What did you learn today?

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The verdict is in and the company decided to terminate me. What chaps my ass about the whole situation is that they said they would have an "investigation" but however no one was questioned about anything. One of my coworkers even went to bat for me in front of the plant manager and he acted as if he now had all the information that he would reconsider, however this morning before my hearing he would not even look at me. So now I am officially jobless. Hopefully I will be able to find something in the near future that pays about as well as what Tyson did along with insurance and benefits.

I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you get something soon. :hug:
The verdict is in and the company decided to terminate me. What chaps my ass about the whole situation is that they said they would have an "investigation" but however no one was questioned about anything. One of my coworkers even went to bat for me in front of the plant manager and he acted as if he now had all the information that he would reconsider, however this morning before my hearing he would not even look at me. So now I am officially jobless. Hopefully I will be able to find something in the near future that pays about as well as what Tyson did along with insurance and benefits.

Sometimes I wonder they lay deaf people off because they know they can get SSI and other people can't?

One guy I knew had mental issues (really bad too) He couldn't function at work at all, so they fired him. It was reasonable because he wasn't doing jobs that was very important, cleaning and sterilizing equipments at night. We ended up doing it for him. I talked to the manager that I hope he will be able to find work, and wondered if he could in his condition. She told me that he is going to apply for gov't assistance so he should be ok. Coworkers told me the same thing, that he did apply for gov't assistance.
Learned my husband stayed up very late setting up as very large screen monitor , so I can still sit in my favorite so\spot and read the monitor .
Yesterday, I learned that I have hemorrhoids but it's painful. I know that it's usually not serious. The dr puts me on high Fiber diet.
The verdict is in and the company decided to terminate me. What chaps my ass about the whole situation is that they said they would have an "investigation" but however no one was questioned about anything. One of my coworkers even went to bat for me in front of the plant manager and he acted as if he now had all the information that he would reconsider, however this morning before my hearing he would not even look at me. So now I am officially jobless. Hopefully I will be able to find something in the near future that pays about as well as what Tyson did along with insurance and benefits.

Oh bugger Dixie.. I do hope you will land on your feet with another job to work for sure.. ohh terrible indeed for this to happen to ya this close to Christmas... wow...
Dixie, I am so sorry to hear that you are jobless. I do hope that you will get your old job back soon. I pray for you.
I learn analyze it figure out my hearing aid correct back expect to everything work pretty successfully!! I am glad of rid on my record file! tech fit is very record is very listing!! pretty work!
Today is Dad's birthday. My brothers and sisters were there with me for the party. I learned I cannot sing worth a hoot but sure can make them laugh. Happy Birthday, Dad, and we are so proud of the sacrifices you made for family and country.
I learned...... Wasps and bees don't have ears!! :shock:
I learned that a jellyfish has no mouth, but they eat crustaceans and plankton.
Today I learned that Deaf Expo will be held in Las Vegas 2012. Now I must start saving up to visit this Expo if it's meant to be.
I learned that selecting size 2 font made my posts harder to read for others, even though they were easier for me. I remain baffled at this.
Learned my husband stayed up very late setting up as very large screen monitor , so I can still sit in my favorite so\spot and read the monitor .

I learned you have a very sweet husband! :)
I learned that my cat is making fun of me behind my back.

I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you get something soon. :hug:

deafgal001 said:
Sometimes I wonder they lay deaf people off because they know they can get SSI and other people can't?

One guy I knew had mental issues (really bad too) He couldn't function at work at all, so they fired him. It was reasonable because he wasn't doing jobs that was very important, cleaning and sterilizing equipments at night. We ended up doing it for him. I talked to the manager that I hope he will be able to find work, and wondered if he could in his condition. She told me that he is going to apply for gov't assistance so he should be ok. Coworkers told me the same thing, that he did apply for gov't assistance.

Sharky99 said:
Oh bugger Dixie.. I do hope you will land on your feet with another job to work for sure.. ohh terrible indeed for this to happen to ya this close to Christmas... wow...

Sosie said:
Dixie, I am so sorry to hear that you are jobless. I do hope that you will get your old job back soon. I pray for you.

Thanks for your support guys. Today I got at it with looking for work. Today I came up with two applications to be a substitute teacher at two school districts which are within 20 minutes of my house. I found out this evening that the QSI contracted sanitation crew at Tyson may be hiring, this would be 2nd/3rd shifts so it may settle the school issue. Tomorrow I will return my paperwork I completed today, run the dogs, do some schoolwork then run to Uni for class. Technically not job hunting but Wednesdays are my busiest days anyway, I'll just have more time to get it all done. Thursday I'll go at it again, and continue 5-6 days a week until I find something.

I really hope that USDA-FSIS will contact me soon regarding the WAE position at Waldron. It would pay much better than anything in this area and I will have the option to roll into a FSIS-GS-07 after two years which means it is full time with health insurance and benefits. Perhaps by then I will have completed my degree and will use that to move up quickly in USDA into 8/9 positions. Not a definite but it is a long term option if I decide to go that route.
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