What are you thinking about? Part VI

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thinking that finally we got rain today!
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of a future dog, since my apt is too small for a yellow lab. I am planning to get a British Bulldog, there is one here at my apt complex she gets happy when she sees me lol my little fur friend lol
Please send some our way!

Yea...we needed it so badly...been dry as a bone for a month now and the green has been changing to yellow and brown.
Took the day off to unwind from work. Going to a silent dinner tonight and a bit nervous about that. Thinking about what to talk about and all the drama this summer, and been keeping a boring life. I wonder what my youngest says at day care. On the way yesterday, she started talking about how she knows the way to my house, mama's house, school, mama's old house, the pool. And then she goes- we were supposed to live in lowence (they were moving to Florence SC) but the cops came and got mama and we went to the hospital. Yeah, that's probably not a good story for meeting people. Suppose I could talk about turbo charged engines. I expect some will be talking about the Panther's, but I haven't been watching.
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking of a future dog, since my apt is too small for a yellow lab. I am planning to get a British Bulldog, there is one here at my apt complex she gets happy when she sees me lol my little fur friend lol

French Bulldog is more apartment size, and are really cool dogs.
also, Frenchies tend to have less overall health issues than <English> Bulldogs, and are physically easier handle <including carrying in an emergency>

Bulldogs are VERY sweet and I enjoy them but they are quite a medical disaster.
Took the day off to unwind from work. Going to a silent dinner tonight and a bit nervous about that. Thinking about what to talk about and all the drama this summer, and been keeping a boring life. I wonder what my youngest says at day care. On the way yesterday, she started talking about how she knows the way to my house, mama's house, school, mama's old house, the pool. And then she goes- we were supposed to live in lowence (they were moving to Florence SC) but the cops came and got mama and we went to the hospital. Yeah, that's probably not a good story for meeting people. Suppose I could talk about turbo charged engines. I expect some will be talking about the Panther's, but I haven't been watching.

Turbo is the best thing EVER!!! Dazzle them.
I no longer have to say "the soon to be exhusband" he is now, officially, the ex husband.

The judge was very cool about me being HOH, I didn't use a lawyer and she let me go right up in front if the bench and talked to me from there, made sure she was looking at me and didn't seem too annoyed about repeating things I might missed :) I was soooooo nervous about that!!!
Wirelessly posted

dogmom said:
also, Frenchies tend to have less overall health issues than <English> Bulldogs, and are physically easier handle <including carrying in an emergency>

Bulldogs are VERY sweet and I enjoy them but they are quite a medical disaster.

British bulldogs need a lot of care and been researching them online. I saw the Frenchie but my heart is with the British bulldog :) I have personal experience with one here at my apt that's what melted my heart <3
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Wishing my car would actually work. I can't afford to fix it. *sigh*
My little dog is pestering the other dog so much. He lays on the floor, she will go right up to his nose and bark until he chases her into the recliner chair. Then she jumps down and they start all over again. These "sessions" last a good 10-15 minutes. Now their both exhausted....for now. It is really funny but I worry he might hurt her. They land on me every so often and it doesn't feel too good. What an exciting Friday night!!!
I hate mosquitos!!!!! One got in the house last night and got got five bites.
I no longer have to say "the soon to be exhusband" he is now, officially, the ex husband.

The judge was very cool about me being HOH, I didn't use a lawyer and she let me go right up in front if the bench and talked to me from there, made sure she was looking at me and didn't seem too annoyed about repeating things I might missed :) I was soooooo nervous about that!!!

I'm glad it went well was thinking about that yesterday. Now let the harrassment begin... my exwife still won't leave me alone and the divorce was final over 10 years ago, and she sent me a email this morning too ugh... her and hubby #3 just got divorced and she thinks shes gonna get me back ... not gonna happen sista LOL :laugh2:
I'm glad it went well was thinking about that yesterday. Now let the harrassment begin... my exwife still won't leave me alone and the divorce was final over 10 years ago, and she sent me a email this morning too ugh... her and hubby #3 just got divorced and she thinks shes gonna get me back ... not gonna happen sista LOL :laugh2:

I don't think I have to worry about that. Most of his harrassment happened over a year ago in the months after I left. Lots if drunk nights texting me all night. And supposedly he's medicated now ;) nah not worried about it.
Didn't know you could get bit by the same critter more than once.....

Gross I juat looked that up....if the female mosquito does not get a full belly from your blood, they will bite you again and again.

Most likely there was more then one though. Plus I am out walking the dogs at night now. Mosquitos love me:laugh2:
I am thinking about my city building a new grade school and they're going to put in a $$625 ,000 colorful floor illustration in the school . What a god damn waste of taxpayers $$$! ! This made me sick to think I pay taxes for this! I want my $$$ back. Our taxes where increase to help pay for a damn $ 625 ,000 fancy floor . How the hell does this help kids learn any better???
Turbo is the best thing EVER!!! Dazzle them.

Almost everybody was hearing and new student, so hard to talk about anything other than name, colors, and favorite number. So glad learning somewhere else; rough following fingerspelling when their hands bounce all over the place. 3 good signers, but the 2 nice ones left early.
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