What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Sure is!....haven't sent any text msgs. to my boys....but I've verbally/phone wakened them early in the AM with a "Rise & Shine, Kid!....it's the good ol' morning time!".....to get grumbling and and eyes shooting daggers at me! :giggle:...

I will usually send her a wake up text each Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Since I'm in Utah, I sent it at 7:00 am my time (about 15 mins after I woke up).
Im thinkin why my neighbor still there after the house is foreclosed. It's not up fo sale so maybe he'll just stay there until then...it's a shitty house.. it's like two trailers put together and its a house. something like dat..dont feel sorry for him b.c he was growin marijuana on his property twice..told ppl he didnt do it. :roll: I have seen sheriff vehichle pulled in and helicopter hovered our properties..he brought trouble..asshole!
Maybe I misunderstood but you made it sound like it's a bad thing that your husband like the show. Angel is cool too, but Buffy is 100X better.

Not that I think it's bad for him, he just has never approved of anything vampire related and tells me that I am wasting our money. He and & did not like Angel, but our son did, but we all, except my mother, like Buffy. I can see watching them over repeatedly over a long period of time. Like give yourself a while before you start the series, but he is doing this 1 disk a day constantly for 5 times through all seasons. That gets a little repetitive to me.
I made an NFL talk thread n the sports section and mods do close NFL2011 please, thank you in advance :)
I am think so let know me take few process!
Flashback. I grew up in a small town 250 miles away. Tonight, 25 years later, I run into one of my classmates at the Y. Man, my friends are getting old.
Flashback. I grew up in a small town 250 miles away. Tonight, 25 years later, I run into one of my classmates at the Y. Man, my friends are getting old.
But not you right ;)
My girlfriend has invited me to a fair for this weekend. Last year, we watched demo derby at the fair. THere is not going to be a demo derby this year. Therefore, I wonder if I want to go to fair this year.
Wirelessly posted

Thinking of mio amor <3
cool I want to changelle thinks hard xd
Time to get ready for real work: BEAT the clock. Time: 11.30am sharp! Main square pool.
I am wondering why so many people are complaining about being in a deaf/hearing relationships? Is it because of lack of those who are deaf in the area?
Thinking of my Spanish class tonight :)
Thinking FB is really pissing me off. I get notifications that people are commenting, but can't see the comments on my posts. It's been going on all day. Also, one whole group, I can't see all the posts from before last night.
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