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  1. SuperGrrl04

    What animal would you wanna be?

    I wanna be a lynx! :nana: I can hide up in trees.
  2. SuperGrrl04

    Love is Never Silent

    Definitely not new! :p It was done in the 70's or the 80's, but still very awesome. we watched it in my ASL class. :)
  3. SuperGrrl04

    Does Virginity Matter?

    i definitely think one's virginity is a big deal. I'm 18 goin on 19 and I'm still a virgin, and my boyfriend is too. We're waiting until we get married. :) :naughty:
  4. SuperGrrl04

    Love is Never Silent

    Has anyone ever seen this movie? It really is quite good. It's about a hearing girl who was raised by deaf parents, and it was extremely interesting. . . I almost cried a few times :p
  5. SuperGrrl04

    piercings and tattoos

    i've got 2 piercings in each ear, and one rip in my left ear. I may be getting a tattoo soon, with Proverbs 31:30 in the shape of a cross, and delicate vines creeping around it to outline the actual cross.
  6. SuperGrrl04

    win $1 million dollars!!!!

    I'd donate $100,000, because that's 10% for my tithe. :) I'd buy my boyfriend a bright red dogge viper. fully loaded. :) I'd pay off my school loans, and his too probably. buy my parents a new car (or 2!) buy a house :)
  7. SuperGrrl04

    How would you like this job?

    i was always interested in mummification in ancient egypt. . . granted that involved scrambling the brains around with a hot poker then pulling them out through the broken nasal cavity with a big hook. although I *know* I couldn't do it. :thumbd:
  8. SuperGrrl04

    Changing professions?

    Ok, I have a bit of a wierd question. Why do a lot of deaf teachers change their professions? Like why do they just stop teaching the deaf? Is there a lack of funding? Is it a thankless job? If anyone has any idea, I'd greatly appreciate it. :)
  9. SuperGrrl04

    Let's talk about our dreams...

    I want to be a children's pastor, and a sign language interpreter (or even a pastor at a deaf church!). I want to be married, have a victorian styled house. I want to have a dog and cat that get along splendidly. ::edited to add:: I want about 4 kids, 2 of which will be twins. :)
  10. SuperGrrl04

    Angry Wife Gets Revenge Via eBay

    I thought it was incredibly funny. . . :angel: my boyfriend, on the other hand, didn't. :wtf:
  11. SuperGrrl04

    Boy Rapes dog!

    apparently there are whole porn movies devoted to beastiality. which is quite wrong, and also makes me feel gross. and want to vomit
  12. SuperGrrl04

    Who has the coolest AVATOR?

    I like mine a bit :D it just makes me smile everytime I see it
  13. SuperGrrl04

    Lefty/Righty Sign

    i'm actually learning from a left-handed interpreter. She made sure that we all understand that you sign with your dominant hand. I.E.- I'm a righty, so I sign with my right hand primarily. You're a lefty, so you should sign with your left hand! :)
  14. SuperGrrl04

    the word "Deaf brat"

    i've been called a brat many a times, and i know it hurts a bit sometime. . . I'm so sorry that your mum is so insensitive. :( Just be strong!
  15. SuperGrrl04

    Not a disability. . . Right?

    Hey everyone :) Another teensy poll typd thing. Mainly because I'm curious. For those of you that are deaf, are you offended when someone refers to deafness as a disability? do you just figure they don't understand, and probably will not? Or would you like to punch them and explain it's...
  16. SuperGrrl04

    First Love...

    my first love was a guy named james that i was with for only 4 months. he was a jerk though, and now I'm with the man of my dreams. to james: :fu2: :angel: hehe
  17. SuperGrrl04

    Questions for ladies here..

    the wedding dress I would like is $599. it's at david's bridal, and here is a link for the picture: it is rather lovely. . . but i won't be getting it for a few years if I do get it. :p
  18. SuperGrrl04

    What is your nationality ?

    american, irish, scottish, german, and british
  19. SuperGrrl04

    I need help :(

    Heyy everyone! I took my quiz, and I got it all right minus 1. I missed hte sign for wheelchair. I saw her sign it and just kinda said :dunno: so I'm pretty sure thats all I got wrong, and thanks for the tips. It actually did help :)
  20. SuperGrrl04

    I need help :(

    oh no no that's wonderful! :) thanks!