What do you think of mudslide in Ca.


New Member
Nov 13, 2004
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Do you think mother nature has been rough this year,hurricane in florida and the tidal wave then mud slide what do you think?Others ?
well well.. all i heard is if Ca have the last HUGE earth qauke.. the Sf Bridge will gone.. so i don't kow if it will gonna happens..

that's all i heard.. but mudslide.. mm it's hard to predict
i feel bad for all the victims of the CA mudslides

my heart goes out to all the families of the victims! :(
The only way the world ends is WWIII If china or north korea launches nukes towards the US then WWIII comes and its the end.Cause US has over 100,000 nuclear missles enough to destroy the world 10 times over.
doesnt mean to bring religious stuff up but world can end like raven says or it could end like bible says when all types of natural disaters (sorry for misspelling) happening then something about 7 years of mess or whatever... (not a bible reader but remembers stories from when i was younger) i personally think it might happen in our lifetime since all of those terrible are happening now :( :( :( i wonder what happens next and yet i dont want to know . i really do feel bad for all of those poor people who have to suffer everywhere
A few natural disasters do not mean the end of the world. In fact, that mudslide was minor if you think of it in terms of how many people die in other natural diasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.

If I recall, the bible says that humans will not know the day/time it will happen...it could just happen LOL (makes you want to live life at the fullest).
VamPyroX said:
The end of the world is coming! :eek:

We may become cavemen and cavewomen. No more computer, pager, tv, video game, etc...

We will do with rock and hammer to write down on the rock. :-o
Normally we get these rains every winter and it doesnt create damage here but sometimes the pressure system from Alaska gets pushed south and bypass us. Hence when CA gets the rain, we get mild winters.

My family lives near LaConchita so my father has friends living there. He has been worried about them. This is the second time and the last time, my father s good friend lost his house. The state wouldnt let him go back to the house to retrieve any belongings so the house was left there for years before getting salvaged. This friend had another house built there so hopefully it didnt strike him again.

It is not an action of God. It is just that California gets these heavy rains every decade or so and the hills are not used to having so much water that they become oversaturated, creating mudslides.

My grandparents live on a hill but it is much more stable than the hill in La Conchita so Im relieved. They have been very worried since the rains begun.

That is how nature works its course.
Taylor said:
If I recall, the bible says that humans will not know the day/time it will happen...it could just happen LOL (makes you want to live life at the fullest).
That's right, we do not know when the world will end.
God does have an orderly plan, but only He knows when it will begin. That is why He tells us to be ready. I don't believe recent events are signs of "the end of the world" but they are serious reminders that we must be ready at any moment, without warning, to face God.

As far as natural disasters increasing, IMO, the earth is not necessarily experiencing more disasters. The perception is that they are increasing because now we have world-wide communications that make all the disasters quickly known to us. Scientists know that past earthquakes, tsunamies, landslides, meteor strikes, etc., were devestating to the earth's surface but no one was there to make videos of the events.

Also, more areas of the earth are populated now than thousands of years ago, so naturally there are more deaths and injuries. In the past, there were larger waves and earthquakes but they struck unpopulated areas. Compare the casualties of equally sized waves hitting northern Alaska and Manhatten.
SpiceHD said:
doesnt mean to bring religious stuff up but world can end like raven says or it could end like bible says when all types of natural disaters (sorry for misspelling) happening then something about 7 years of mess or whatever... (not a bible reader but remembers stories from when i was younger) i personally think it might happen in our lifetime since all of those terrible are happening now :( :( :( i wonder what happens next and yet i dont want to know . i really do feel bad for all of those poor people who have to suffer everywhere

I don't believe the end of the world is coming soon. If it happens, though, it'll be because *we* caused our own demise by destroying the natural resources this country possesses.

As for a "devine plan" to such an effect... Hmm, well, I don't believe it.
harleymn said:
Do you think mother nature has been rough this year,hurricane in florida and the tidal wave then mud slide what do you think?Others ?

I think Mother Nature has had a severe case of PMS, yes! :lol: The mudslides are a natural occurance in Ca. this time of year, but good grief!

On a serious note, I feel sad for those that lost their lives.
harleymn said:
Do you think mother nature has been rough this year,hurricane in florida and the tidal wave then mud slide what do you think?Others ?
No not at all. Mudslides have been here in CA for long time so are earthquakes, fire and flood. My brother almost lost his life to mudslide 30 years ago when he went to the house to turn the gas off. The mud was hit him up to chest, lucky him he got himself out alive. Problem here in CA, overcrowded and people seek a place to live whether they want to live by the water or mountain or in city.

El Nino is back as it was few years ago and 10 years ago.
If we tread on mother nature, it will get back at us with great fury.

The movie " the day after tomorrow " has come! :shock: better get your 3 month supply of survival :shock:


no not just the bridge itself.. the land itself will disappear into sea.. no more SF city will be called 'underwater city" the lost city.. but the chance it will happen is only a mere 7%.. but it can happen anytime
DeafSCUBA98 said:
The movie " the day after tomorrow " has come! :shock: better get your 3 month supply of survival :shock:
naw... I'll drive up the mountain to find a cave and cuddle with a bear who can give me months of supply of survival! :lol: