What are you thinking about? Part VIII

Reba, that's a big project! Is your home older, or is it due to some issue? Keep calm, drink wine (if you do) or go stay in a hotel for a night here and there to get a break. Good luck! Let us know how it all turns out.
It's cloudy rain is expected here. Local gateways like the beach and other fun adventures with Porkchop
LOL! I was thinking you were going to bring some porkchops on an adventure ! That is your dog's name . I head that we're getting snow out my way
next week . :(
Reba, that's a big project! Is your home older, or is it due to some issue? Keep calm, drink wine (if you do) or go stay in a hotel for a night here and there to get a break. Good luck! Let us know how it all turns out.

That reminds me of when our master bath shower was clogged from day 1 of moving into our new house because the tilers *stupidly* chose to dump their leftover grout down the drain and consequently clogged it. We had standing water in that shower for 3 days before the builder could come back out. They initially thought they'd have to cut through the dining room ceiling that is below that shower and replace the plumbing, and we were told "it'll leave a square mark in the ceiling but we'll fix it as best as we can" - I said, "No way. If it stands out, it will be a constant reminder of the screw-up from your subcontractors. I will not look at that for years to come." They responded that they'd re-do the entire dining room/kitchen ceiling so we wouldn't see that "square" and would bill the tiling company for it. It was going to be a mess! Fortunately, they were able to retrieve the grout from the drain (thank you plastic PVC piping!) and were able to fix it from there without going through the dining room. I was so dreading that scenario.
Reba, that's a big project! Is your home older, or is it due to some issue? Keep calm, drink wine (if you do) or go stay in a hotel for a night here and there to get a break. Good luck! Let us know how it all turns out.
Our house was built in 1989. All the houses in this neighborhood were built about the same time, and they all had some terrible polybutylene plastic piping used for the plumbing systems. A few years after that, building codes made it illegal to use that kind of plumbing. One-by-one, our neighbors have been replacing their systems after a leakage problem. Well, now it's our turn. After the leak flooded our dining room and kitchen, we decided we better replace everything instead of just patching as leaks popped up.

I don't drink--relaxation for me is to do physical activity. At least I'll be going to the gym for my workout in the morning, and in the afternoon I can go for my walk. Of course, I won't be able to shower after . . . :lol:

One night in a hotel might be OK but they house won't be completely repaired for a couple of weeks (new ceiling, painting, cleaning everything and putting back, etc.).

Thanks for the good wishes and suggestions. :)
That reminds me of when our master bath shower was clogged from day 1 of moving into our new house because the tilers *stupidly* chose to dump their leftover grout down the drain and consequently clogged it. We had standing water in that shower for 3 days before the builder could come back out.
Ugh! How unprofessional!

They initially thought they'd have to cut through the dining room ceiling that is below that shower and replace the plumbing, and we were told "it'll leave a square mark in the ceiling but we'll fix it as best as we can" - I said, "No way. If it stands out, it will be a constant reminder of the screw-up from your subcontractors. I will not look at that for years to come." They responded that they'd re-do the entire dining room/kitchen ceiling so we wouldn't see that "square" and would bill the tiling company for it. It was going to be a mess! Fortunately, they were able to retrieve the grout from the drain (thank you plastic PVC piping!) and were able to fix it from there without going through the dining room. I was so dreading that scenario.
Exactly. I don't want my smooth painted ceiling patched. It has to be replaced to look right.
Ugh! Thinking about tomorrow--we're getting the entire house re-plumbed. It's going to be a major mess, and we'll be without running water for at least one day and possibly two. The job includes tearing out the dining room ceiling and making other holes in ceilings and walls throughout the house. (Which means more mess after when putting up the new sheetrock ceiling.) I can't stand mess, disorganization, noise and strange people in my house. The $6,000 bill is no fun either. :(
I am the same way , I don't like strange people in my house , my condo has cleaning company coming here to vacuum the hallways and it's always some new person . The woman today spoke broken English and I was trying to tell her the right place to park her car . UHG! that is a big bill! :( I hope the job goes smoothly for you guys.
I am the same way , I don't like strange people in my house , my condo has cleaning company coming here to vacuum the hallways and it's always some new person . The woman today spoke broken English and I was trying to tell her the right place to park her car . UHG! that is a big bill! :( I hope the job goes smoothly for you guys.
Thank you.
Wow - Reba that sounds like a big challenge - not one you wanted! That reminds me of when my aunt and uncle <in Salinas> went to have people come and repair the floor under the fridge due to leakage - and found upon ripping the floor up they found mold and asbestos so my aunt and uncle had to have the whole kitchen gutted and have the asbestos abatement specialists come - I think they couldn't use their kitchen for several months. I'll be thinking relaxing and "good outcome" thoughts for you!
I use another forum and a member asked if fish is a 'meat' ? I never thought of this but is it ??? I found 2 food pyramids and one had fish and 'meat' together
and another one had the two listed separately .
I use another forum and a member asked if fish is a 'meat' ? I never thought of this but is it ??? I found 2 food pyramids and one had fish and 'meat' together
and another one had the two listed separately .

Depends on who you ask.

from google:
Vegetarians do not eat fish, and consider that fish is meat, since it is the flesh of an animal. Vegans or strict vegetarians refrain from consuming any animal products, not only meat and fish but, in contrast to ovo-lacto vegetarians, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived substances.

Yet with the Roman Catholic Church fish is not considered a meat because it isn't a land animal. Thus why fish is eaten on Fridays when you can't eat meat during Lent.

could someone not on the ignore list repost this... I don't mind if you take credit or not- would hate to have another person have to repeat the whole thing.
Depends on who you ask.

from google:

Yet with the Roman Catholic Church fish is not considered a meat because it isn't a land animal. Thus why fish is eaten on Fridays when you can't eat meat during Lent.

could someone not on the ignore list repost this... I don't mind if you take credit or not- would hate to have another person have to repeat the whole thing.
Tousi, I think you need to cut & past because I don't think she can see quoted posts from the people on her ignore list.
5th grade math. I will be taking a math test and a reading test next week. Was given a brush up packet and dang, looks like there will be some math problems I haven't had to do in a long time. Glad they gave this out before the test to prepare us. Next up, go over the english. Both have sample test questions.
Good luck on your test, LoveBlue! What's it for?
Dept of Labor, Employment & Training. Evaluation before I go to their workshop and then get assigned a case manager. I should do fine. I'm hoping to get financial assistance to take up-to-date programming courses to enhance my current skills & experience.
I use another forum and a member asked if fish is a 'meat' ? I never thought of this but is it ??? I found 2 food pyramids and one had fish and 'meat' together
and another one had the two listed separately .
Deafducky said this:
Depends on who you ask.

from google:
Vegetarians do not eat fish, and consider that fish is meat, since it is the flesh of an animal. Vegans or strict vegetarians refrain from consuming any animal products, not only meat and fish but, in contrast to ovo-lacto vegetarians, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived substances.
Yet with the Roman Catholic Church fish is not considered a meat because it isn't a land animal. Thus why fish is eaten on Fridays when you can't eat meat during Lent.

could someone not on the ignore list repost this... I don't mind if you take credit or not- would hate to have another person have to repeat the whole thing.
Dont really care about the meat vs. fish thing. People will think what they will.

Today on my mind is health insurance. A whole another subject on that.