Anybody here like Keith Wann?

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You are wasting my time Gnu, but I am going to try and explain it one more time the facts in this thread because for SM I lost hope.

I merely pointed out there are some people who can not enjoy Wann's video because it lacks CC for those who can't sign FOR WHATEVER reason, and who can't hear FOR WHATEVER REASON. It was still pertaining to the video. Your remark that followed, though, not anymore.

One would think any people with disabilities would look out for other people with disabilities, but obviously it not only isn't so -lack of some ability like here not being ASL it is used as a weapon against and to put down everybody who is not like YOU (and I don't mean you personally Gnu but you and SM and the likes of you).

While denying me me rights to understanding time Sweetmind at the same is whining eternally how abused she was by being "forced" to be oral and denied ASL. She needed CC and needed ASL and yet she is denying ME my right to CC by telling me "learn to sign, dork!, if you want to understand us!"
In her little mind she does not see the irony of it- opressing me the same way she was opressed by hear hearing peers.

Then YOU and only YOU brought us the subject of being oral and ASL tho this thread:
That's what you get for being an oralist.

Seriously, this is one reason I promote ASL.

Captions/subtitles would just ruin it for me. So does having the sound on when watching these.... I like the ASL without the sound.

Forgetting btw that I am not at all typical oralist for I promote being BOTH as I've explained in some other thread replying to Deafdyke.

Then what followed, SM berated me as usuall without any sense, direction or logic.
She berated me for not knowing ASL, ridiculed my hearing problem, my HAs and how I hear thru them, and more.
She just got it stuck in her limited mind that I am audist and oralist, (even if I am not, and explained it to her personally repeated times that I AM NOT), she treats me that way to this very moment. She does not respond to reason or logic, period. She is disrespecting me by doing that, too.

Last but not least someting I should have wrote right away.

Isn't it, ironically THE translation for the hearing people so they can too enjoy it?
how interesting or 328 or whatever it is SM like to use in place of the word.

So, the voice over is NOT spoiling the precious effect of the "images of ASL"?
"the true language of plays"?
Isn't the voice ENGLISH, in fact?
I may not hear that well, true, but I do hear the voice, even recognized a few single words and definitely by the sound of, the up and downs of the voice I can sure tell it is .. a direct translation of Wann's ASL !!! yeah!! hot damn!

now, just read the baloney she wrote here:

Closed caption doesnt work with ASL movies...because Closed caption is English. Its ruins the image of ASL. It ruins the true language of plays in video. There is a difference between English and ASL. Heearing people CODA know the difference.

hmm interesting, 328, (whatever) because I wondered how the voice in the video is NOT spoling it, but the exact CC of the voice would.

Do you see absurdity of Sweetmind's statement?... If not, then nothing's gonna help you.

There is all sort of people with hearing disabilites out there and we all are ENTITLED to our ways of communication. SM is way of out line demanding that people like me are to learn ASL in order to understand what is being said in ASL.

Sorry but is PERSONAL choice, not to be decided/ordered by her or anybody. If I need CC I have right to have it.

With any language one can do the closed caption.
So when a video is required to have ASL next to it, or closed caption, then it's just as reasonable to have CC with an ASL video.

But I guess it works only 1-way. The video was ASL, so ONLY for people that know ASL. For those that can hear, well, they are lucky because the sound is there anyway. The attitude is like "for those who don't know ASL... Tough Luck!!...". And that's wrong.

If Deaf people want CC for "hearing programs" than they should have the decency to provide CC for "Deaf prograns" as well.
Go back to my topic Evidence of being deaf with HA that is what she debated with me so hard for nothing that she pretend that she knows ASL. After all she doesnt know anything about ASL. Thats what I dont appreciate her and your mind games. Thats a Liar . So therefore she and you, cloggy out of order.. I dont need to hear bullshyte anymore from her or you Cloggy.

Why continuing to blame me?? NO wonder you are clogged up your brain as well as it fits your nickname. You both dont know what you are dealing with after all you both are being rude all along.

Keep it up blaming me for everything that I did not do it. :wtflol: :wtflol:
Sweetmind said:
Go back to my topic Evidence of being deaf with HA what she debated with me so hard that she pretend that she knows ASL. After all she doesnt know anything about ASL. Thats what I dont appreciate her and your mind games. Thats a Liar . So therefore she is out of order.. I dont need to hear bullshyte anymore from her or you Cloggy

Why continuing to blame me?? NO wonder you are clogged up your brain as well as it fits your nickname. You both dont know what you are dealing with after all you both are being rude all along.

Keep it up blaming me for everything that I did not do it. :wtflol: :wtflol:
Sweety... You have to explain everyone here that you are being cynical.
Otherwise people might have a wrong impression of you.

But thank you for the good laugh. Enjoyed it.

We'll talk later.
I dont need to talk with you anymore because you are messed around with many deaf people 's mind that you think you know it all. That is a big turn off by us. YOu need to grow up and show your respect Deaf people with our hands and our best of using orally speaking. MIND YOU! What a :fruit: !
"Tell the mothers I said,

Help your child; you are the adult, you bear the burden of resposibility to give the child all the possibilities life can give"

Definitely not Harlan Lane

While denying me me rights to understanding time Sweetmind at the same is

sorry for the mistake, I was fixing it and still messed it up- it supposed to be:
""While denying me my rights to understanding Sweetmind at the same time is""

Sweetmind you're a LIAR

prove where did I EVER wrote I know ASL

I wrote that I know a FEW SIGNS and I know the idea of ASL as well as anybody else. After all I had culturally deaf brother and I did went to some events with the deaf only.
For your information ASL is pretty simple visual language and one does NOT have to be ROCKET SCIENTIST to figure it out.
And I don't wanted to be mean because I respect other deaf people who are not limited like YOU but you force me to say that so ... ASL IMO while rich in expressions and gestures, it is a baby comparing to regular English and what's more - obviously poor in the amount of sings comparing to the number of English words- since so many must be fingerspelled.
I apologize to everyone who I hurt with this opinion.

So get off your sorry ASL horse because this is nothing special - its' just a language, a limited one at that.

btw the limitation might be part of the problem why so many deaf students score so poorly in written English comparing to their hearing peers - limited sign vocabulary.

Secondly, I explained about my hearing abilities with and without HAs and if you still can't understand it well sorry to be brutal honest but maybe you are an idiot, then.

We are not blaming you for anything -you do us for God knows what.
We try to explain many aspects of being deaf with and without stuff like hearing devices, being oral, signing and all. We try to point out good sides and bad sides of everything but you are too blind to see that.
I think your childhood experiences caused you much more trauma than I previously thought and I think you should seek therapy.

And I know and you know that you know you are wrong about me and other things, but you just won't admit it - you neither have guts not honor to do it.

Bottom line again is- all that crap about poor deaf abused children, ASL as visual language "not suitable for verbal or written translation" ( yeah right) has ZIT to do with the fact that everybody is entitled to CC everywhere.

The attitude is like "for those who don't know ASL... Tough Luck!!...". And that's wrong.

Bull's eye, Cloggy. Thumbs up.

That is what bothers me most in Sweetmind's attitude.
She should know better what it's like not be able to understand, yet she does THE SAME to others.

Very hilarious to watch... I quite enjoyed watching Keith Wann video...
Thanks for the link. He's funny and a great actor.
Cloggy said:
Try this one:

That's what you get for being deaf. :laugh2:

Seriously, this is one reason I like CI.

That was one offensive post, I've ever witness. :( What if your kid comes across this post and see the way you behave forward the deaf. tsk tsk!

Captions/subtitles would just ruin it for me. So does not having the sound on when watching this.... I like the speech with the sound

Caption is good for reading development even language development.
ButterflyGirl said:
Eh? I am not saying I am special but I am tired of seeing some hearing people putting deaf people down by rubbing in their faces about how wonderful it is to hear :roll:

:werd: And they are the ones who think they're so special. "I can hear, You can't" Whoopie doo. Who cares. :whistle:
That was one offensive post, I've ever witness. What if your kid comes across this post and see the way you behave forward the deaf. tsk tsk!

You missed the point Cheri. Have you read this thread from the beginning? carefully?

Audiofuzzy said:
You missed the point Cheri. Have you read this thread from the beginning? carefully?


Yes I have, Let's be real here, If you think revenge is the answer, then you're wrong. Two wrongs don't make it right. :whistle:
NOT? offensive...

Originally Posted by Audiofuzzy
I can't enjoy it
It does not have CC and I can't hear nor sign.


That's what you get for being an oralist.


Originally Posted by Cloggy
Try this one:

That's what you get for being deaf.

Seriously, this is one reason I like CI.

If two wrongs doesn't make right, how come no one is appalled by what was said to ME - only what Cloggy's wrote,
and mind you he just wanted to point out this line of thinking goes both ways.

Do you think it is not most offensive to say to someone who can not understand Wann's video and is sad about it "this is what you get.....oralist"?

It was VERY offensive to ME.

Complaining of ONLY Cloggy's smart retort looks like double standard to me.

Don't worry, he will explain to his daughter how I was belittled for being unable to understand by hearing and by not knowing ASL.

Fuzzy said:
If two wrongs doesn't make right, how come no one is appalled by what was said to ME - only what Cloggy's wrote,
and mind you he just wanted to point out this line of thinking goes both ways.

When I said, two wrongs don't make it right, which meaning gnulinuxman's "wrong" plus Cloggy's "wrong" together does not make a "right." Just because one person said something was as offensive, that doesn't mean another person should do the same. We're not in high school anymore. Let's be real here, gnulinuxman is hearing, how would Cloggy's point of view would have gotten across? It wouldn't effect him as much it would effect those who are deaf. Think about that one for a second.
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