Who is single here?

Very sorry to know your marriage has ended now.. hope ya gonna be alright but hey, it was a good marriage right? At least ya had love and more... ya will bounce back when ya are ready to do so...
you're right, I had love and alot more. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. :( that's okay though. and thank you, sharky.
I am sorry to hear that jeepgirl . I hope you can handle it and be happy in the future
<------ getting a divorce... :( not what I wanted but he wanted it. so it sure sucks to be alone after 8 years together.. it really does suck but I'm getting the hang of it now. :aw:

Sorry, that really stinks :aw:
Hang in there.. you are strong!
Thanks Highlands and Liza. I'm still hanging. I guess I'm handling it okay. Just going one day at a time.
<------ getting a divorce... :( not what I wanted but he wanted it. so it sure sucks to be alone after 8 years together.. it really does suck but I'm getting the hang of it now. :aw:

Sorry about that too! :(
<------ getting a divorce... :( not what I wanted but he wanted it. so it sure sucks to be alone after 8 years together.. it really does suck but I'm getting the hang of it now. :aw:

:hug: Only time will heal the deep wound in your heart, the love and memories will stay with you forever. hang in there sweetie, I know it will take some time before you're ready to open your heart again.

Always here for ya!

Sorry to hear that you going through a divorce. Hope everything will be ok for you and your daughter. Hope you both hang in there and stay positive :aw:
JeepGirl,I'm so sorry to hear that I hope everything will turn out good for you.:hug:
Jeepgirl, sorry to hear that you're going thru a divorce. Hang in there, buddy!
JeepGirl, here is a hug from me. :hug:
I hope everything goes smooth and well.
I also am sorry for your sitaution.
Since I am a single for three and half years... So, I am thinking about tryin' to date any guy a few couples of months or weeks after my 23th birthday. Depend how I feel about my personal inner character, so I am still not ready for a serious relationship, yet.

Man, I am really enjoy my life as a single lady. :D
<------ getting a divorce... :( not what I wanted but he wanted it. so it sure sucks to be alone after 8 years together.. it really does suck but I'm getting the hang of it now. :aw:

Jeepgirl, I am sorry your going through a rough time. Take each day at a time and your heart will be mended in its time. Hang in there :hug:
thanks everyone, i'm justdrunk tonight and trying to understand what everyone ys saying.. but thanks for all your support.... better get in bed and sleep on it hugs
thanks everyone, i'm justdrunk tonight and trying to understand what everyone ys saying.. but thanks for all your support.... better get in bed and sleep on it hugs

Werd to that JG. been there. My very best wishes to you and your girl.

I am sorry to hear that you are going through divorce. I hope you and your daughter hang in there. :hug:
JG, I'm sorry about your marriage breakup. I am sure you will find a new love again soon and it could be much better than your ex. Hang in there girl. :hug:
Guys n Gals, I'm so sorry.. I just read my recent post here.. I don't remember doing that. Yes I was very very drunk and I don't remember half of it. last night was horrible. But thank you for the support and bear with me.
Guys n Gals, I'm so sorry.. I just read my recent post here.. I don't remember doing that. Yes I was very very drunk and I don't remember half of it. last night was horrible. But thank you for the support and bear with me.

We can bear AND beer with you too :)

Goodluck with things