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  1. Demise

    I am a new hearing person with a deaf son

    Hey... what do you know, men are such hard headed, sometimes. Your kids are sweet. I'm glad to hear that your son's fine, but your husband will realized in one day he will need to accept the fact and love his son as he is.
  2. Demise

    Anybody here like Keith Wann?

    Thanks for the link. He's funny and a great actor.
  3. Demise

    Banning Sign Language When Driving ????????

    (lol) I often use my cell phone - to text message my dad and my boyfrieind and I nearly drove my car out of the road. (lol)
  4. Demise

    What is the sign for Awesome?

    Yeah, It would. I can read lips really well. When they signed that, I'd know what word they're using. It doesn't really matter what sign language they use to me.
  5. Demise

    How do you create signs for ASL?

    We "Smith" (a make up name) family use our own sign languages that no one will be able to read us. It's called "SSL." - Smith Sign Language. Ha, ha. Well, oh well.
  6. Demise

    How does it work

    All right!!! I love it that they use their sign language with their lip movements! Thanks for the link.
  7. Demise

    Accent reduction course

    If I got so tired of talking to my boss or telling him repeatedly, I guess I'll get fired for trying to use sign language to communicate with him. (lol) At least he'll know how I feel when he talks to me in voice.
  8. Demise

    Non-Deaf children who sign.......

    Well if I were you, I'd teach them in SEE, but in their level of understanding. So that way when they grow up in mainstream school in hearing classes, they will not have a problem writing in English and a conversation with hearing person. But if you teach them in ASL, they'll keep their old...
  9. Demise

    Lack of privacy..

    Yeah, be aware. Go someplace where there are no people around. I'd use one hand sign language with my friends and family that no one will ever be able to read us. Of course I'd have to limit myself and my hands in small motions. That way I'd still have my private conversation with my family.
  10. Demise

    Bad Words in Sign Language

    lol I see, I rarely sweared... but I only will swear if I hurt myself accidently like kicking my toe against the corner of the desk. I use lots of swearing word such as "damn."
  11. Demise

    How old is your.....

    My boyfriend is 16 years older than me. :whistle:
  12. Demise

    video showing just how beautiful ASL can be

    That's good movie. He signed his words in ASL pretty clear. A perfect expression.
  13. Demise

    ASL, SEE Sign, & Signed English

    If you have a problem with me, take it to pm. So we can settle our differences for once. Anyways, sometimes I don't understand deaf when she or he signed in ASL. Usually I'd signed to them, "Sign English, please." Likewise a hearing person would said that to them if they don't understand...
  14. Demise

    ASL, SEE Sign, & Signed English

    Waa Waa Waa? Wtf? Excuse me... You see how much this is a hassle to me? -- To tell interpreters what I want and yada, dada. And of course, I have to ask a student a favor to take a note for me...? I don't like to do that. That's why I'm using transcribers in my class now. The...
  15. Demise

    "I Admit" Part 7

    I admit that the TRANSCRIBER is way better than interpreters for me in mainstream college -- At least the transcriber typed everything down like watching the closed caption on TV. I can sit anywhere I want to with the laptop. I don't have to worry about asking other students to volunteer...
  16. Demise

    What is your A/S/L ?

    323,291,049,934/Dead/Heaven. Thank you...
  17. Demise

    ASL, SEE Sign, & Signed English

    Well if you're interpreting for students in school... you're supposed to use English because you are in education class. All hearing learn English, so should all deafies or hearing impaired. Cultures stay at home. Me and everybody should go to school to learn. You know, as a mainstream...
  18. Demise

    70,000 Fans of ASL!

    Hate? Why get so hostile? I never said that I hate ASL. I just said that I am not fan of ASL in this "thread." Everyone is entitled to their opinions. And I am using sign language as my first language and you're hearing. That makes my opinions even more credit than yours.
  19. Demise

    ASL Grammar Rules

    Sorry to inform you that English rules the world, not ASL grammars. And uh, I'm hearing impaired and sign language is my first language. My opinions that everyone should learn English and sign English according to English Grammar Rules. That way hearing people don't have to waste their time...