Anybody here like Keith Wann?

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I've watched only a couple of minutes on Google Video. I can't help but feel...underwhelmed. Then again, it could be just me; I'm of the original MTV generation, where 30 second 'sound' bites will grab my attention or lose it forever. :)

One good thing; He's prolific, and if I am ever so inclined, I'll try watching more. Bob Daniels, where art thou? Here's to more Deaf ASL comedy videos on the Internet.
But before he will start telling you anything, please keep in mind he is autistic.
It's NOT the same as normal hearing person. So his perspesctive will be diffrent, naturally.
BTW it is very rude to point out to someone who can neither hear well nor sign "this is what you get for being oral".
It's probably the #1 worst thing that I ever heard, and what would any person like me heard.
And since I am NOT autistic you can trust me completely when I tell you good points and bad points of being oral HoH.


Yea!! So what!! I dont care if he is audistic. He shows himself as well educated that is all it matters.. So whats your problem? No wonder I m seeing that you dont think Deaf people can do anything except hear. Thanks! Whew what a very oppression attitude toward Deaf or hearing audistic people!

He is not being rude but he tried to point that out to show Deaf people can do anything except hear because he believes in us and our deaf abilities with our true language. Also he has some Deaf friends with/without HA or CI. So what s your whining all about? It doesnt make any sense anymore. Sorry Pal! He knows the truth by his own eyes in Deaf reality that when he mingled Deaf people.

eh? I am not saying I am special but I am tired of seeing some hearing people putting deaf people down by rubbing in their faces about how wonderful it is to hear

Thank you for saying it aloud because I m not the only one who feels this way for many years and years. It needs to be stop to degrade toward Deaf children s abilities and true languages. It needs to stop people that makes their excuses by their own negative view of our deafness that we cannot do anything because we are deaf as always.
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Audiofuzzy said:
But before he will start telling you anything, please keep in mind he is autistic.
It's NOT the same as normal hearing person. So his perspesctive will be diffrent, naturally.
BTW it is very rude to point out to someone who can neither hear well nor sign "this is what you get for being oral".
It's probably the #1 worst thing that I ever heard, and what would any person like me heard.
And since I am NOT autistic you can trust me completely when I tell you good points and bad points of being oral HoH.

Look, Fuzzy, the ONLY reason I said that is because you complained about not being able to understand an ASL comedian.

As to being an oral deaf/HH person, I would agree that there are both good and bad points there. Why do you assume I can't agree with anything you say? :confused:
dang I made a wrong spelling which I mean autisic not audistic. good thing, I noticed my mistake. Thanks!
Gnu it just wasn't funny. That happens- I too sometimes say or do things that seem to be funny to me, only to find out it doesn't amuse others. That just happens. And since some pple picked up on what Cloggy did - which was supposed to be funny too! - very seriously, it developed into separate argument. That's what happened.
And the fact is it seems like it's OK to complain about what Cloggy did- which was ONLY an retort to your "joke"- but it's not ok for me to complain of being treated unjustly -and on the other end of spectrum. Period.

Look, Fuzzy, the ONLY reason I said that is because you complained about not being able to understand an ASL comedian.

Of course- nevertheless, where was the CC for people like me? why is it not there? stop with the crap of ASL being "special language" - translate interpreter, then! don't back out with "I didn't make the video" either because that is not the issue.

This is discrimination. Plain and simple. Since when it is for either hearing or ASL only. and who like who, but the deaf pple should be the ones who know best what it is like to having communicative problems resulting from the lack of understanding and compassion. So- where is it- your understanding and compassion for me, ... huh?

Sweetmind. Sweetmind. What am I going to do with you? You seem to have limited perception abilities, so to speak.

Yea!! So what!! I dont care if he is audistic.

Read what austistic mean. For example he can't have voice, ASL and CC at once- I CAN. At least that's what he said- it would bother him. That's why he preffers one- ASL only, no sound no CC no other disturbances in Wann's video. The less distraction, stimuli, the better - for him.
I can have all three because having all there does not bother me. You know why? because I am NOT autistic. I have no plms which autistic pple have, OK? When I am watching movies with my family I tune out to the voice/sound. It does not bother me. Or if it is loud enough I can automatically match the voice to the CC- most of the time.
If the sound does bother me it is only because of my MIGRAINE, not anything else. Or it is a background noise that bothers anyone, even hearing person.
I am NOT putting Gnu down by any means. I can see he is articulate, intelligent, pleasant young man. But it's like asking HoH what's like to hear, OK? There are some things that limit a person like him or me in some different ways, and that's it.

Read Mark Haddon's book "The curious incident of the dog in the nightime". It does not make anybody expert on autism but it does give you some insight.

So whats your problem? No wonder I m seeing that you dont think Deaf people can do anything except hear.

Excuse me SM but I have had it- are you retarded or what! I AM H-o-H functionig pretty well in hearing world or ,like other preffers to call it in the big wide world. I have an audio-graph that shows clearly I have severe to profund hearing loss that is borderline qualification for CI. A few more years and I can really start seriously considering an implant.
Who do you accuse of not knowing/believing that deaf and HoH can do anything they want, doofus? ME?

I am THE prime example that a person with profound hearing loss can do anything or almost anything in the world.

Audiofuzzy said:
Gnu it just wasn't funny. That happens- I too sometimes say or do things that seem to be funny to me, only to find out it doesn't amuse others. That just happens. And since some pple picked up on what Cloggy did - which was supposed to be funny too! - very seriously, it developed into separate argument. That's what happened.
And the fact is it seems like it's OK to complain about what Cloggy did- which was ONLY an retort to your "joke"- but it's not ok for me to complain of being treated unjustly -and on the other end of spectrum. Period.

Read Mark Haddon's book "The curious incident of the dog in the nightime". It does not make anybody expert on autism but it does give you some insight.
wel said. (Here's the paper bag :) )
I'm glad you say how I meant it. It's well explained here.

The book you mentioned is a good read. In a way it is a simple read but it fits right in with the world of the boy.

GUess what audism attitude complained about ASL so now you complained for not having CC. HECK WITH YOU! we are not gonna to change anything in our true language for your damn sake..

Get your own orally speaking interpreter thats the end of discussion since you dont give a damn about ASL. You are getting mixed message and whining about ASL .. I find this is odd strange from u audism attitude people.

You dont have any respect for ASL ..

No wonder why it screwed you up after all you believe in orally speaking only .. Unless you are willing to learn ASL then no need to whiner here.

Thank goodness for having American Sign Language that still ALIVE todays.
To sumarize:

Sweetmind said:
.....audism attitude .... ASL ......CC. .... HECK WITH YOU! ......true language ....damn sake......orally speaking interpreter .... end of discussion .... damn about ASL. You ..mixed message ..... whining about ASL .. ....strange...... audism attitude people. .....ASL .. .....screwed you up .......orally speaking only .. ....learn ASL then no need to whiner .....
.... American Sign Language ...ALIVE ...
GUess what audism attitude complained about ASL so now you complained for not having CC. HECK WITH YOU! we are not gonna to change anything in our true language for your damn sake..

Get your own orally speaking interpreter thats the end of discussion since you dont give a damn about ASL. You are getting mixed message and whining about ASL .. I find this is odd strange from u audism attitude people.

You dont have any respect for ASL ..

No wonder why it screwed you up after all you believe in orally speaking only .. Unless you are willing to learn ASL then no need to whiner here.


It was ME who said anyone with hearing loss SHOULD KNOW ASL asap.
It was ME who said do not separate deaf or HoH children from deaf culture
It was ME who said even if you implant your child DO TEACH IT ASL and DO KEEP IT IN DEAF CULTURE.

WHY SHOULD I LEARN ASL IF THERE IS CC AVAILABLE! Guess what - to heck with you! - I am not gonna change anything about me for your damn sake - because I don't have to. CC is something that is my DAMN RIGHT! whether you like it or not...

HECK WITH YOU! we are not gonna to change anything in our true language for your damn sake..

How is providing CC changing your true language, BTW? care to explain that?
it sure sounds bonkers to me.
all you have to do is write what interpreter says :dunno:

How is providing CC changing your true language, BTW? care to explain that?

SIGN Language thats the answer if you mind. We dont want to put ENGLISH into ASL if you mind.. People will learn and understand how it works from asl that has the body langauge and facial expression. It is important for Deaf children to see their own natural emotions so the parents can understand the reason.. While oral speaking that doesnt help us to see the emotion voice tones, hearing people can hear the difference of the emotion tones. Be reasonable for Deaf chidlren have their own natural emotions that helps them to understand it clear. MIND YOU! NO MORE GIMMICK with no emotion tones. Thank you!

Dont be so selfish after all you have a huge ORAL RULES that you complained about CC that you cannot hear everything with your own two hearing aids. The voice that has a the volume for hearing people to hear.

So you are expecting yourself as a hearing person ( everybody said it so) but I guess NOT you are not hearing. You are deaf as always! no matter you iike it or not! Face it that is a Deaf reality. Thank you so much.

You are wasting my time from all your talks about how great to have a Hearing Aid or CI device that is not successful for Deaf children to hear everything. Thats the fact. PERIOD~!

Thats where People get the wrong idea about devices and lipread that we can hear everything in 100 percent that is still doing it from the past until nowadays.. Thank you! Because oral professional s oral rules are giving too much misinformation to the many innocent parents too much and make the parents hurts their Deaf children's emotional and mental abuse for a very wrong reason. They dont give a hoot about us for being deaf that is very selfish for them to make a big $$$$$$$$. Sighs!

And whats more you cannot lipread in that video as well. It s not 100 percent for us to read everything in thier all kind of lip movements. It s proven.

Thats what it s all about a language of American Sign Language.. For pete s sake. I dont need your BS anymore.

ASL is not a special language but it is A TRUE LANGUAGE. Dont deny it anymore !!!!! DONT YOU GET IT!
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SIGN Language thats the answer if you mind. We dont want to put ENGLISH into ASL if you mind.. People will learn the body langauge and facial expression that is important for Deaf children to see their own natural emotions..


I am talking about one stupid video, silly. :ugh2:

But since you started it (again :zzz: ) - by the same token perhaps CC for the deaf should be cancelled, because after all deaf people will learn hearing English pronounciation, voice modulations like doom voice, happy voice, warning tone etc, grunts, moans, whispers, hearing people's body language etc..??? it IS important to hearing children- they too must learn how to communicate. No one is born with ability to speak and understand speech.
Do you know there is a difference between say, a scream and the "bloodcurdling" scream? they do sound different. They do....

Dont be so selfish after all you have a huge ORAL RULES that you complained about CC that you cannot hear everything with your own two hearing aids that has a voice for hearing people to hear. So you are expecting yourself as a hearing person but I guess NOT!@ Thank you so much. You are wasting my time about great about having a hearing aid or CI device that is not successful for Deaf children to hear everything. Thats the fact. PERIOD~!

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
yeah yeah blah blah blah you just have nothing smart to say...

Thats what it s all about a language of American Sign Language.. For pete s sake. I dont need your BS anymore.

ASL is not a special language but It is A TRUE LANGUAGE. DONT YOU GET IT!

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Is that all you can do when you lose an argument - start anew your old off-any-topic anti-audist/ASL song?
come on, come up with something .... NEW!!!

:zzz: :zzz:

I am talking about one stupid video, silly.

Is that how you see it? Thank you! Obivously you dont know what you are talking about ASL itself. It s not silly at all because you dont understand and get it that is your audist attitude. It shows a very negative about our true language of ASL in a big time..

And no need your destruction our true language that works for both sides that we can become UNITY into a diverse world not hearing world only.

Thank you! ;)

Audiofuzzy said:

I am talking about one stupid video, silly. :ugh2:
You whine about deaf culture not accepting you, you complain about not being able to understand ASL, and then you wonder why culturally Deaf people don't like you.

Audiofuzzy said:
But since you started it (again :zzz: ) - by the same token perhaps CC for the deaf should be cancelled, because after all deaf people will learn hearing English pronounciation, voice modulations like doom voice, happy voice, warning tone etc, grunts, moans, whispers, hearing people's body language etc..??? it IS important to hearing children- they too must learn how to communicate. No one is born with ability to speak and understand speech.
Yeah, and that makes me wonder why you think we HAVE to use sound to communicate if humans are born without the ability to speak.
Audiofuzzy said:
Do you know there is a difference between say, a scream and the "bloodcurdling" scream? they do sound different. They do....
What use is that to a deaf person? Sure, they sound different, but what's important is what the meaning of "bloodcurdling", not the specific sound.
Audiofuzzy said:
Is that all you can do when you lose an argument - start anew your old off-any-topic anti-audist/ASL song?
come on, come up with something .... NEW!!!
Why are you bragging about the fact that you never learned to sign in THIS thread? :blah: is all I'm getting from you....
Did you miss -again- my posts where I explained I PERSONALLY do not wish at the moment to fully join Deaf culture and I was merely talking hypothetical scenario to help an argument? like, when a person says "suppose I will, would, should, can etc...." ?

Yeah, and that makes me wonder why you think we HAVE to use sound to communicate if humans are born without the ability to speak.
THAT makes me wonder why do you think hearing people HAVE TO use ASL to communicate if they were born with ability to hear and speak?

BTW that was in reply to Sweetmind who insisted that everyone must watch signing only video otherwise it won't be possible to learn ASL properly.
Well what can I say, the same applies to speaking so you should watch regular movies with sound only or the little kiddies will not get it (the hearing communication). Sorry about your inability to hear but them kiddies, you see .. tsk tsk.. tsk..

but but but - is too much excitement confusing you or what - I am neither signing deaf nor hearing.
I guess I am classified as HoH, an unfortunate in-between who can neither hear 100% nor sign. Are you going to kick my butt because of it? hmm that's nice..

and the BOTTOM LINE IS in this thread IS:

and only I
complained about the lack of CC - not some hearing person who implants deaf newborns, and I am not some crazy oral audist (as Sweetmind conveniently overlooks every time) but I am:
~ a person who is for ASL, for keeping deaf kids in deaf culture as well, who can't hear well even with her freaking two HAs, and who can't sign because her parents (meaning- my parents) raised her as a hearie! are you people idiots or what?
BTW -shouldn't Sweetmind be ohhing and ahhing over poor me who was denied beautiful natural ASL while I still was a child? what the...???
and I I I I -a HoH - have complained... so what the heck happened here?

It's unbeliveable how you two here twist and pull the facts in every possible direction trying desperately to prove your weak points about ASL , oralism and audism everywhere.

CC is for everyone.
For you for me for hearing too. How is the hypothetical deaf child going to be deprived of or undereducated in ASL (or anyone for that matter) just because there is CC on the video? does the kids even read that fast? they READ? just turn the damn CC off if you want! leave it for those who want/need it!

What use is that to a deaf person? Sure, they sound different, but what's important is what the meaning of "bloodcurdling", not the specific sound.

But for hearing it's exactly the two sound's difference that separate one scream from the other. It is exactly about the specific sounding. two way street, two way street. you want me to hang onto every wink and blink ..


SIGN Language thats the answer if you mind. We dont want to put ENGLISH into ASL if you mind..

Ever heard of English-German translations, English-French, English-Italian, English -Chinese... if this is doable, so is ASL- English.
is ASL sacred now, or what?

Even if it is visual language, a single sign is an equivalent of an English word. This is particularly obvious here:

You can match ANY SIGN with ANY WORD.

So there goes your theory that there is no English in ASL.
What's more I can't help but notice how many words were FINGERSPELLED. meaning looks like there is insufficient amount of signs to match EVERY English word. And for example "accordion" was mis-spelled.

ASL might be richer in expressions I agree but on the whole it's still..... mostly English.

Audiofuzzy said:
Did you miss -again- my posts where I explained I PERSONALLY do not wish at the moment to fully join Deaf culture and I was merely talking hypothetical scenario to help an argument? like, when a person says "suppose I will, would, should, can etc...." ?
Uh, I am aware you said that. I can respect that you don't want to join the Deaf culture, but I have a problem with you expecting everyone in the Deaf culture to respect you. No matter what group we are talking about, you cannot expect every member of that group to agree with you or even respect you. It's just unreasonable.
Audiofuzzy said:
THAT makes me wonder why do you think hearing people HAVE TO use ASL to communicate if they were born with ability to hear and speak?
This makes no sense--you said just the opposite in your last post... I was simply making a point--just because someone can hear doesn't mean you HAVE to use sound to communicate. Likewise, just because someone can use their eyes, that doesn't mean they have to use signing.
Audiofuzzy said:
BTW that was in reply to Sweetmind who insisted that everyone must watch signing only video otherwise it won't be possible to learn ASL properly.
She didn't say that.
Audiofuzzy said:
Well what can I say, the same applies to speaking so you should watch regular movies with sound only or the little kiddies will not get it (the hearing communication). Sorry about your inability to hear but them kiddies, you see .. tsk tsk.. tsk..
This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever the way you put it. :confused:
Audiofuzzy said:
but but but - is too much excitement confusing you or what - I am neither signing deaf nor hearing.
Well, I'm the TOTAL opposite--I am signing and hearing. I also speak TWO oral languages (English and Spanish). I guess I have a pretty full "toolbox"....
Audiofuzzy said:
I guess I am classified as HoH, an unfortunate in-between who can neither hear 100% nor sign. Are you going to kick my butt because of it? hmm that's nice..
No. When did I ever say that? I am not a violent person.
Audiofuzzy said:
and the BOTTOM LINE IS in this thread IS:

and only I
complained about the lack of CC - not some hearing person who implants deaf newborns, and I am not some crazy oral audist (as Sweetmind conveniently overlooks every time)
This was after whining about Deaf Culture not accepting you.
Audiofuzzy said:
but I am:
~ a person who is for ASL, for keeping deaf kids in deaf culture as well, who can't hear well even with her freaking two HAs, and who can't sign because her parents (meaning- my parents) raised her as a hearie! are you people idiots or what?
My parents raised me as a hearie too, yet I still learned ASL. Sweetmind also was prevented (violently) from signing as a child, but she signs today.
Audiofuzzy said:
BTW -shouldn't Sweetmind be ohhing and ahhing over poor me who was denied beautiful natural ASL while I still was a child?
No, because you don't respect her.
Audiofuzzy said:
what the...???
and I I I I -a HoH - have complained... so what the heck happened here?
You went off-topic because this thread was supposed to be about an ASL comedian, not your inability to understand ASL.
Audiofuzzy said:
It's unbeliveable how you two here twist and pull the facts in every possible direction trying desperately to prove your weak points about ASL , oralism and audism everywhere.
What weak points about ASL?
Audiofuzzy said:
CC is for everyone.
For you for me for hearing too. How is the hypothetical deaf child going to be deprived of or undereducated in ASL (or anyone for that matter) just because there is CC on the video? does the kids even read that fast? they READ? just turn the damn CC off if you want! leave it for those who want/need it!
I use CC on my TV all the time. I am not against CC at all. It's just that the comedy is in ASL, so you should be able to read it without CC before whining about it.
Audiofuzzy said:
But for hearing it's exactly the two sound's difference that separate one scream from the other. It is exactly about the specific sounding. two way street, two way street. you want me to hang onto every wink and blink ..
Huh? How the heck is a deaf person who was born deaf going to know what a scream sounds like? I don't even know what you're getting at here because the important part is knowing what emotion is attached to each type of scream, not the way it sounds.
Audiofuzzy said:
Ever heard of English-German translations, English-French, English-Italian, English -Chinese... if this is doable, so is ASL- English.
is ASL sacred now, or what?
WTF do you think interpreters do?
Audiofuzzy said:
Even if it is visual language, a single sign is an equivalent of an English word. This is particularly obvious here:

You can match ANY SIGN with ANY WORD.
Shows how little you know about language translations... No two languages are 1:1 translations word-for-word. What makes you think ASL is any different from that?
Audiofuzzy said:
So there goes your theory that there is no English in ASL.
What's more I can't help but notice how many words were FINGERSPELLED. meaning looks like there is insufficient amount of signs to match EVERY English word. And for example "accordion" was mis-spelled.
It just blows apart your theory that it is a 1:1 translation. Why? If ASL and English was a 1:1 translation, then there would be a different sign for each English word. ASL is conveyed differently than English, but that's what makes it a LANGUAGE! ASL is not just about the hands--a large part comes in the rest of the body too.

Audiofuzzy said:
ASL might be richer in expressions I agree but on the whole it's still..... mostly English.

Yeah, like "NAME WHAT YOU??" is good English.... That's good ASL but not good English. :roll: It isn't a signed version of English. If you use ASL signs in an English word order, it's really PSE (Pidgin Signed English), not true ASL. ASL is a lot more fun to sign.
Mookie, realize Cloggy knows several languages yet he can write English.

Why can't deaf people write English instead of Engrish?
Fragmenter said:
Mookie, realize Cloggy knows several languages yet he can write English.

Why can't deaf people write English instead of Engrish?

Are you a man enough to take a CI or you want to test your kid to take CI?
Mookie said:
Are you a man enough to take a CI or you want to test your kid to take CI?
So glad you're not attacking somebody personally....
Your remarks just shows your ignorance. I hope Fragmenter can just ignore that remark.

BTW, Mookie.... what was worng with my summary??
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