What did you do today?

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Thanks Shel! Have you joined the Eggzilla Fan Club on Facebook? You need to tell your friends, spread the word!

Oh yea?Is it on your wall?
I have now joined Dixie's Eggzilla Fan Club!!
I learn must to toothpast and brush prevent to my teeth must!
I posted a funny post in the chicken crossing road thread. :giggle:
Cleaned up kitchen and living room desk. Reviewed food menu and pantry. I will be starting a new menu tonight for next week.
OMFG CNN called my cell phone and I got to speak with them! Watch for my egg story on CNN and I have one new photo added! Woot de woot!!!

Sounds like your egg got it 15 mintutes worth of fame. :giggle:
I am lucky cap wil replace new my teeth I think so figure out he said you want to replace two conflict to my teeth left he siad pretty you are big space cap expect to new next year!!
Travis: thought you had a mouth full of "false teeth" consequence of drinking too much caffeine pop?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Went to the Doctor then dropped by my sister's and swept her floor and pulled some weeds.

Then went to Target and bought a gift card. Home and rested all arvo watching Party of Five Season 1.
Had breakfast and read the Toronto Star and no news about Travis' sleeping for 15 hours a day to reduce stress/drinking caffeine pop and finally wanting to swim for 2 hours-only to discover the pool closed. Really upset!

Good news Travis" 2 laps for you today-Toronto pools open.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Just made bran muffins with nuts and wolfberries. Last batch should be ready just a little after 11.
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