smile. yeah I empathize ya garnetmom, I've had one celluar driver rear-bam me few years ago. for godssake I was on my way to my last bIg performance at san francisco state university, went there anyway, finished it with whiplash and naseaous migraine.
it was crazy..
ok here's more turn offs .. again and always has been,
- wildlife hunters, people who don't like animals or hurt them in ANY way of shape or form,
- heavy smokers/drinkers/druggers/abusers,
eating like a horse (spittin'), a lion (dang too fast) or a cow (chewing wide),
- manipulations, accusations/assumpitions, guiltrips and lies,
- hypocrites (who accuses/pretends yet denies),
- contradictors (who complains yet does the same),
- projective people (who blames others without realizing it means them),
- miss/mister I-know-it-all-sweetheart, robots (no heart), prejudicers, rubberneckers, preachers-about-life, stabbers, ...
- rude/careless/thoughtless/selfish/apathic people, people without sympathy, patience, willingness, compassion, or heart and more.. and tha makes them everything else.. (bad hygiene, no manners, danger driver, lousy parent, etc.)
and most of all, did I say contradictors? arggh P E A P O L S. sadly, life is too short.