What are you thinking about? Part VIII

I love fleece throw blankets. I am wearing a fleece footed onesie. So comfy!
My dog does too ! LOL! My sister send me one for my birthday and Marty said it was his from day one ! He likes to fluff is up and made
it all comfy and take a nap on it.
Thinking I like the podiatrist I chose to go to today. He seems more interested in the patient than in making $$....
That's a good start in treatment to find a good doctor. Makes a big difference. I'm glad you found him. :)

Pain that affects mobility is a real . . . well, real pain. Hope it gets resolved soon.
That's a good start in treatment to find a good doctor. Makes a big difference. I'm glad you found him. :)

Pain that affects mobility is a real . . . well, real pain. Hope it gets resolved soon.
Thanks. It hasn't affected my mobility and ibuprofen helps with the discomfort. Remember, I walked over 5 miles a few weeks ago and that was after I had started having the toe pain. I don't recall it bothering me, but then I had taken ibuprofen at least once that day.

I did think it was ironic that the Foot & Ankle doctor's office was down a long hallway from the door to the building.
I was not aware that terriers were the only types of dogs to dig. I think every dog I have ever owned has dug at stuff. Anything that smells different or interesting is going to get ANY animal's attention. It would not be a reason for my choice of dog.

No kidding. the silky never dug.. as far as I knew but my friend's beagles- they definitely dig AND chase after squirrels (they managed to kill one squirrel in their yard that's been there a few years and affectionately called Gordon Ramsay). My sister's dog is a Basenji... she definitely digs, runs and jumps over fences (even 4ft ones). But we all love her to death.
No problem, SilverRoxy <you thanked about the Foster and Smith stuff> I remember when we first started with dogs and I was so excited to find that catalog - we actually brought it with us to a local pet supply shop in the area then, and compared prices. The catalog did have some great bargains and neat things - but again, be VERY careful about ordering anything edible for dogs or cats, from that company.

Basenjis are little sighthounds from Africa, meant to chase game. They are very quick and athletic and today in the U.S. can compete in lure coursing events.
Basenjis are little sighthounds from Africa, meant to chase game. They are very quick and athletic and today in the U.S. can compete in lure coursing events.

Ohhh we believe it lol. She rarely barks too. It was months before I actually heard her bark lol. She doesn't look little though...hmmm. She was a rescue about 4 years ago.
To me - living with Rotts and used larger dogs - Basenjis are "small". Basenjis as a breed don't bark like other dogs do. They're capable bt it's not a characteristic of them. Generally yodeling and other noises more typical. :)
Ahh yep... I'm used to smaller dogs in general because that's all my aunt has ever had and the 1st dog before the basenji was a Lhasa Apso. So she seemed like a mid sized to larger dog to me. Yeah it's like a cross between a bark and whine/yodel lol but there's been a rare time when it was an actual bark.

She definitely loves attention and cuddling lol
My daughter said Loki eyes are very yellow , they came out green in his photo . That is really pretty a black with yellow eyes !
My daughter said Loki eyes are very yellow , they came out green in his photo . That is really pretty a black with yellow eyes !

Reminds me of my aunt's cat many years ago (I think she had 2 cats at one time- since then only dogs)... black cat... named Lucifer.
Ugh! Thinking about tomorrow--we're getting the entire house re-plumbed. It's going to be a major mess, and we'll be without running water for at least one day and possibly two. The job includes tearing out the dining room ceiling and making other holes in ceilings and walls throughout the house. (Which means more mess after when putting up the new sheetrock ceiling.) I can't stand mess, disorganization, noise and strange people in my house. The $6,000 bill is no fun either. :(
I am wondering if spring will really ever did here , it's still chilly out . Are you going on a vacation for your spring break ?
It's cloudy rain is expected here. Local gateways like the beach and other fun adventures with Porkchop