What are you thinking about? Part VI

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I guess Pointblank thread was removed , I was trying to post a comment saying it should be locked and the guy banned . And I was not able to do so.

Was this earlier today? I missed it? Poop
I'll tell you both. There was this one person who was being an A-hole, and pretty much being racist to the Deaf world. He was saying something along the lines of how Deaf/HoH people speak and sign, and he also said there were "alleged deaf people" at the college where he went to school. Those of us who saw it were NOT happy, and I was one of them. The mods have since banned him.
Sure. I'm not like HIM. Inflammatory comments are not my thing. Neither is offensive comments like what he put. If I want to let people have a piece of my mind, I'll do it in private. Easier that way.

Calm down, I'm messing with you.

Fox is back!!!
Let's see if my memory is good...

The post that was removed - He said: (this part I can remember word for word down to the 'your' instead of you're. My pet peeve when people use 'your' instead of 'you're')

"What's with deaf people that sound like seals? WTF? I mean Hello! Your deaf!"

Then after that I'm not sure what he said word for word but something like:

At my college, there are alleged deaf people who flap their hands and when no one is around, they use their voice. What's up with that? People pretend to be deaf and collect social security and waste my tax dollars.

I know he said something about using his tax dollars. At that point I was thinking he's in college and I bet he doesn't work.

Feel free to correct me or add to my memory. My memory isn't that good but I did re-read that post several times because I was going to post/comment but decided against it.
Let's see if my memory is good...

The post that was removed - He said: (this part I can remember word for word down to the 'your' instead of you're. My pet peeve when people use 'your' instead of 'you're')

"What's with deaf people that sound like seals? WTF? I mean Hello! Your deaf!"

Then after that I'm not sure what he said word for word but something like:

At my college, there are alleged deaf people who flap their hands and when no one is around, they use their voice. What's up with that? People pretend to be deaf and collect social security and waste my tax dollars.

I know he said something about using his tax dollars. At that point I was thinking he's in college and I bet he doesn't work.

Feel free to correct me or add to my memory. My memory isn't that good but I did re-read that post several times because I was going to post/comment but decided against it.

You are correct all the way. I remember that, as well.
Thinking about a first date I have with someone tomorrow. Excited, but not as nervous as I usually am for these.
Thinking that something is gonna happen this weekend. New haircut and all that, so who knows?
Let's see if my memory is good...

The post that was removed - He said: (this part I can remember word for word down to the 'your' instead of you're. My pet peeve when people use 'your' instead of 'you're')

"What's with deaf people that sound like seals? WTF? I mean Hello! Your deaf!"

Then after that I'm not sure what he said word for word but something like:

At my college, there are alleged deaf people who flap their hands and when no one is around, they use their voice. What's up with that? People pretend to be deaf and collect social security and waste my tax dollars.

I know he said something about using his tax dollars. At that point I was thinking he's in college and I bet he doesn't work.

Feel free to correct me or add to my memory. My memory isn't that good but I did re-read that post several times because I was going to post/comment but decided against it.

Holy crap!! What do you think the chances are it was that new guy shwhatever that got banned the other night? Pissed of that he got banned and created a new account and was "getting back" at us?

Maybe I'm too cynical?
Holy crap!! What do you think the chances are it was that new guy shwhatever that got banned the other night? Pissed of that he got banned and created a new account and was "getting back" at us?

Maybe I'm too cynical?

Not the same guy. This one was hearing, the other one was deaf.
No, he wasn't deaf. But considering you don't them, you don't know really know whether they're really deaf or really hearing ;) but the guy that got banned the other night said he was hearing.

Might be a different guy, just makes me go hmmmmm
At least of it is same guy he has been banned again. He did say he wasnt going to be kicked out so easily...
At least of it is same guy he has been banned again. He did say he wasnt going to be kicked out so easily...

If he keeps that up, would it surprise me to see Alex take legal action? Nope. Anything is possible. Once banned, you stay away. This jerk does not grasp that concept.
If he keeps that up, would it surprise me to see Alex take legal action? Nope. Anything is possible. Once banned, you stay away. This jerk does not grasp that concept.

legal action? no
Let's see if my memory is good...

The post that was removed - He said: (this part I can remember word for word down to the 'your' instead of you're. My pet peeve when people use 'your' instead of 'you're')

"What's with deaf people that sound like seals? WTF? I mean Hello! Your deaf!"

Then after that I'm not sure what he said word for word but something like:

At my college, there are alleged deaf people who flap their hands and when no one is around, they use their voice. What's up with that? People pretend to be deaf and collect social security and waste my tax dollars.

I know he said something about using his tax dollars. At that point I was thinking he's in college and I bet he doesn't work.

Feel free to correct me or add to my memory. My memory isn't that good but I did re-read that post several times because I was going to post/comment but decided against it.

I wonder if it was the same guy from the other night? The guy who says he purposely gained up to 500lbs just to make him less sexy to woman??? Mew and Amber dealt with that one.:giggle:Where are all these weirdos coming from lately?
We must save Earth!!!!
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