Which gets more attention? Burning the Holy Bible or The Koran?

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Wirelessly posted

I delete them or chuck them in the garbage. Their possessions go the Sally Ann (Salvation Army.) Haven't burned anything yet-- except for CDs and peope's egos. Nor do I see the spiritual need to burn anything of the physical realm.
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Wirelessly posted

Steinhauer said:
souggy said:
Where I live, they wouldn't be a minority-- Christians are 40 percent, and non-religious is around 30 percent.

Don't atheists choose to burn the Bible over other equally-valid texts because it's representative of North America's largest religion?

So, an atheist burning a bible is justified in your opinion?

I don't see the need to burn documents-- I am a bookworm. However I do understand the rationale why people would defend atheists' choice. As someone who value information, I don't agree with anyone who does burn books. That being said, not every battle can be fought to defend what you believe in-- Bible burnings are too widespread to gain attention of the media.
In short-- if I don't hear about it or if I don't read anything about it, the chances are, I won't rush to someone's support.

Understanding and being the Devil's advocate does not equate to personal belief.
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Wirelessly posted

I don't see the need to burn documents-- I am a bookworm. However I do understand the rationale why people would defend atheists' choice. As someone who value information, I don't agree with anyone who does burn books. That being said, not every battle can be fought to defend what you believe in-- Bible burnings are too widespread to gain attention of the media.
In short-- if I don't hear about it or if I don't read anything about it, the chances are, I won't rush to someone's support.

Understanding and being the Devil's advocate does not equate to personal belief.

Thanks for clarifying ;)

Here is what happened last saturday at the ground zero mosque - yet nothing has been reported (or maybe it has been reported, but I haven't seen/heard anything about it):

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Ka4OW8OYU&skipcontrinter=1]YouTube - Koran Burning at Ground Zero, Man burns Quran on 9 11[/ame]
Geez, at least recycle the books, cook with them, or do SOMETHING productive with the books.

For me, it's dumb to burn the books as a symbolical gesture to say F*** Y**.

It's kind of childish, if you ask me.

Oh and also, I wanted to add that I think the media is paying a lot of attention to this PARTICULAR event, but in reality, I think most of us would respond the same way to the burning of the bible/koran/kama sutra/flag.

Which would be this:
"whatever, idiot" *walks away*
burning books. Hey, I heard people wanting to burn Harry Potter books

But really, most christian won't burn books publicly. they might privately though
Someone on another blog I use posted he wonder how many Korans got burn when the Twin Towers were bombed. The terrorists had to burn some Korans on 9 11 .
Not really, souggy. I'd say they go after what's easiest. And that is to burn the Bible, even if they're in North America. They're a bunch of hypocrites, too. But I could be wrong though. Show me atheists burning both the Bible and Koran at the same time and I'd be willing to concede that I was wrong.

Atheist smokes pages of Bible, Koran

What did I win?

What is the reason for political correction? Minorities, not PC itself. I'm siding with Soupmeister here.
don't shoot the messenger. Read the article. It is there where they say it's political correctness run amuck.
don't shoot the messenger. Read the article. It is there where they say it's political correctness run amuck.

read what souggy said, he said in his opinion that it wasnt PC, and that it was the minority voice.

And I am inclined to agree with Souggy's view on this.
What is the reason for political correction? Minorities, not PC itself. I'm siding with Soupmeister here.
The political correctness in this context is when we are trying to stop someone from doing something that they have the right to do just because we are afraid it will offend someone else. IMHO we take political correctness to far when it's used to try to prevent us from exercising our freedom and what we have the right to do.
Originally Posted by kokonut Show me atheists burning both the Bible and Koran at the same time and I'd be willing to concede that I was wrong.

Have ya conceded yet?

Depend which holy bible. :aw:

Even religious group would said.. "Wait! What type of bible book?!... Oh that one... I'm cool with it. Go ahead and burn. Enjoy!"
read what souggy said, he said in his opinion that it wasnt PC, and that it was the minority voice.

And I am inclined to agree with Souggy's view on this.

So do I. I don't care much for book burnings and I wouldn't be supportive of books burning even if it were the Koran or the Bible despite not being a believer in God for much the same reason that Soggy gave in his post.
So do I. I don't care much for book burnings and I wouldn't be supportive of books burning even if it were the Koran or the Bible despite not being a believer in God for much the same reason that Soggy gave in his post.

I should note here that I would not ban book burnings though I'd certainly disapprove of it.
Depend which holy bible. :aw:

Even religious group would said.. "Wait! What type of bible book?!... Oh that one... I'm cool with it. Go ahead and burn. Enjoy!"

but there is only one bible book for Christians, called Holy Bible, unless other Christians like Mormons may use different bible book.
There are various translations and paraphrases of the Holy Bible, so there is more than one that people use.

Maybe not you, but what about your g/f... I seen a friend of mine who burned a picture of her exboyfriend. I've seen them draw devil horns too. Another word, they grew to hate them and want to wipe them out of their life.
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