What were your best and / or worst memories in your high school??


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Apr 4, 2008
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What were your best and / or worst memories in your high school??

I graduated from Merino High School in Colorado (20 minutes west of Sterling)

My best memories in my high school was won three state championships in volleyball (1990, 1991, and 1993). My worst memory was playing basketball for this coach which I didn't like her at all!! She was not crazy about having interpreter at the practice everyday! but I MUST to have interpreter there because the coach won't sign at all.
Best: hmmm wen junior year my best friend from 6th grade had moved back to my school and he looked so handsome!
Worst: he wouldnt even talk to me..nor ever did :(
Best: Grade 9 school camp fro a week in the sunny state and ABW *Australian Business Week*
Worst: Getting in trouble all the time
Believe it or not, we had a priest who would buy me and my friends beer and party with us. We would even get drunk at weekend retreats. :shock:

So many great memories even though it was a Catholic high school :giggle:
I have the worse memories in high school than best memories.

Best: I joined to Track Field team. Our team got champion at CSSD and other deaf schools. I slept over at my friends for weekend.
I got a good grade at arts class. My teacher wanted to keep my artworks forever.

Worst: I have many worst. Umm My dad died when I was 15. I started to depress, sick a lot and hit a mono, sinus infection and stress out. The one boy beat me up and trouble at school and skipped school. I never have a prom date. I haven't go to Senior Trip because I got suspend for 3 days for fight with teen girl. I don't have a great memories during senior years. I was sick a lot. I found it out that I has usher syndrome at age 15. I suppose to take a Education driver and my old unfriendly doctor recommended me not to drive.
Best: sports through 4 years of Varsity (expect one- JV football during freshman year) As myself, im athlete and devote of my love to sports. Parties, Prom, and spend all the times to hang out with my friends before we spread out to reality. smartmouth with teachers all the time. sent to principal offices is my favorite thing to bully up with principal to know that i have reasons. LOL!

worse: busted me by smoke pot on the campus which i cant go to 4 events of parties. relationships. suspended. injuries at sports (worst is ACL!). umm.. what else?
Best: I had a lot of best momeries of 2000 when I was 8th grader. :D

Worse: Being bullied and picked on all the time because I was just a different... :(
Best: graduation
Worst: I picked battles with everyone, even teachers and assistant principal who wanted to kick my ass out :giggle:
Best: q of c, p of h, capt. sport team, m.v.p. honor rolls 4y

Worst: dorm showers, cafeteria, no hmwk ctr, no tutors, deaf teachers, suicide
my worst one was when I was freshman, there were a senior bullying me for 2 wks.
Best: Improving my education at deaf school. Never in trouble maker. Most people called me as "good boy" but I am very clever person without catch me.

World most worst: I went to deaf school from lousy oral school. I had no experience in sign language/fingerspelling. One guy taught me fingerspelling "Nigg*r". I do not know what is that word. Told me to ask name person (Most meanest & black person). I showed him my fingerspelling "Nigg*r". He got angry and beat me up but I kicked his balls.

Other day, I asked staff. Staff explained me that word. I learned that word is not nice to insult to black person.
best: 1998 was the best year of my life missed going to prom with friends.. ah . and had blast time while I was in csd.. ;) I never forgot every wednesday to go town..and when I became a senior for 1998-99 I finally can go out every day after school that was fun cuz I had work off campus... :D wonderful memories..

worst: I wud say playing a prank on one friend of mine but I find that funny cuz I almost got suspended but that was dropped :giggle: 2nd of all.. losing friends that I used to be friends in h.s oh well.. shyt happens.
best: 1998 was the best year of my life missed going to prom with friends.. ah . and had blast time while I was in csd.. ;) I never forgot every wednesday to go town..and when I became a senior for 1998-99 I finally can go out every day after school that was fun cuz I had work off campus... :D wonderful memories..

worst: I wud say playing a prank on one friend of mine but I find that funny cuz I almost got suspended but that was dropped :giggle: 2nd of all.. losing friends that I used to be friends in h.s oh well.. shyt happens.

*ahem* CSD- Fremont, correct? Alumni of 2006, or wrong me?
What were your best and / or worst memories in your high school??

I graduated from Merino High School in Colorado (20 minutes west of Sterling)

My best memories in my high school was won three state championships in volleyball (1990, 1991, and 1993). My worst memory was playing basketball for this coach which I didn't like her at all!! She was not crazy about having interpreter at the practice everyday! but I MUST to have interpreter there because the coach won't sign at all.

Let me put it this way, Blackpaws . . . I graduated in 1982 and have yet to attend a high school reunion. What does that tell you?
best memory: under hottest female teacher and taught me for two years in her english classes. [laughs]

worst memory: Principal blows me up that i get blame, then suspend, turn out i was innocent. stupid.
Well, the best thing is high school graduation and having fun at high school graduation party that lasted all night :D it was a lot fun!

The worst was middle school the 6th grade teacher failing anyone who gets into trouble :roll:
High School was a lot better than middle school...

Best memory..my mom giving me her car when she bought a new car herself ..I felt so "cool" to be a car owner at 17 years old.

Worst memory...getting dumped by my ex boyfriend for one of my good friends and she starts dating him immediately after the break-up. I was very crushed when he dumped me and for her to get on with him and forget about our friendship was even worse. We never regained our friendship ever again. As I type this, I am feeling sad cuz we grew up so close and she was such a sweetheart. Oh well..it was 20 years ago anyway. Heard that they remained together for 6 years before breaking up.