Who cooks here.


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I cook and I learned from the best my mother and some on my own.

I can cook:
Mexican: Beef soup, Meat ball soup, Tamales, Stuff Peppers, Megnoddle(not sure of spelling), Steak, Shrimp Cocktail, Hot spicy fish soup, Taco (mexican style), mexican rice, salsa, pico el gallo, Burrito with hot sauce and cheese on top, Fried Red Snapper with pico el gallo on top (oooo hoo mighty good), cooked salmon, Fajitas, Beans, Eggs with chorizo, and thats about it.

Rice, Beef or shrimp with gravy and veggies, Noodles, Steam fish with soy sauce around it, shrimp in mushrooms, Fried rice, and thats it hmm.

What about you guys? What do you know how to make and what do you wish to learn to make? Im still learning new things. Those who do not know how to cook you should learn someday when you live on your own you make what ever you want. Those who lives in Cali prepare to melt when you try my cooking ;)
my mom and big sister taught me in basic cook until I learn on my own way to cook something creative - sometime learn from many different recipet and revert something I like better.

The most interest I cook Italitan and French food. :oui good foodddd oui:
I love to cook. Mostly, I just experiment with food and come up with something good. I love to make the followings:

German: Rolled Cabbages, Spätzle (noodles), cucumber salad, Sauerbraten, Knödeln (dumplings), Weiner Schnitzel, Gulasch (Goulash)

French: Beef Bourgogne, Steak au poivre, French onion soup, salade niçoise (sp?), Quiche Loiraine

Then I make a lot of vegetarian dishes. I do not like to eat a lot of meat... :dunno: A lot of veggie pasta dishes and soups.

And I also bake lots of things. People always ask me to make coconut macaroons for them, and also Lebkuchens (German gingerbread cookies).
I don't like to cook with any bean, nut or any alternative non-meat. :madfawk: It ruin the lovely n' natural meal.
Originally posted by kuifje75
I love to cook. Mostly, I just experiment with food and come up with something good. I love to make the followings:

German: Rolled Cabbages, Spätzle (noodles), cucumber salad, Sauerbraten, Knödeln (dumplings), Weiner Schnitzel, Gulasch (Goulash)

French: Beef Bourgogne, Steak au poivre, French onion soup, salade niçoise (sp?), Quiche Loiraine

Then I make a lot of vegetarian dishes. I do not like to eat a lot of meat... :dunno: A lot of veggie pasta dishes and soups.

And I also bake lots of things. People always ask me to make coconut macaroons for them, and also Lebkuchens (German gingerbread cookies).

the cucumber salad sounds interesting, I know the Persian and Japanese way but not the German way....how do they make it??
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
the cucumber salad sounds interesting, I know the Persian and Japanese way but not the German way....how do they make it??

Ummm... Usually I get 6 cucumbers and peel/slice them thinly. Then I use coarse salt on them and leave in a bowl to let it marinate. A lot of liquid will come out. Then drain it in colander. Some people wash it throughly with water and other ppl dont. I wash it ('cos I dont like salty taste). Then dry very througly with paper towel, try to get all liquid out.

I mix about 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 med. onion diced, 2 tbsp dill, 1 tsp sugar and 1/2 cup oil. Then add cucumbers to this dressing. Leave it for like 2 to 3 hours, then serve with sour cream on side.

Sometimes I add more dill, because I like dill. Thats about it. Hope I explained clear. How do the Persians do it? Tell me.
meme not interesting into cooking and shit, but my mom DO teach me sometimes because being indepenence in future REQUIRES cooking, unless u want to order foods everyday!
don't get me wrong lol I don't like to cook :roll: but I do want to make something then it's basic that's about it.
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
the cucumber salad sounds interesting, I know the Persian and Japanese way but not the German way....how do they make it??

Hmm thats cool. Do you think you can teach me how to make some Persian and Japanese food? I want learn new things.
Being part Sicilian I love making the pasta, but I also like good hot sauces and real authentic mexican food.

Up here in MN there are only 4 spices. Salt, Pepper, Sugar and Butter.

So it is difficult to find someone that doesnt like to just eat meat and potatoes.
I cook. I may not look the type but I do cook. I am usually picky about how things are cooked. I don't always follow the instructions when it comes to cooking or microwaving food. Sometimes, I put the temperature lower than directed and leave the food in there longer than directed. That way, it's hotter and cooked better than usual.
Yeah I cook, pretty much anything... I don't mind trying out new stuff, experience different kinds of food.
Yea I wanna learn new things so I can cook for my girl and treat her like she the queen. :o Comeon peeps tell us what you learned to make?
:dunno: how to cook :shock: i usually live on microwavable food -- after all the nuker is my kitchen best friend!!!!! :laugh2: WHEN i do attempt to cook -- i just flatly HATE cooking but stick with those that are EASY to cook -- pasta for example LOLOL throw them in a boiling water and let it cook :laugh2:
umm i'm similar to flying free, plus i kn ow some basic foods to cook. :-P
Originally posted by ~Heather~
*glaring @ fly free* you know how I am about NUKING food! TSK TSK :laugh2: :naughty:

:laugh2: @ Heather -- i know how u are LOLOL -- im STILL a microwave freak sowwy abt that Heather gurl :P