What did you do today?

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You and me both...had an ear infection a month ago and now, I feel it coming back. Ugh!!! Did it hurt to break your eardrum? Sometimes the pressure and pain is so intense which makes me want to poke through my eardrum to let the fluid out.

It hurt badly for a moment, but then it quickly subsided.
You could ask your friend to help you with your bathroom. That's what I asked my friend when he was at my house unexpectedly. He was happy to help me with my toilet project. I bet that your husband need a hand for sure.

I just needed to sand one small area where the drywall was put over the hole in the wall left from the recessed medicine cabinet and paint over it. That was all I needed to..Now, I am waiting for the first coat to dry so I can apply the 2nd coat.
I didn't say it was a bad idea. Just that I said "ew" at the thought of wet Q-Tip in my ears *shudder*

Oh gee! Okay I understand it now. I was so tired last night. I hope that I don't insult you something on my previous comment. I wanted to do something to clean up my mess house. I live with my Mom for now and she has too many stuff. It's hard for me where can I start to clean up including in the basement. I could rent a dumpster, but it cost about 600 bucks so I guess using the trash can once a week as long as my mom is in a good mood. I would need the dumpster for my own renovate-al house later. I wish that you or Reba to do it for me as in the army to yell at my mom not to make another mess again. Shh! My bad!
My family has the pack rat gene, and it drives me crazy!

I'm PMSing so don't look at me wrong!
Oh gee! Okay I understand it now. I was so tired last night. I hope that I don't insult you something on my previous comment. I wanted to do something to clean up my mess house. I live with my Mom for now and she has too many stuff. It's hard for me where can I start to clean up including in the basement. I could rent a dumpster, but it cost about 600 bucks so I guess using the trash can once a week as long as my mom is in a good mood. I wish that you or Reba to do it for me as in the army to yell at my mom not to make another mess again. Shh! My bad!

don't worry. I didn't feel insulted. I knew there was some misunderstanding. no problem.

why not just put all piles of garbage bags together on trash day? or you can do what I did when I moved out few weeks ago. I had A LOT of junks to throw out after I moved out. It was enough to fill up probably half of dumpster. I drove to some place where it has a dumpster and threw it out there :lol:
Just don't let them have a 3 bay garage. Took hubby a year to clean out his father's 40 years of crap. I still remember FIL saying, "Hey, honey!, I got to have these brass knobs. They're only $15 a piece and you know they will only be worth a bunch more down the road." Needless to say, they weren't worth a darn. They weren't even brass.
Just don't let them have a 3 bay garage. Took hubby a year to clean out his father's 40 years of crap. I still remember FIL saying, "Hey, honey!, I got to have these brass knobs. They're only $15 a piece and you know they will only be worth a bunch more down the road." Needless to say, they weren't worth a darn. They weren't even brass.

major lol
My aunt was at my house once, and the following words actually came out of her mouth (in a deep Texas drawl): You're not going to throw away that veinna sausage can, are you?!?
Oh gee! Okay I understand it now. I was so tired last night. I hope that I don't insult you something on my previous comment. I wanted to do something to clean up my mess house. I live with my Mom for now and she has too many stuff. It's hard for me where can I start to clean up including in the basement. I could rent a dumpster, but it cost about 600 bucks so I guess using the trash can once a week as long as my mom is in a good mood. I would need the dumpster for my own renovate-al house later. I wish that you or Reba to do it for me as in the army to yell at my mom not to make another mess again. Shh! My bad!

Have you seen this? Bagster® - Home
I figure out think so chrome work
firefox not goodo!
I've never seen the Bagster here either. It might be good for remodeling projects!
I am pretty stress tough! figure out think so probably!
I have been to 2 libraries, GameStop and Walmart then home for lunch, then off to Walgreens, $5 deals, and Wendy's (for MIL) then back home. Sent a fax to the auto finance company and also had a short meeting with the contractor. We will not be having laminate wood floors due to humidity and possible water issues. We will have tile through the whole house.
My aunt was at my house once, and the following words actually came out of her mouth (in a deep Texas drawl): You're not going to throw away that veinna sausage can, are you?!?

That was too funny!:laugh2: Did she say "VI enna"?

I swear my 10 year old neice is a full blown hoarder. Definately got it from her mother...her dad is an OCD "everything in it's place" guy.
I swear that hoarding is in my family's genes. I'm more compulsively organized.

She said "VEE -anna" and used the up-an-octive-inflection at the end. :giggle:

For lard's sake, it didn't even have a lid! :P
Wow..today was the final day of the Academy that I was a part of. Over 1,000 educators ranging from teachers, curriculm coordinators, and administrators from all over MD were there. I met soooo many nice people today because some of the activities involved everyone interacting with each other. Some of my deaf co-workers had a hard time handling it but I jumped right in knowing that it would be on an one-on-one basis. I figured that I suffered in hell from my oral upbringing that why not make it worthwhile. I got to meet many hearing educators who work in different counties all over who do know basic ASL. It was an amazing experience. I kinda wish I had one more day to go because there were a few that I would have considered making friends with b ut i will see them next year.

Wow..the new curriculm is being adopted by 44 states and it is a total rennovation of the educational system in the U.S. I am sooo excited that our little deaf program is a part of a BIG change. Will be tough to change...I feel like I would love to work on the federal level with the curriculm. I am thinking about going back to school to get certified in this field.

I really enjoyed today even though it was sooo tiresome. In addition to that, I felt so confident to make decisions about setting up workshops to train our teachers about this new math curriculm for this school. The administrators gave me that power and it was such a liberating feeling. I learned that I am no longer passive and not afraid to take charge. I think my involvment with the Deaf community for several years, here on AD, and just getting wiser really helped me to get to that level where I have a high self-esteem about myself professionally.
I swear that hoarding is in my family's genes. I'm more compulsively organized.

She said "VEE -anna" and used the up-an-octive-inflection at the end. :giggle:

For lard's sake, it didn't even have a lid! :P

I'm like you and my nephew, compulsively organized. Hoarding drives me bonkers!

The TN drawl, depending on the area, was either "VI-enner" or "VEE- anna". Cracked me up!
I hate when people add an 'r' at the end of words. Personal pet peeve!

I went shopping for home supplies and groceries. One store didn't have any carts. I think that they were all stolen. I appreciated the other store's carts.
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