what you got somethings from valentine's day?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2004
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I got packages boxes from my boyfriend he lives in London,England that he send me Rose flowers and Estee Lauder perfumes for valentine's day called "beautiful" perfumes.And im really loves that Rose flowers that James our boyfriend send me and my mom says OH WOW! and i show my new perfumes and my mom says that perfumes its expensives? i think so! and i e-mail to my boyfriend and my boyfriend was right about expensives of perfumes! here my new perfumes! I didnt know my boyfriend purchase perfumes for me and my boyfriend tell me about that!

you have any story on valentine's day what your husband or boyfriend,girlfriend send you gifts or flowers tell story.


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I got a Valentine's gift from my parents (chocolate candies and puppy kitchen towels with hearts around it. so cute)

I got a Valentine's gift from one of my true bluesy friends, She got me a small white bear holding a balloon and a bag of candy, and some Reese cups and Kit Kat candy bars. ;)

I got huggies and kisses from my boys on Valentine's day. ;)
From my sweet heart gave me "Belgian chocolate, Red Roses, and cute flash me teddy bear dancing! lol ,, Oh not to forget the valentine's card too heee.
I got a nice text message from a friend on my pager. Happy Valentine's Day ;)
i got 4 roses.. from my son and his father for Valentine's Day...and many valentine ecards from friends..
Ohh I got nice Banana Republic clothes, beautiful roses and red wine..of course.. what Valentine for ??! Why don't ya agree.. ladies ? lol


mine is red bull... :lol: no it is not red bull

it is moving and song to me in spain. bull is RED. :)
I got bunches of candies on valentines day from my grandparents and my parents. LOL

and a first date for belated valentine's day to dinner at mexican restaurant and movie called "Fool's Gold." :)
I got 6 red carnation flowers, card, and a Red/Black Lion stuff animal with a black jacket. psst.. this is the time in 6 years I actually got something from him on valentines day! I got him an air compressor with air tools and a card. :)
i got a big tweetybird balloon, a card, big heart of chocolate insides from my hubby.. and i gave my hubby, a balloon say i love u, 1 chocolate fish, one chocolate of 3 different chocolate cherries, card.. also i cooked valentine dinner for us too.. heheh..

also my parents gave us chocolate hearts..
i still havent got anything from my sweetie.. grrrr.. he said he mailed me a card... so i havent gotten it yet... oh well..
My bf gave me 12 Roses flowers with a red vase and took me out to a dinner. But... a shit for his hyprotric of been getting alot of messages from pager, who else?... even his profile still in dsc. I asked him to remove his profile from dsc, and he wont. I am going to pack up and leave him soon. hehe... that is his loss. I can simple to find other new man. He divorced 17 yrs ago and been dating with many woman. He talks highly of his children more than my children I ve 3 sons. In the past time, he went to my house and yelling a big asshole at my son, 22 for no reason. That was horrible. he is still in dsc with profile picture. I will be leaving him shortly after I sell my house soon. I just cant wait to get it over with him. Ahhh!!! Horrary.. that s his loss.
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valentine's day sucked for me.... but hopefully next year i may be lucky or not.... ;) at least it is over with.. right guys? hush RR I know u wud tease me... :P
My bf gave me 12 Roses flowers with a red vase and took me out to a dinner. But... a shit for his hyprotric of been getting alot of messages from pager, who else?... even his profile still in dsc. I asked him to remove his profile from dsc, and he wont. I am going to pack up and leave him soon. hehe... that is his loss. I can simple to find other new man. He divorced 17 yrs ago and been dating with many woman. He talks highly of his children more than my children I ve 3 sons. In the past time, he went to my house and yelling a big asshole at my son, 22 for no reason. That was horrible. he is still in dsc with profile picture. I will be leaving him shortly after I sell my house soon. I just cant wait to get it over with him. Ahhh!!! Horrary.. that s his loss.

DSC that mean Deaf Singles Connection?
Didn't have any valentines because my last gf was a compulsive lair.