Social worker is after me…

Both of my kids qualify for CI on one side but they do fine with there HA’s and there hearing level is stable so at this point I don’t see a need.
Oh that's good. Especially since the only real benifit is being able to function in noisy situtions and localizing sound. While that's a nice benifit, it isn't VITAL.
Are you guys in touch with your state's School for the Deaf? Although the girls aren't students there, they might be able to help you with advocacy and things like that.
Im Glad this is progressing well for you.

If you don't me asking what newspaper will it be in, and are they online?

Do keep us posted.
I had social services show up at my farm on Friday. She was there to talk to me about my 9 year old. We think it was a teacher that called them. She dose not like to wear her HA’s at all but will use her right one for school and sometimes when we go out. She caries one HA with her when she walks out of the house in case she needs it.

The social worker thinks we should wear our HA’s all day. She asked why we did not get CI for her yet. She wants us to get CI’s on both sides of her by July. I put in my HA because I had a phone call and took it right back out it sent her over the edge. She found out I had a second kid that had HA’s and saw her with out them and all most had a heart attack.

I could tell she knows nothing about deaf people and the technology there is for us. She did not even talk to our doctors to find out anything about our conditions. I really want to go to town and talk to her supervisor but I know I would say something and make it worse. She did make a few threats if we do not meet a few of her requests.

Both of my kids are pissed because I sent them to school with both of there HA’s in even though they both gave me a set of batteries.

What would you do?
Is being deaf that bad that I need to push my kids to wear both of there HA’s all day?
Both of my deaf kids can get CI’s but should I push them to get them if they do not want the surgery and they can live a normal life with just wearing HA’s?

That social worker should mind her own business and fuck off. Get a lawyer, better yet a deaf lawyer or one that specializes in deaf cases, and have the lawyer call them and have the social worker get off your ass for you.
This person is a supervisor and doesn't even know where to locate a terp? Unbelievable!!! Tell them for me they are in dire need of multiculutral training and are violating the ethical principle of autonomy, not to mention a couple others. The ethics board would be very interested in this kind of action.

I'm guessing the supervisor also doesn't know that the Yellow Pages exist. One can look up interpreting services in the Yellow pages or even on Google, I'm sure. :roll:
Someone is going to get into a lot of trouble... Good on you for what you are doing! :)
I will post a link to the article if it makes it into the paper. We did an interview this morning with them. They will be out after school is out to ask more questions and stuff. They were mostly after information on being deaf, there lifestyle, there technology, and stuff like that. I’m sure it helped them when it comes down to better research now that they have more of an idea. I did leave them a bunch of rescores and some numbers of people to call and talk to.

You might say that but I will only push this till I’m satisfied that the people with wrong doing get what they have coming to them. So far the teacher and the social worker are the only ones at fault. I can not be but so pissed at the school board or social services because a few people went out and did what they wanted to.

The teacher is on unpaid leave pending the outcome of there investigation. The social worker has been fired and I have charged her for criminal trespassing and slander.

I know this is a sue happy world but it only looks like 2 people did this not the school board or SS. As long as the school board and SS dose there investigations fairly then how far can I push this before I become part of the problem. I would love to get this story out to the public but only if it is told with some explanation to the deaf lifestyle.

I do not want to become an outcast where I live. I don’t want to have to send my kids to private schools and home schooling is possible but do not want to go there.
wow, you must have been so busy all week. Hope next week things are going to look up for you and your family!
I will post a link to the article if it makes it into the paper. We did an interview this morning with them. They will be out after school is out to ask more questions and stuff. They were mostly after information on being deaf, there lifestyle, there technology, and stuff like that. I’m sure it helped them when it comes down to better research now that they have more of an idea. I did leave them a bunch of rescores and some numbers of people to call and talk to.

You might say that but I will only push this till I’m satisfied that the people with wrong doing get what they have coming to them. So far the teacher and the social worker are the only ones at fault. I can not be but so pissed at the school board or social services because a few people went out and did what they wanted to.

The teacher is on unpaid leave pending the outcome of there investigation. The social worker has been fired and I have charged her for criminal trespassing and slander.

I know this is a sue happy world but it only looks like 2 people did this not the school board or SS. As long as the school board and SS dose there investigations fairly then how far can I push this before I become part of the problem. I would love to get this story out to the public but only if it is told with some explanation to the deaf lifestyle.

I do not want to become an outcast where I live. I don’t want to have to send my kids to private schools and home schooling is possible but do not want to go there.

wwwwwwhhhhhhooooooooaaaaa!!!! they surely picked the WRONG person to mess with. outstanding! :mad2:
I will post a link to the article if it makes it into the paper. We did an interview this morning with them. They will be out after school is out to ask more questions and stuff. They were mostly after information on being deaf, there lifestyle, there technology, and stuff like that. I’m sure it helped them when it comes down to better research now that they have more of an idea. I did leave them a bunch of rescores and some numbers of people to call and talk to.

You might say that but I will only push this till I’m satisfied that the people with wrong doing get what they have coming to them. So far the teacher and the social worker are the only ones at fault. I can not be but so pissed at the school board or social services because a few people went out and did what they wanted to.

The teacher is on unpaid leave pending the outcome of there investigation. The social worker has been fired and I have charged her for criminal trespassing and slander.

I know this is a sue happy world but it only looks like 2 people did this not the school board or SS. As long as the school board and SS dose there investigations fairly then how far can I push this before I become part of the problem. I would love to get this story out to the public but only if it is told with some explanation to the deaf lifestyle.

I do not want to become an outcast where I live. I don’t want to have to send my kids to private schools and home schooling is possible but do not want to go there.

Wow.. Awesome! :thumb:

:topic:>>> Cattlefarmer.. How many you have own cattle? also what's breed? :D
I hope this is not a sign for things to come...that people like this social worker would try to make it a law for all deaf children to get a CI. This is frightening that this can happen and put families at risk for being separated only because these people have sick audist views of deafness.

I am glad u are getting everything worked out.

It was mentioned earlier in the thread that she was still under probation. I'm curious...was she under probation with the licensure board for earlier infractions or violations, or was she a student doing her internship under supervision at the school?
The social worker that was under probation was because she was new to that office. They did not reveal any other info.
It was mentioned earlier in the thread that she was still under probation. I'm curious...was she under probation with the licensure board for earlier infractions or violations, or was she a student doing her internship under supervision at the school?

welcome back jillio. did you have a nice vacation?
The social worker that was under probation was because she was new to that office. They did not reveal any other info. her license wasn't under probation, just her employment with that school system.