her best friend. Just about all 6 of her sisters and one brother were there for her during her battle of breast cancer, including my grandma. They sat with her during her treatments.

When my mom was younger, she had to go on a date with her sister because her mother made them go together (she didn't trust guys and feared date rape and such)

if they didn't have that many kids, each kids would have been responsible for each other anyway. in my family, we didn't have "partners" like the Duggars. The oldest (who is HOH) had to care for the 3 youngest while my mother cooked and we had chores (my sister had to make sure we did our chores). The Duggars are lucky they have enough older kids to partner with the youngest. you see, some things just balance itself out no matter how big or small the family is.
My son is the only son, and I actually feel sorry for him because I feel he is missing out alot fun and joy of family.
Only in your world, you believe that. I don't care too much about modern worlds or fitting in the society. And I don't think they cared too much either. Although a few of them may go off and don't like the way they were raised, but that happen to all family. just about everyone find fault in their family.

Some may go to college, but most don't see the need for it. If they did go, more likely they'll go to a christian private college.

Family is family. My mom used to had put shoes on her sisters, and she is glad she did for she loved her sisters and knows she can count on them and they can count on her. She think sisters are the greatest and they were her best friend. Just about all 6 of her sisters and one brother were there for her during her battle of breast cancer, including my grandma. They sat with her during her treatments.

When my mom was younger, she had to go on a date with her sister because her mother made them go together (she didn't trust guys and feared date rape and such)

if they didn't have that many kids, each kids would have been responsible for each other anyway. in my family, we didn't have "partners" like the Duggars. The oldest (who is HOH) had to care for the 3 youngest while my mother cooked and we had chores (my sister had to make sure we did our chores). The Duggars are lucky they have enough older kids to partner with the youngest. you see, some things just balance itself out no matter how big or small the family is.

Its not about "balance" the fact is that these kids grow up in a very large family, their siblings are their friends, they have very little social interaction outside the family, and mom and dad heavily control that social interaction.

I can understand if mom and dad made two sisters go together on a date with a boy they are unfamiliar with - and have to go together until the parents get to know the boy fairly well.

But the Duggars are overboard here. A private Christian college means squat. Students there are all rich kids and they still do all the same college shit that other kids do at public universities. You consider the Duggars "lucky" to have enough older siblings to partner with younger siblings. My friend, once again this is akin to free 24 hour babysitter while mom and dad shack up again for mom to pop out another one.

One other thing I thought about. Maybe Michelle's OBGYN is greedy, he sees each pregnancy as more money for himself from a reliable source. No OBGYN in their right mind would OK for one woman to have so many pregnancies. Most OBs like for you to stop at 5 at least. Michelle is going to be in a nursing home by the time her youngest one goes off to college. Right now they've got siblings old enough to be their parents, they're going to have nieces and nephews older than them, and have aunts and uncles younger than them. It's going to be :dizzy:

Also I honestly think there's something missing from Michelle's thought process. This many pregnancies is setting her up for extreme medical complications later in life.
whatever. Mom and Dad control social interaction even if they have one child so why you are you blaming large family over this? And I highly doubt they avoid outside social interaction. missionary requires a lot of outside social interaction. But if you are talking about being friends with people outside of people who are different from them (btw, their cousin is very different from them), then can you hang out with people who criticize deaf people all the time? Then I don't think they can hang out with people who criticize them either. They may now and then but more likely they'll say "enough".
One other thing I thought about. Maybe Michelle's OBGYN is greedy, he sees each pregnancy as more money for himself from a reliable source. No OBGYN in their right mind would OK for one woman to have so many pregnancies. Most OBs like for you to stop at 5 at least.
Really? I didn't know OBGYN could prevent people from getting pregnant. If someone is pregnant, you gotta deal with it, especially if you live in a small area and you are the only one they have.

Actually, the OBGYN she goes to is Catholic.

When mom was having her 5th child,she didn't go to any of OBGYN. I wonder that's the very reason why she didn't go to one -- that her regular Ob-gyn turned her down. But whatever, she was in her late 30's and should have taken care of her pregnancy more. I'll be furious if an OB-gyn refuse to see me because the number of children I have. I'm -RH and he could put my child in danger or disabled for life.
updates from people magazines

Fans Flood Duggars with Messages of Support
Fans Flood Duggars with Messages of Support - Babies : People.com

The arrival of Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar's 19th baby hasn't been easy – and the future is still not certain for preemie Josie Brooklyn, born three months early on Dec. 10 and weighing only 1 lb., 6 oz.

But one thing that is certain for the couple from Arkansas: the full-throated support of their fans.

"My daughter Erin was born prematurely at 25 weeks, weighing 1 lb., 12 oz. She is 23 years old now with a child of her own," Lynne from Virginia writes to the Duggars on the TLC Web site. "You have some very rough days and weeks ahead of you, but with God's help, Josie CAN make it and be a happy, healthy baby. I wish you all the best!"

"Dear Duggars: Fear Not!" writes Candace. "My second grandson was born at 26 weeks, weighed 1l lb., 11 oz. and was 11 inches long. He is now a healthy, happy and normal three year old. You are on a journey that will test your faith, but fear not! Trust God first, the doctors and medical staff second. Josie will be home with you sooner than you think!"

According to TLC, Michelle and baby Josie Brooklyn remain in stable condition. "Michelle is resting comfortably and baby is stable and in the NICU for extended care," TLC says. "The most important thing right now is for Mom and baby Josie to get as much rest as possible. The family is grateful for all the prayers and well wishes during their recovery."

Not all the supporters of the Duggars are parents of preemies – some were preemies themselves.

"I was born a preemie! I weighed 2 lbs., 5 oz. and I was 10 inches long! I did have a few health complications, but now I am 5' 10" and I play four sports (track, soccer, volleyball, and basketball)!" Amy writes in. "I am praying that it all works out for you all! Best Wishes!"
whatever. Mom and Dad control social interaction even if they have one child so why you are you blaming large family over this? And I highly doubt they avoid outside social interaction. missionary requires a lot of outside social interaction. But if you are talking about being friends with people outside of people who are different from them (btw, their cousin is very different from them), then can you hang out with people who criticize deaf people all the time? Then I don't think they can hang out with people who criticize them either. They may now and then but more likely they'll say "enough".

But I am talking to the point that they don't get a chance to see people outside their family brood. As for missionary work, I seriously doubt the kids are directly involved in missionary work, plus missionary work means you PAY to work for someone else for the benefit of a non-profit organization. The Duggars have to spend their money on the kids, the bills, and a trip to the Bahamas for themselves. :rolll: Come on now.

I don't criticize them for being different, I'm just saying that Michelle is doing irreparable damage to herself for having so many children, and possibly putting unborn children as risk. Do you realize that the AMA (American Medical Association) classifies childbirth as a major operation due to the trauma involved? (not scary trauma, medical trauma that is. DoughohRN can probably explain better). This is like having 20 major operations within the last 25 years! :eek: This cannot be good for the body at all.
Really? I didn't know OBGYN could prevent people from getting pregnant. If someone is pregnant, you gotta deal with it, especially if you live in a small area and you are the only one they have.

Actually, the OBGYN she goes to is Catholic.

When mom was having her 5th child,she didn't go to any of OBGYN. I wonder that's the very reason why she didn't go to one -- that her regular Ob-gyn turned her down. But whatever, she was in her late 30's and should have taken care of her pregnancy more. I'll be furious if an OB-gyn refuse to see me because the number of children I have. I'm -RH and he could put my child in danger or disabled for life.
I didn't mean force the mother to have an abortion, your reading things that aren't there. A sensible OBGYN would look at the medical history and childbirth history of that mother and recommend her to not have any more children for health reasons. Often if a mother has complications during pregnancy and childbirth that put her and her unborn child at high risk, an OBGYN will flat out say that it would be foolish to become pregnant again. A Catholic OBGYN has nothing to do with it.

You have to balance your own feelings with that of a medical expert.
ummm,dixie and Lighthouse77

mostly mothers would chose wanted more children whether how many wanted god chose limited like Duggars..

im sure Duggars families is totally lots of children and manages pay bills,shopping,trips,etc and more expecting every years but i respect Duggars what wanted till Michelle wanted stop pregnant or more its her decision..But im sure Duggars always pray on bibles all the times follow god's trust and never sins always obey gods but Jim Bob and Michelle been married strong and no failure..
That is true! They are following God's will. If they do sin and ask God's forgive them from the sin. Some parents are not luck because it's divorce and lose the children in custody. I don't believe in divorce. Because it's no faith. Duggars are strong faithful. The people are jealous of them and want to criticize on them.
I didn't mean force the mother to have an abortion, your reading things that aren't there. A sensible OBGYN would look at the medical history and childbirth history of that mother and recommend her to not have any more children for health reasons. Often if a mother has complications during pregnancy and childbirth that put her and her unborn child at high risk, an OBGYN will flat out say that it would be foolish to become pregnant again. A Catholic OBGYN has nothing to do with it.

You have to balance your own feelings with that of a medical expert.

I think they told her enough. It's not like she doesn't know the risk. In fact she talked about it all the time on TV. I thought you know that she knows the risks so that's why I think you are saying an OB/Gyn should refuse her.
My therapist says that she deals with the wreckage of adults who didn't have their childhood needs met. It's hard to meet all of a child's needs, including emotional needs. I don't see how anyone could meet the needs of so many children. There are only so many hours in a day and a person only has so much energy. Large families in which the children are so close in age make it harder to meet the children's needs. A large family in which children are spaced out may work. A child every year or two is more than anyone can handle.

As I pointed out before, my biggest problem with the Duggar family is their refusal to offer the girls post secondary education or training. The girls are doomed to become broad mares. That's not something that I can support.
They have music training. there are alot of people who make money off of art and music. They don't need post secondary education (and do we really need that? I never did, I was trained on the job majority of the time)
Yeah, but 3-7 kids is the norm.

The Duggars are twice or triple that.

Actually, less than 2 is the norm these days. In the ol' days, it was pretty normal for families to have anywhere from 5 to 15 children. My grandmother's side had 17 and my great-grandmother had 23.
Actually, less than 2 is the norm these days. In the ol' days, it was pretty normal for families to have anywhere from 5 to 15 children. My grandmother's side had 17 and my great-grandmother had 23.

I was replying to the Amish thing.

Catholic. What can you do about it? Heh.

The joke about the reason why the French had so many children is that it was a revenge against the English colonial administration. I think it was even quoted by a Quebecois scholar about that... forgot what it was.