Would you rather be gossipped about or never talked about at all?

((wonders if deaf people can hear sarcasm))
Gossipped about. No such thing as bad publicity

Want made a bet on that! I had a girlfriend that was so beautiful all the girls in jr high were really jealous of her! All the guys wanted to date my friend so the girls went around saying my friend was having sex with every guy in school! My girlfriend was still a virgin and the guys thought the rumors was true and they tried to have sex her or rape her! I was with her when this happen! I had to get the guy off her!
The bitches that spread that rumors about my girlfriend nearly got her raped! My friend looked like Lauren Bacall !
Vote>> never talked about at all and zip my lip!

Only talking to positive things :thumb:
I would rather not be talked about at all. Makes me more anonymous and mysterious than to be the center of attention for the wrong reasons. ;)
I think I would rather be infamous than unknown but at other times I'd rather remain unknown. Can't have it both ways.
It is? Here? Or IRL?

Hm, I doubt I am discussed amongst a crowd of speculating ADers :cool2: but gossip is definitely running rampage IRL now that I am resurfacing in the deaf community (smacks lips) lovely.

(shrugs) I'm over it now :)
Hm, I doubt I am discussed amongst a crowd of speculating ADers :cool2: but gossip is definitely running rampage IRL now that I am resurfacing in the deaf community (smacks lips) lovely.

(shrugs) I'm over it now :)

ha ha welcome back. It's still good. (smacks lips). ;)

edit: hope you know what i mean. sorry it wasn't intentional.
Hm, I doubt I am discussed amongst a crowd of speculating ADers :cool2: but gossip is definitely running rampage IRL now that I am resurfacing in the deaf community (smacks lips) lovely.

(shrugs) I'm over it now :)

Oic, I'm sorry to hear that. I know of someone in your general area who, too, is going thru the same thing. I really feel bad for you two.
Oic, I'm sorry to hear that. I know of someone in your general area who, too, is going thru the same thing. I really feel bad for you two.

Ah (waves it off) at first I shrieked with horror but now, I'm taking it as a compliment. Apparently a few deaf men can't handle rejection very well and they rather spread fabricated stories about this disinterested gal :roll: boys.

Edit: That goes for hearing men too :P
Ah (waves it off) at first I shrieked with horror but now, I'm taking it as a compliment. Apparently a few deaf men can't handle rejection very well and they rather spread fabricated stories about this disinterested gal :roll: boys.

Edit: That goes for hearing men too :P

Yeah! Don't give 'em the time of day!
Ah (waves it off) at first I shrieked with horror but now, I'm taking it as a compliment. Apparently a few deaf men can't handle rejection very well and they rather spread fabricated stories about this disinterested gal :roll: boys.

Edit: That goes for hearing men too :P

same here. few deafies guys or I should say boys :roll: they don't handle rejection real well.. so I ingored them as well.. :D but hearing guys probably handle it ok but depends on situation.. sorry going off topic here...

I rather be gossiped about but I KNOW I had been gossiped about in past and now.. not that surprise me... :P
Gossiped about, yes. That way you aren't forgotten. If you're never talked about at all then you're more likely to die without anyone noticing, which is sad.