Obama supporters?

I totally agree. As I live in England I won't be voting at all but I'm desperately hoping that Obama does NOT get in and bring British abortion policies to the US killing so many living feeling babies in the process.

USA has NOTHING to interfere with your country, abortion isn't an big concern for not vote Obama, that's very dumber move to do like that.

You aren't US citizen then you are out of vote.
I totally agree. As I live in England I won't be voting at all but I'm desperately hoping that Obama does NOT get in and bring British abortion policies to the US killing so many living feeling babies in the process.

Abortion is already legal in the U.S. and Britain's laws are no more liberal than those of the U.S. when it comes to this topic. You are a very confused person when it comes to the reality of the laws.
Plus, that would be like me saying that I don't want Gordon Brown as PM of the UK because we might end up having to drink tea and eat crumpets all the time.
Abortion is already legal in the U.S. and Britain's laws are no more liberal than those of the U.S. when it comes to this topic. You are a very confused person when it comes to the reality of the laws.

Yup, exactly, abortion isn't legal on request in UK, such as simple reason or no reason, unlike in USA, abortion is fully legal on request if women has no reason or simple reason for early term, usually up to 3 month, later than 3 month are rape, life threaten or any health issue that related to pregnant are allowed.

Abortion law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plus, that would be like me saying that I don't want Gordon Brown as PM of the UK because we might end up having to drink tea and eat crumpets all the time.


I'm tea and crumpets lover... :D
I totally agree. As I live in England I won't be voting at all but I'm desperately hoping that Obama does NOT get in and bring British abortion policies to the US killing so many living feeling babies in the process.

Huh? Obama or McCain cannot control/change our law and dicate us how follow US system... but WAR ISSUES is my biggest concern... I fear if McCan wins at election.
Ron paul was first choice, Obama second. Here's hoping he's not such a pushover as much as Jimmy Carter was.
Ron paul was first choice, Obama second. Here's hoping he's not such a pushover as much as Jimmy Carter was.

Dont worry Barack aint gonna be the pushover once he gets in office. He has his shit wired tighter than a fly's ass.
Why would anyone vote for someone who actively votes against human rights though. I can't understant this at all. Read this interview Please. I really really hope that this man doesn't get in as obviously doesn't care about honesty or human rights.

FOXNews.com - Former Nurse on Obama's Controversial Abortion Vote - Sean Hannity | Alan Colmes | Hannity & Colmes

You are confused. He has supported human rights unequivocably, in his support of women's rights. The last time I checked, women were considered to be human.
You are confused. He has supported human rights unequivocably, in his support of women's rights. The last time I checked, women were considered to be human.

Yup, I'm ain't surprise about her, all whine from UK. :rofl:
You are confused. He has supported human rights unequivocably, in his support of women's rights. The last time I checked, women were considered to be human.

Yes, I'm sure women are human. Which is why they shouldn't have to live with the guilt of having murdered their baby. Particularly if their family pushed them into it. Lots of Pro life people are female.

What I want to know is where you stand about living human babies. One's who had an abortion because they were differant or even because they are female. Why should anyone be alowed to leave them in a room to die painfully for 45 minutes. Why support that.

So caring about the rights of others is 'whining' now is it. Just wait and see how you feel when you are elderly and your family are trying to presurize you into killing yourself so they can inherit your money. You will be glad about someone 'whining' to preserve your right of life when that happens I assure you.
Yes, I'm sure women are human. Which is why they shouldn't have to live with the guilt of having murdered their baby. Particularly if their family pushed them into it. Lots of Pro life people are female.

What I want to know is where you stand about living human babies. One's who had an abortion because they were differant or even because they are female. Why should anyone be alowed to leave them in a room to die painfully for 45 minutes. Why support that.

So caring about the rights of others is 'whining' now is it. Just wait and see how you feel when you are elderly and your family are trying to presurize you into killing yourself so they can inherit your money. You will be glad about someone 'whining' to preserve your right of life when that happens I assure you.

Didn't stop my ex-wife from murdering our daughter when she was was 7 years old.

Your point?