Decline of sign language

Deafness is often official disabled because there's alot of discriminate, unfair with education and need more treat, IEP is help deaf people to improving their education.

Not really. Deafness is considered official disability because of loss of hearing.
Help with education, relay services etc is provided to make disabled peoples life easier and more independent. Exactly to enable them to lead as normal life as possible.

As for discrimination, unfortunately yes it does happen to ANY kind of disability.

But that is NOT why disability is called disability. It is called so because of some health problems or injuries or basically anything related to our body.

TrippLA said:
Deafness is often official disabled because there's alot of discriminate, unfair with education and need more treat.... being black or hispanic?
Stop the merry-go-round and lets discuss this properly ! Disablement occurs when you LOSE it, that is the clear defintiton of disability, as seen by those who lose it, medical people who support that, are respecting a grass-root viewpoint. If you've never had useful hearing then that debate isn't relevant to you, you are of a different sector entirely, albeit there ARE some born-deaf who see deafness AS a disablement too. CI's are NOTHING to do with (A) Audists (Because they don't exist as a group, and may be only relative to personal opinion, and nobody had any idea what an audist was until recently, it's just another buzz-term from deaf activism, who gave us all the notorious 'D'), or (B) The medical profession, who only offer ADVICE (It is up to parents and adults to decide on that advice).

Do activists attack electronics experts for developing CI's/BAHA's/hearing aids ? why attack those who suggest wearing them !

There is NO concerted campaign to destroy deaf culture (That's paranoia), there is an increase in research into alleviations and assisitive aids, and alternative means of empowering communication, this, is CHOICE, again it is down to individuals to opt for this choice. The more options open to deaf people, the more options they will take. No-one forces an adult at any stage in the USA as your law stands. Although Weiner's suggestion the 'other deaf' (The oralists/lip-readers etc), should now be recognised and made more welcome to the deaf cultural world, as fellow deaf people, has come too late, they don't need them. Playing the unity card has never worked !

Gallaudet is voting at present for a new Dean, Weiner has suggested it is about time the big 'D' was got rid of, and the argy-bargy and arguments amongst deaf is self-defeating and divisive, the pendulum is swinging against the martyrdom of deafness it seems. The world has moved on a pace, it is now not neccessary to suggest everyone has it in for the Deaf to get things, if it ever WAS true.
Function: adjective
: incapacitated by illness, injury, or wounds; broadly : physically or mentally impaired

Function: adjective
: being in a less than perfect or whole condition: as a : handicapped or functionally defective -- often used in combination <hearing-impaired> b : intoxicated by alcohol or narcotics <driving while impaired>
rockdrummer said:
Function: adjective
: incapacitated by illness, injury, or wounds; broadly : physically or mentally impaired

Function: adjective
: being in a less than perfect or whole condition: as a : handicapped or functionally defective -- often used in combination <hearing-impaired> b : intoxicated by alcohol or narcotics <driving while impaired>

Er...I'm thinking any thread with any controversy at all that we need to define each and every term before we get embroiled in an argumentive slugfest. Half the problem is understanding the terms... :whistle:
Deaf activism doesn't use logic or reason, they are frightened, and reacting to a percieved 'threat' to their culture, one decibel gain anywhere and sign seems to suffer doesn't it ? Given that stance, they will declare any disablement view is foisted on them by mainstream, and/or other deaf people who use different means to them have been 'brainwashed' ! most have long since agreed to ignore this viewpoint, and carry on using free choice, which is bad news really for culture, people are being put off by the constant fears expressed, and viewing it perhaps as illogical fear or even worse paranoia. If others assume it is a drive to make deaf culture 'exclusive' then the deaf in that situation will always be isolated, but they cannot expect other deaf will want to go along those lines. Sign-wise, more NON-Cultural people use it, where, is the puzzle ! as support is still poor. In the UK, sign is seen as an 'easy course' at Universities and elsewhere to gain extra marks, but afterwards they drop it. They take the easy stages, then stop going any further. This is huge waste of sign awareness, since it is not contibuting to future support workers.
Er...I didn't say what the other half of the problem was...did I? ;)

I think you said it pretty well...

Oh, I heartily attest of the lack of logic or reason (of many posts) in these types of threads. Sometimes, it has me wondering which way is up.
Deaf people are isolated first and foremost, if you put all your social/communication eggs in one basket, you are going to be very careful you don't drop it, or someone tries to sell you something else instead aren't you ? so fear is driving a lot of it. I think they have to realise there is more to be gained by making more determined effort to integrate if they can, and there is no real future in building a wall around yourself, hearing isn't fazed at all, they, have NOTHING to lose by not bothering, deaf have everything to lose. A cell is still a cell, even if the bars aren't visible... To parody an 007 film title "The Deaf world is not enough".
I'm not deaf, I just have selective hearing. :) *inserts some harmless humor*
I think some people are too caught up in "nouns" for labels. What's wrong with using verbs? :)

I'm a little disappointed to see some bite in this discussion regarding the old argument of Deaf Culture / disability / sign language / CI, etc etc.

We are human beings, and that comes first before anything else. Respect should come second for any difference.. and that includes a difference in opinions or ideas of how things "should" be done or labeled.

There are bigger fish to fry in this world, methinks, than to put each other down for having different ideas or philosophy in reality. Some people ain't gonna change validity of belief just because you say so or put them down for it... or even.. *gasp* throw a generalism around ("Deaf people are isolated first and foremost...").

Decline of sign language correlated to the rise of CI implantation? Is that the topic in this thread? I have never lived my life by statistics, and I won't start now. They are never static. Not fixed. Doesn't stay the same, IMO. Nope. The only thing constant is change. Have you heard of that?

What I want to do is to introduce another line of food for thoughts regarding this topic: What CAN we do to contribute to a positive direction regarding communication with all the differences.. eh, diversity.. in mind?

I contribute to a positive direction in communication by making allowances for people's lack of ability to communicate with me in my primary SL whenever it is necessary. Some people aren't so willing to adjust to the situation.. so I have to make allowances for this. It can be a matter of timing (imagine a long bus line, and I can write my destination in advance and just flash it to the bus driver). I almost always bring a pen 'n paper with me in my purse (have encountered a few hearing people in service who refused to grab a pad 'n pen even tho they had on their desks). I have an old PDA typewriter for those who find typing easier than writing for medical reasons. I write in either english or in norwegian. Not all Norwegians understand written english, so I switch to norwegian. My deaf norwegian friends don't know ASL, so I switch to NSL. I will sign slowly and try to use simple signs for those who are just learning either SL. You get the idea.

Moral of this post? No one size fits all. Let's appreciate that kind of fluidity. :)

This has been my opinion. Enjoy! :D
Cloggy said: being black or hispanic?

excuse me, blacks got more discriminated than hispanic does. USA has civil rights that protect against discriminate on race, sex, religion and etc, ADA is just protect against discriminate on deaf, hard of hearing, blind, mental issue, autism, physcial issue, paralyzed and etc. It's like same to be more protect than before.
rockdrummer, are you here? are you deaf?

Cloggy, what's reaction? :dunno:
Cloggy said:

It's don't matter if you said reaction about me but you are just jealous about USA and my life. I just insulted you because you are doing stupid here and nothing to be cooperation with us. also, you just hurt one forumer that had 3M in her head that cannot got out and you have no respect with her. You are much focus with your daugther that she had CI with better life. You did insulted and disrespect about my personal, that why.
sr171soars said:
Er...I'm thinking any thread with any controversy at all that we need to define each and every term before we get embroiled in an argumentive slugfest. Half the problem is understanding the terms... :whistle:
I totally agree and that is in part why I did that. Too many times people use words out of context or have the wrong definition. When in doubt, I always educate myself by consulting with the dictionary. I am really not a smart man and have to use dictionary, spell checker and grammer checkers quite a bit.
Too many times people use words out of context or have the wrong definition.

Sadly, too often this is the problem.

Also, many times the intention, the moral of some else's post it misunderstood.

TrippLA- why would Cloggy be jealous of life in USA? and of you?
Europeans especially West Europeans are very happy and proud form being there. Some things are better there.

Italian women, for example, have long fully paid maternity leave and guaranteed return to work. Medicare and medicines are free in some countries in Europe (meaning paid by taxes and givernmnt)
Schools are better there.

Cloggy is not doing stupid here. He is articulate, he has good arguments, he is quite well informed, and logical.

He plans to introduce his implanted daughter in deaf culture, teach her sign language DESPITE some ugly comments from anti-CI activists.
Hi did not disrespected anybody until he was pushed too far. He might have disrespected you but YOU disrespected HIM too!

I see - as usuall you have NOTHIG SMART to say.
FYI this is PUBLIC forum I can say whatever I want to say to WHOMEVER I want to- as long as it polite.

And I am warning you- if you say ONCE more SHUT UP or other rudiness I will REPORT you to the moderators and ask to ban you from AD for RUDE BEHAVIOUR.

Audiofuzzy said:
As for discrimination, unfortunately yes it does happen to ANY kind of disability.

Is that so? I didn't know black people were disability and they do get discriminated.
Audiofuzzy said:
I see - as usuall you have NOTHIG SMART to say.
FYI this is PUBLIC forum I can say whatever I want to say to WHOMEVER I want to- as long as it polite.

And I am warning you- if you say ONCE more SHUT UP or other rudiness I will REPORT you to the moderators and ask to ban you from AD for RUDE BEHAVIOUR.


Again, leave me alone and shut up.