What happened to me today!

Do you mean the Union Station at Washington, D.C.? That's terrible! They are generalizing deaf people (assuming that ALL of the deaf people do the same thing).

I've heard there are lots of restaurants and bars in the DC area that refuse to serve Deaf people because of lousy (if at all) tips.

By the way, Union Station is not far from Gallaudet University, is that right, Authentic?
Far out that's discrimination! Report it on local news TV. That would spread out on to youtube as well too.
If it's the Union Station in DC, then yep- it's really close to Gally. I've been there many times...so far I hadn't experienced any kind of problems with getting food from there, etc.
If it's the Union Station in DC, then yep- it's really close to Gally. I've been there many times...so far I hadn't experienced any kind of problems with getting food from there, etc.

Yeah, Authentic is from Washington D.C so the Union Station is close to the University since I have been there, LOL
Oh..I thought he was from Russia, LOL. Guess that's why I was asking. Wouldn't it be weird if all of us have seen each other at Union Station at one time...and didn't even know each other? Life's strange that way.
Oh..I thought he was from Russia, LOL. Guess that's why I was asking. Wouldn't it be weird if all of us have seen each other at Union Station at one time...and didn't even know each other? Life's strange that way.

Authentic is actually from CCCP, but moved to US. I think, correct me wrong.
I know Authentic is an Russian and live in America. I guess that he born and raised in Russia before move to live in America.
Yes, they do not allow discriminate the people but they have the right to not serve them for no reason if they want to. It's their business, they can do what they want. If they give you the reason why they do not serve you because of your deafness, etc is then discrimination. It would cost business owner a lot of money for discriminate the people why they refuse to serve them... that's why they keep the reasons themselves quietly then you can't do anything to against them because they didn't give you their reason.

What you wrote makes sense regarding businesses having the right to refuse to serve. Pubs are a good example where staff have the right to refuse to serve customers who are intoxicated, etc.:)

But, deafbajagal was told leave because the restaurant does not serve deaf people, which is discrimination. I would like to know the reason, too.
im sorry that was happened to ya. All of us have to stand up what we believe. We have to exposure to the culture. We are NOT ALONE, we have UNITY. Just need stronger unity to make powerful. No, im not gonna be MLK Jr. No, we are not gonna be next DPN. We are gonna be DEAF UNITY!!

Deaf power, indeed?
Well I believe it is part of tips that they don't accpet you. They might had bad experience with deaf people in the past. I hate to admit but I have to tell you, I was in deaf world, my old all deaf friends and I never pay tips many times. I realized that I should pay because my husband taught me to do that. I was so embrassed. I remember that someone made a post about should we pay tip. Some deaf people will not pay tips. tsk tsk
wow deafbajagal that sucks that they asked u to leave? I would like to know reason why because you are deaf? if so.. then that is discrimination. I hope you are going to do something about it and let many people know about that business so that way they will lose business. that is so wrong! do let us know how it goes, ok.

I am sorry you had to go thru that! :( Hugs!
deafbajagal, were you alone when you went to the restaurant that refused to serve you?
Yes, every restaurant can do what they wants but... accord your 1st post, they refused to serve you because you are deaf. Did they said this to you that your deafness is the reason why they refuse to serve you? If yes, then is a discrimination...
Yes, I'm wondering the same thing. Did they actually say this... or did it seem that way?

It does seem kinda odd that they would straightforwardly tell you... "We don't serve deaf people."

On the other hand, they probably had a very bad experience with a lot of deaf customers in the past that it made them hesitate when they see other deaf customers.

Remember, not all views are because of their stubbornness... but because of their bad experience.

It's almost like a woman who was raped or a dog who was abused. If a woman was severely raped by a man she came to put a lot of trust in (or she was raped multiple times), then she would lose a lot of trust in men and avoid close confrontations with them. If a dog was constantly abused by his owner(s), then it would fear future owners. (This actually happened to my friend's dog. It took that dog several years to get used to her new owners and owners' friends. She would bow her head in fear every time someone tried to pet her.)
Well, it was a privately owned Chinese restaurant (not a chain restaurant). Legally, they are well within their rights to turn away any customer they want. Small businesses have that right. What I am doing is telling everyone I meet (strangers and friends) about the experience. Many people were appalled and even said they won't go back there again. I will write a letter to the owner (I have a good hutch that the man who told me I couldn't eat there was the owner) about what I think of the experience in a professional tone.

Geez, I hate rude and inconsiderate people!

Make sure you put on the cc at the bottom of the letter that tells the recipient who else received a copy of the letter, in which case it would be either the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or the Dept of Human Rights in your state.
WOW... discrimination for sure.

Get it on tape (digital recorder in your front shirt pocket) and go back there again. Maybe grab someone outside that you do not know and ask them to walk in with you. Record everything. Get the person to say his/her name and why you are not being served.

Then take that tape right to the filthiest lawyer you can find. Explain what has happened and play the tape. I bet they will take the case and split the $$.

WOW... discrimination for sure.

Get it on tape (digital recorder in your front shirt pocket) and go back there again. Maybe grab someone outside that you do not know and ask them to walk in with you. Record everything. Get the person to say his/her name and why you are not being served.

Then take that tape right to the filthiest lawyer you can find. Explain what has happened and play the tape. I bet they will take the case and split the $$.


Filthiest lawyer? Lol.....there's probably a few at the bottom of the ocean; maybe bajagal can resurrect one from there.
deafbajagal - Before we all get angry over confusion and such... can you kindly retrace your steps in details... starting from you getting out of car, walking to the restaurant. Were you with friends? Please try to tell us exactly what did you say to manager and what did manager say and what happened.
Make sure you put on the cc at the bottom of the letter that tells the recipient who else received a copy of the letter, in which case it would be either the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or the Dept of Human Rights in your state.

Good idea. I'm almost done writing the letter...will post here and see if you all will give me some feedback on it. ;)