What are you thinking about? Part VIII

I'm thinking people need to proofread before hitting "post reply". Yes, I sometimes post typos. But if I happen to see it, I will edit my post.

I do as well. There was one that before getting to the end of the post I was wondering what was in the "can" received from the vet.
I do as well. There was one that before getting to the end of the post I was wondering what was in the "can" received from the vet.
Well, if she had meant to say can, I'm sure most of us would have known what was in it.
Whoo hoo Friday! spring break here I come!
I am officially off for the weekend. Birthday party tomorrow for my nephew, he will be 17.
I pranked my mom. I told her "I got a letter from doctor. I am freaking out because it said I am pregnant". I am waiting for my mom's reply.
I pranked my mom. I told her "I got a letter from doctor. I am freaking out because it said I am pregnant". I am waiting for my mom's reply.
I think we got pranked by Mother Nature again ! It was 70 out today and we'll be getting some snow this weekend .
I am nervous about drying my silk dress. I put it in dryer on low heat delicate. I hope it doesn't shrink and that it dries completely. I want to wear it for baby shower tmw.
I am nervous about drying my silk dress. I put it in dryer on low heat delicate. I hope it doesn't shrink and that it dries completely. I want to wear it for baby shower tmw.

Remember if you don't want to wear it until tomorrow it does not have to be bone dry when you take it out of the dryer. In fact, I think it will have fewer wrinkles if it is not but hung on a hanger immediately.
Remember if you don't want to wear it until tomorrow it does not have to be bone dry when you take it out of the dryer. In fact, I think it will have fewer wrinkles if it is not but hung on a hanger immediately.
Ok. Thanks. I hope the dress still fit me because I gained about 51 pounds since I wore it.
I am thinking of throwing a pair of lacy panties at Simon Le Bon , lead singer of Duran Duran when I go see them this summer:giggle:
He will scream like a girl and dance like a spider landed on him....lmao
I have been seeing that all over my FB too. Really, AG Bell must think the majority of d/Deaf are just simpering idiots if we are not raised with their philosophy. *RME*