What are you thinking about? Part VI

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Thinking about how much of an arm and leg it is gonna cost me to hire professionals to chop down my two dead trees. I learned that if they fall and do some damage, insurance wont cover the damage. WTF? I didn't know that! No more putting it off...time to get rid of them asap!
thinking how true it was!! I saw this quote today and it's true..

"The best part about being over 40 is we did most of our stupid stuff before the internet!"

Wirelessly posted

Frisky Feline said:
thinking how true it was!! I saw this quote today and it's true..

"The best part about being over 40 is we did most of our stupid stuff before the internet!"


I love it!
Thinking about how much of an arm and leg it is gonna cost me to hire professionals to chop down my two dead trees. I learned that if they fall and do some damage, insurance wont cover the damage. WTF? I didn't know that! No more putting it off...time to get rid of them asap!

What kind of trees?

You could ask these same companies you are calling to chop your trees to ask if THEY want the wood. That can make a difference.

My parents had over 100+ pine trees chopped because there were too many. The tree chopping companies start salivating over the idea of getting the wood for free because they can turn it around for resale. Pine, oak, etc. are in good demand. My parents actually got PAID for having a company chop their trees, rather than they pay a company to do the work.
Glad I had vision insurance; daughters exam plus new glasses and contact exam were a fortune!
Glad I had vision insurance; daughters exam plus new glasses and contact exam were a fortune!

Even with our vision coverage our new glasses still cost a fortune. Waiting for them to be ready and hoping they are made right. Last eye doctor I went to the prescription was wrong. I wore them for two weeks, trying to get use to them. Finally had to return them. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that the new ones will work out ok.
I am wondering why as usual, qwerty123 hates my guts for some particular reason since I became an AD'er?
Wirelessly posted

Thinking about how I will do tommorow with Bifocals glasses. It is totally new to me and hope I get used to them quickly.
I am not surprise the movie ' The Lone Ranger' did so poorly . Hollywood need to come with some fresh ideas and stop trying to bring life back to TV shows that been dead for years.
How do you know? What happened?
All I get is in the past, is thanks for visiting USA, go home.
Jclarke retard get off my thread etc. But lately, there has been no insults because qwerty123 only comes here with a VRS related topic
Oh I see. I had not noticed. BTW, how are you feeling?
All I get is in the past, is thanks for visiting USA, go home.
Jclarke retard get off my thread etc. But lately, there has been no insults because qwerty123 only comes here with a VRS related topic

oh yea now I remember. what a crass fella :roll:
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