What do you want?

@TheWriteAlex: Judging from the icon accompanying your statement it wouldn't be a nice ruling :giggle: I kinda see him whipping at people forcing them to write erotic stories for his amusement and if it does not amuse him he'll feed you to the lions, Roman style ;D

That sounds better than what I originally had in mind. :hmm:

I could use people who think like you in my brave new world. Would you like to be my queen? :naughty:
I haven't seen any posts about rich ladies that he want to marry so I dunno if he's back. :lol:
I want matajan to stop asking so many damn questions!

LOL I saw that he practically owned one of the forums categories with all his questions. It was overwhelming how he would ask the same thing in a different way over and over and over...
That sounds better than what I originally had in mind. :hmm:

I could use people who think like you in my brave new world. Would you like to be my queen? :naughty:

:giggle: -shrugs- Why not? Crown me -sits on a pretty throne waiting-
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZVkFrQkSKs]YouTube - Never give up, trust your instincts![/ame]


No, well, it would be cool to live in a Star Fox universe... but:

Pull my brainatic head out of my ass, stop being logical and just go with guts instinct.
What I want:

An successful job working as an concept artist

living in a nice house/apartment in a nice environment where I'm comfortable and happy and alot of friends near me.

a girlfriend who loves me no matter what as I love her too

a pretty nice truck

going to mountains and miami, FL on about every summer vacations.

A chocolate cake every weekend

hmmm...I guess that's pretty much it.
Wirelessly posted

I won't lie at what I want. I'd love to have my vision back. To be able to breeze through a crowded mall without random stangers kicking the white cane or panicking on a crowded bus because I can't see which stop I get off at. Vision truly empowers independence and to have that back means a whole lot to me on so many levels.
I want to be a man for a week. I want to know how it feels like to be a man. To have the same liberties they do just because they are men.
I want to be a man for a week. I want to know how it feels like to be a man. To have the same liberties they do just because they are men.

Don't think that; you are as capable as you want to be. I may not understand any type of gender heirarchy that may exist within your local culture. I hope that most places are past that gender inequality crap. It is still weird to think how much separation in privilege within genders that existed not too long ago.

I want:

1-Those who are grieving to be comforted
2-Fulfill my work and school obligations to the highest standard possible
Don't think that; you are as capable as you want to be. I may not understand any type of gender heirarchy that may exist within your local culture. I hope that most places are past that gender inequality crap. It is still weird to think how much separation in privilege within genders that existed not too long ago.

I know I am capable of doing whatever I set myself to do but over here, P.R. society is a very chauvinistic. My dad is like that and I've been forbidden to go to many places, be out at a certain hour, wear a particular item of clothing, do some bodily functions (like burping in my own house...I mean, come ON! everyone has a stomach and they create gasses and have to burp from time to time...), like some things I like ( not really forbidden but frowned upon), have consecutive or more than three sexual partners,...ALL cause I'm a woman. He has said so himself that if I were a boy he wouldn't care at all :/

And I'd really like to be a man to feel free of all those darn rules at least for a week :D
I chose to 10,22.25 ,to be happy is simple, want to be happy to happy no matter what time, place, you can smile, enjoy yourself, but also make others happy ........
Maybe my answers are too serious for this light-hearted thread, but here it goes. I recently posted this in my Facebook Notes. :)

"Men don't listen!" How many times have we said this? Or, "They don't care!" Then someone will throw in your face a bunch of self-righteous books about relationships...how men come from a different planet and we should understand that women and men think differently. Blah, blah. Everyone has their own way of showing love and accepting love. Blah blah. Some books downright blame the men's mothers for their behaviors...others blame society.

What do I, as a woman, want? The fact that people (aka men) will clump all women together and say "that's what women want" only justify how men don't listen. Every woman is different, and every woman has unique needs.

I don't want mink coats, diamond rings, a mansion on a hill, and the newest rolls on wheels.

Maybe it's the country girl in me, but material things are not important to me unless they hold sentimental value to it.

When I wake up in the morning, I want someone who will say he loves me. He will tell me to have a good day at work, and maybe even get up with me to share a cup of coffee or tea before the hectic day begins. If I don't see this person for a while, a post-it note on the mirror is probably more powerful than any diamond ring you can buy.

I don't need to just be told I'm beautiful on a regular basis...but I need to believe that when I'm somewhere with you, I'm undoubtfully the most beautiful woman in the room. If a man leaves comments on a website about how hot a woman looks, all it does is devalue me. I no longer feel beautiful when most of the words that should be for me, are directed to other women, even strangers. Especially if they are words I've never heard said to me personally.

I want someone who respects, although he may not necessarily agree with it, my moral values. I want my children to grow up with strong Christian values. I do not want them exposed to ways of the world in my own home, as the world is already corrupted the moment they step out of the door. It is my responsibility to teach them the ways of God.

I want someone who loves my children unconditionally, as if they were his own. Not many men can do this one. Perhaps it's something about biology where the male species only recognize his own offspring by blood. Whatever. My children deserves two whole parents, not one and a half.
I want someone who is patient, loving, and kind to them.

I want to be held at night, especially since night demons love to visit me. I cannot remember the last time I was able to fall asleep in someone's arms. I hate falling asleep alone, and often times when I do, my thoughts do stray to the possibilities of having an affair. I resent sleeping alone, especially when he's home.

I want to be treated like a partner, not a house maid or the personal assistant who runs all of the errands. Divide the house chores so I'm not so tired when I come home and I can relax after a long day in the classroom. Load the dishwasher, make the bed, and take out the trash...small things are really helpful.

While I don't expect, nor want, expensive or lavish gifts, I do appreciate thoughtful small gifts. Coming home to see fresh flowers in a vase just for me would probably make all of my problems vanish for a little while. Little chocolate bars wrapped with a ribbon, a bag of my favorite chips to take to work, or even a can of my favorite soda would make my day. Holidays are not important to me, but on Valentine's Day at least say "Happy Valentine's" to me. Ignoring that day, and me, is hurtful. Especially when a simple note is much more meaningful than a 4-star dinner.

When someone hurts me, all I want is for him to acknowledge his mistake and say, "I'm sorry." No lies, no excuses, and certainly don't avoid it hoping I will forget it soon. Say the words. Sometimes the best way to say "I love you" is to sincerely say "I'm sorry."

When I'm ill, I need to be cared for. The treatments I got for my cancer has made my body weak, but I feel it's made me more stronger. Sometimes taking a bath is too tiring, especially when my body hurts. Wash me, in a loving way. Help me dress and let me rest. Remember that I still need to eat, and be sure to ask if I need a drink. Just because I don't show I'm in pain (which I'm good at) doesn't mean I'm painfree. If he's away, I want him to text me to make sure I'm okay. He can text me to remind me he loves me and I'm still the most beautiful woman he has. Especially when I feel so ugly inside.

Maybe I want too much. Maybe my expectations are too high. But I'm not about to change anytime soon. This is what this woman wants. If only they would listen.