Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VII

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^^ Shel, :hug:
I just got home from visiting my best friend in the hosptial, she dont have her son yet. It's almost 19 hours but right now, she's in c section. I will get more information from her mom since I'm at home with my baby... I felt bad for my best friend :(

oh no!!!! but least baby is out finally! :hug:

My best friend just had her son, he born at 6:45pm, 8 lbs 1oz 21 inches! looks like mom!

But I found one thing is very weird

Her son born 8 lbs 1 oz 21 inches.. My Lexi born 8lbs 1.4 oz 21 1/2 inches! :lol:

finally her son came out.. :D
Just got home from the memorial/viewing of the little boy who died in this car accident last week. He is 7 not, 5. Boy..I am so emotionally exhausted and my eyes hurt from crying.

The daughter and granddaughter were there. Granddaughter is fine but has over 50 stitches on her face and head and daughter has sprained muscles, bruises and stitches all over her body.

Just seeing that little white casket is enough to hit anyone right in the heart.

Please put seat belts on your children, please drive carefully, please stop at intersections with no lights (treat them as a 4 way stop..do not drive thru them without stopping) and pls appreciate every moment with your loved ones.
oh no!! i am very sowwy.. :hug:
:hug: for shel... shel i always take my sweet time .. i even stop at the train track to look across cuz you never know? I dont want to risk my child's safety and get him killed. That is why i always go slow and not speeding. I am being cautious for my son's sake and eveyrone else too.

I am sorry to hear about the little boy. It hit my heart as well cuz he was taken too young ... :( My God be with the family and friends. :(
I am also taking a time. Plenty of time because i was told that i will reach 1,000 by end of the summer. BUT..possible the chances that will be over 1,000 posts by end of the summer since im almost reach to 1,000.

Be patience, mate!
Now, i'm over 1,00..1.

hip, hip, and huzzah!!

*farts* my bad.
My mood is just... up and down and up down up down!!!

First, I woke up in early morning for no reason and later I feel so tired at 9pm (usally I tend to asleep by 9pm or 11pm), now I currently woke up for no reason and can't sleep! UGH

Look like my sleep schulde is really mess up since I quited my work three days ago... :sighs: oh well...
Shel... I understood what you mean...
I witnessed so many car accidents in my life...
No fun.

I always belt up for my safety no matter. I'm really very sorry that you went through. :hug: so many.
My mood is just... up and down and up down up down!!!

First, I woke up in early morning for no reason and later I feel so tired at 9pm (usally I tend to asleep by 9pm or 11pm), now I currently woke up for no reason and can't sleep! UGH

Look like my sleep schulde is really mess up since I quited my work three days ago... :sighs: oh well...

Must be the habit that has been affecting you, prehaps?
I can't sleep. It is pissing me off that I CAN'T SLEEP.

Another late night for you, eh? I am just at home, chilling and checking ebay because I have just sold my mobile phone - The Nokia N95 for $330.50 and I am about to put up another item for sale which is the Dlink Videophone
Must be the habit that has been affecting you, prehaps?

No - usually, before I quited, it didnt mess up. Just regular as usual as I slept and woke up for every morning and night. Until I quited, I tried to change my sleep/wakeup schulde because I don't have to get up so early. Its pretty hard for me to change...

I feel numb and tired but I can't sleep... Bah =/
No - usually, before I quited, it didnt mess up. Just regular as usual as I slept and woke up for every morning and night. Until I quited, I tried to change my sleep/wakeup schulde because I don't have to get up so early. Its pretty hard for me to change...

I feel numb and tired but I can't sleep... Bah =/

Just try and ignore the alarm and all. BUT I think since it is summer over there, it is restless to get you into beauty sleep, isn't it? (Too hot to be comfortable in bed)
Just try and ignore the alarm and all. BUT I think since it is summer over there, it is restless to get you into beauty sleep, isn't it? (Too hot to be comfortable in bed)

No no I don't use alarm clock because I just dont work anymore so i stop used it. Still, my body has a habit to get up early and sleep at night... so I tried to change on my own to get up in moring like 8am or 9pm instead of 5am or 6am, and go on.
Just try and wake up later than you get up, but if you get up at 5am, just force yourself to stay in bed, if you can
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