Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is leaning against the headboard smoking a cigarette, with a satisfied smile on its face.

The egg, looking a bit pissed off, grabs the sheet, rolls over, and says, "Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question!"
DreamDeaf said:
A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is leaning against the headboard smoking a cigarette, with a satisfied smile on its face.
The egg, looking a bit pissed off, grabs the sheet, rolls over, and says, "Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question!"

:giggle: At first I didn't get it but a second later, a light bulb went off. Naughty, Naughty DreamDeaf!
eh? I don't get it?....Help me out here please? maybe a hint?....yeah yeah I'm blonde.... :giggle:
^Angel^ said:
eh? I don't get it?....Help me out here please? maybe a hint?....yeah yeah I'm blonde.... :giggle:

Ohh... ohhh.... OHHH!

That's it?
It's just a play on the old philosophical question of which came first: The chicken or the egg.
^Angel^ said:

that's it what?

Banjo is giving you a hint "moaning sounds"...... :whistle:

:giggle: DreamDeaf, You been so nasty today huh I guess work been easy for you too?
Tousi said:
It's just a play on the old philosophical question of which came first: The chicken or the egg.

The Chicken! (bawk bawk bawk) :giggle:
The chicken can smoke but the egg can't smoke. So the chicken is happy and the egg is not.
tekkmortal said:
The chicken can smoke but the egg can't smoke. So the chicken is happy and the egg is not.

I thought it meant was the chicken had an orgasm and the egg didn't after all the chicken was smoking and smiling[Which that most people do after sex right?] and the egg didn't have it's turn yet.[to have an orgasm]{So, that's why the egg is pissed off} I could be wrong. :giggle:
Yep, that's what Roadrunner told me Cheri....I couldn't firgure it out at first, so that why I asked Roadrunner heh..
um im not blonde but i've been sitting here for about 5 minutes trying to figure this joke out and i still do not get it