What good thing happened to you today?

I got a good workout in despite being so tired and moody.
My mom just got a letter from her job (she's out on disability at the moment) saying that they were having economic trouble and offering a bonus type thing, and compensation, for people who voluntarily left the company.

Sounds bad, but the compensation they're offering my mom should she take their offer will pay our mortgage for three months, and it's the answer to our prayers. She wasn't thinking she was able to go back anyways, and now she's getting paid to do what she was going to do regardless.....and we're starting up a new business franchise thing that's going to be really helpful.

Just when we were freaking out about money...this comes along.
I had a similar situation last year. Congrats!! I love perfect timing:)
My mom got approved for her severance today!! In total she's getting more than $15,000 dollars for leaving (bonus, compensation for unused PTO, severance for 12 weeks). It's money that we really, REALLY needed. Very emotional, but considering what's been going on, and the fact that she couldn't continue working in the field, it's great.
My mom got approved for her severance today!! In total she's getting more than $15,000 dollars for leaving (bonus, compensation for unused PTO, severance for 12 weeks). It's money that we really, REALLY needed. Very emotional, but considering what's been going on, and the fact that she couldn't continue working in the field, it's great.

Good for you. She deserves it. Money that is well earned should be well spent.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Got a cold front. Out of the 80's F now. Welcome relief!
And you didn't take any of that ban time to learn to spell.

(Yes, that is me being sarcastic. I totally get you are using slang-language but it's irritating to those of us grown-ups who actually like to read real English.)
And you didn't take any of that ban time to learn to spell.

(Yes, that is me being sarcastic. I totally get you are using slang-language but it's irritating to those of us grown-ups who actually like to read real English.)

Yeah, it's very "hill-billish" (his language) to me...Wondering if he is capable of typing a readable sentence using proper English?
found a song for zumba on Amazon but not on itunes, odd!
Just got back from IT luncheon, our boss want to thank everyone after all the hard work over the year, and he gave out a nice checks to all. So more checks are comming up... top management boss plus bonus. Then a raise next year. So, I'll ask them to raise my taxes.
I was able to get some much needed sleep!! Also, cats were on the protective side this morning, MIL went to ask me something, but both cats hissed and spit at her and wouldn't let her near me. Wonder why?
My socks are getting dry after being in the rain. I has been raining all day in Ireland.

I am trying to highlight the positive. Otherwise, I could just as well write "my socks are wet because of the lousy weather today in Ireland".
^^^Yes, but you're in IRELAND!!! I'd be happy about that, rain or no.
^^^Yes, but you're in IRELAND!!! I'd be happy about that, rain or no.

Sometimes it rains two days in a row incessantly. That is tough. But I like it more than where I grew up in Sweden. We could have -15 C sometimes in the winter.

And now those Canadians are going to tell me that it nothing as compared to their winters.
I had a nice chat on Facebook today with the mother of my nephew's fiancee. Never met her in real life. Turns out her husband is someone I was in high school with; he was a year ahead of me. AND - her family used to live down the road from my step-father's family, years ago, and they used to go to the same Methodist church. So she knew him, growing up, and knew my stepbrothers long before they were my stepbrothers, even had a crush on one of the older ones for a while!

Small world department, I guess.