what cause you to become Ddeaf/Hhoh?

Well, doctors back then and now think my deafness were caused by rubella, although my mother had no symptoms as far as she could tell.

One thing surprised the doc that my vestibular tube's unusually narrow for a deafness caused by rubella or any viruses. Lots of deaf people's vestibular tube would be wide from damages caused by above mentioned diseases.
I contracted viral spinal meningitis when I was 2 years old. This caused profound sensoneural hearing loss.
Born hearing until high alitutude ( air pressure ) in an old-fashioned plane hit me to become deaf at 3 months old......
CMV Killed my hearing while I was in my mother's womb so therefore I'm Profoundly Deaf...has been for forever lol
Heya, I'm new to this.
I was born hard of hearing, no one knew til my parents noticed I didn't talk...
So got hearing aids when I was 4....couldnt speak til I was 5

I'm the only one who has a hearing problem in my family.
I've been for countless scans etc even an MRI or whatever it is...No one yet knows what caused it
I lost my hearing (my audis and ent think-that is) due to all the ear infections and burst right ear drumb *3* times..I started out with really bad tinnitus and now it is severe but i deal with it and i have a moderate hearing loss
When I was about to be born, the nurse held me back as the gynaecologist was late. I was gasping for breath and at one stage, stopped breathing so we think it was lack of oxygen that caused my hoh.
My deafness is an unknown cause but however, I suspect that it is hereditary.

A couple of years ago, I took the liberty to do a genealogy research. When I was doing the research, I found out that my great grandfather is deaf. Nobody told me about this and I found out about this on my own. I also have a cousin who is deaf as well. In my case, it is possible the deafness skipped through.
My total profound deafness is not completely accounted for...

I have a collagen deficiency, (SEDC, it's a COL2A1 mutation).
Hearing and vision impairment can happen in this, due to the lack of collagen effecting eyes and ears, I was 'unlucky' and ended up with detached retinas early on and born profoundly deaf.

I probably had some additional thing which made the deafness profound rather than a lesser degree if impairment, but it hasn't really been found out.
I am hearing but my daughter is the deaf one.

She was born hearing but had some major complications. She had to have a heart-lung bypass. She was very near death. They gave her very strong antibiotics and she was on oxygen for 6 months.

She was still hearing normally at 6 months, but by 18 months she had a moderatly severe loss. It has progressed to severe (on the edge of profound).

It could have been the lack of oxygen at birth, it could have been the medicine, it could have been the high levels of oxygen for the weeks in the hospital, it could have been the bypass....don't know, but probably a little of everything!

My son's deafness is the result of congenital CMV exposure. I've met a couple of other individuals on this board that are deafened for the same reason.

You know, even though I know why it really hasn't made any difference one way or the other. I only really need to know that he is deaf, not why he is deaf. The why doesn't change anything.
I was born deaf- cause is unknown. Doctors suspect it was due to my mother's complications during labor which was about a week long. I also have a lot of distant relatives who are deaf, so that's a possiblity as well.
I was born a hearing person, but at 18 months, I contracted Scarlett Fever which severely affected the hair cells in the cochlea. This resulted in progressive hearing loss until it totally gave out in mid-90's. Received a CI a decade later.
Born hearing until high alitutude ( air pressure ) in an old-fashioned plane hit me to become deaf at 3 months old......

Whoa! That would be the equivalent of that story where a little girl kissed her mom's ear (sucked the pressure out of) towards deafness.
Rubella when my mother was pregnant with me. My eldest sister came down with rubella and the rest of the family caught it as well even though my mother told me she didn't get any symptom.
Rubella when my mother was pregnant with me. My eldest sister came down with rubella and the rest of the family caught it as well even though my mother told me she didn't get any symptom.

Apparently, up to half of people infected with rubella virus have no symptoms at all. The incubation period varies from 12 to 23 days (average, 14 days). Symptoms are often mild and may not be evident up to half of the time.
What is CMV?

CMV=cytomegalovirus. It is a virus that 90% of the adult population carries antibodies for, and they do not even realize that they have had it. It causes flu like symptoms, and most people just think they have had a case of the flu. It is only dangerous when a pregnant woman who has not ever had the virus is exposed, and when that exposure occurs during the proper time, the
8th cranial nerve (the auditory nerve) is damaged in the fetus.