Which is better CSUN or Gallaudet do you think?

One is not better than the other. They are simply different. Your choice should depend on which one best fills your academic needs.

As usual you hit the nail on the head.
What are you looking for major?
Compare $$ Gally vs CSUN vs RIT?
Any your friends at CSUN or Gally or RIT?
CSUN is better than Gallaudet, cause less percentage of homeless black people trying to mug, rape, touch, and hump you.

Wow, other racist comment. :roll:

CSUN don't offers PhD degree but Gally offers it.
Van Nuys is the porn movie capital of the world.

Yup, that what I thought about what NorCal was talk.

My parent live closer to Van Nuys, from Northridge (that where CSUN located) to Van Nuys isn't really far, very closer but traffic is serious issue on peak day.
I think deafies at CSUN are more English-oriented while deafies at Gally are more ASL-oriented but both provide excellent education.
Van Nuys? Dude, Van Nuys is TEN MINUTES from CSUN. Even in traffic it's never an hour away. And, yes, it is (or was) the "Porn Capitol of the World."

Las Vegas is 5 hours, at least.

But come on, DC has more sluts than the entire porn industry. ;-)

In any case, when considering the merits of the schools, even if CSUN doesn't offer Ph.D programs, I bet you that a degree from CSUN better prepares you for a Ph.D candidacy for any other college than Gallaudet ever will. Sure, you can get a Gallaudet Ph.D.. but no one will ever take you seriously outside of the deaf community with it.
I graduated CSUN 1987! AT that time about 300 D/HH there... including famous Deaf professor Dr. Larry Fleisher. I believe CSUN is a better choice because you will learn in a real world setting, meaning with hearing students. You will also make good connections for jobs. It is harder if classes are not in ASL; but, I think it is better if you end up with a good job!
Van Nuys? Dude, Van Nuys is TEN MINUTES from CSUN. Even in traffic it's never an hour away. And, yes, it is (or was) the "Porn Capitol of the World."

Las Vegas is 5 hours, at least.

But come on, DC has more sluts than the entire porn industry. ;-)

In any case, when considering the merits of the schools, even if CSUN doesn't offer Ph.D programs, I bet you that a degree from CSUN better prepares you for a Ph.D candidacy for any other college than Gallaudet ever will. Sure, you can get a Gallaudet Ph.D.. but no one will ever take you seriously outside of the deaf community with it.

Man, my parent live next to Van Nuys, I don't got it about NorCal was stated about 1 hour, I know that Northridge and Van Nuys are much closer.

Are you state that PhD at Gallaudet is worthless? I don't think then anyone could make full source about PhD at Gallaudet is worthless?

Additional, according on Shel, she said graduate classes at Gallaudet is very competitive that compared to other graduate school, unlike undergraduate does since Gallaudet is start improving, it doesn't means BA, MA or PhD are worthless or trashy, I had seen alot of ignorant who bash on Gallaudet.
Van Nuys? Dude, Van Nuys is TEN MINUTES from CSUN. Even in traffic it's never an hour away. And, yes, it is (or was) the "Porn Capitol of the World."

Las Vegas is 5 hours, at least.

But come on, DC has more sluts than the entire porn industry. ;-)

In any case, when considering the merits of the schools, even if CSUN doesn't offer Ph.D programs, I bet you that a degree from CSUN better prepares you for a Ph.D candidacy for any other college than Gallaudet ever will. Sure, you can get a Gallaudet Ph.D.. but no one will ever take you seriously outside of the deaf community with it.

No one will take a person with a Gallaudet Ph.D seriously? Hmmm..that's kinda odd cuz I have a few friends with a Ph.D from Gallaudet and they are working good jobs outside of the deaf community. Must be my imagination...:hmm:
In any case, when considering the merits of the schools, even if CSUN doesn't offer Ph.D programs, I bet you that a degree from CSUN better prepares you for a Ph.D candidacy for any other college than Gallaudet ever will. Sure, you can get a Gallaudet Ph.D.. but no one will ever take you seriously outside of the deaf community with it.

Your argument is baseless because there are some Deaf and hearing people armed with Phd degree from Gallaudet University working out the Deaf community.

You just care to bash Gallaudet University as much as you want.
Take a look at Gallaudet's doctorate degrees -- all of them focus on deafness/sign language. Now, I agree that many people get jobs outside of their specialization, but if that's the case, then your specialization isn't the most important part of the job you're getting.

All other things being equal, why would a company hire a Gallaudet doctorate over a Harvard doctorate? Because of their speciality, and Gallaudet specializes in deafness.
Take a look at Gallaudet's doctorate degrees -- all of them focus on deafness/sign language. Now, I agree that many people get jobs outside of their specialization, but if that's the case, then your specialization isn't the most important part of the job you're getting.

All other things being equal, why would a company hire a Gallaudet doctorate over a Harvard doctorate? Because of their speciality, and Gallaudet specializes in deafness.

Not true, graduate school at Gally is very challenge, that's closer same level as other public university in graduate degree (MA, PhD). PhD at Gally offers much more than just deafness or sign language, just more than that.

Shel went to graduate school at Gally and got MA, she's expressed about challenge in graduate.

Who cares if college is worth or not, companies are just look for more than just degree from college, such as work experience, interview, background and others in combined, companies could hire deaf people who are graduate of PhD from Gally if they have great work experience, interview or others than other people with PhD from UCLA, it's happens, also hire deaf people are result in great diversefully.
I chose Gally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right on, if you want go to CSUN then you will charge as out of state student because you are from Florida, that's very expensive than student who from CA.