What are you thinking about? Part V

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I am thinking how cold it is today. Highs in the 40s wind chills in the 30s. They are even calling for snow drizzles later even. :shock: man we've had some wild weather this past week.
I am thinking how cold it is today. Highs in the 40s wind chills in the 30s. They are even calling for snow drizzles later even. :shock: man we've had some wild weather this past week.

That's pretty nice. It's 19 here, and wind chill is about 11. I'm thinking about going outside and working in my shorts.
i am thinking how interesting for who people are CI users don't help other CI users while HA users do help other HA users as long as ASL users to ASL users. Interesting. :hmm:
Leaves....on ground. :(
Vacation's over, I guess. Time to get the leaf vac out. At least the weather is nice.
Cleaned out my files and found an old poem from 2004 relating to my deafness. :(
Oh no! What about setting up a thread for all of us to send her something? That must be so devastating for this woman.

That's a great idea. I would be willing to send her something.

Just got the news that she is going to start therapy on Tuesday and after 100 days (insurance), then she will be transferred to a special home in Alabama. They found a distant relative who was not aware she existed. (Her parents basically left her at the doorstep of an orphan home when she was born.) These relatives also have another deaf/blind person in the family. They are flying down to meet her, and will travel with her when she goes to Alabama. She has stabilized and now has gone 2 days with no new episodes. Seems the deaf/blindness runs in the family as do the strokes.
I am thinking how cold it is today. Highs in the 40s wind chills in the 30s. They are even calling for snow drizzles later even. :shock: man we've had some wild weather this past week.

It is so warm out here ..the whole weekend was ridiculously warm. Weird.
i am spend to lots of think more improve skills project work best think busy social network again wedneday and thursday increase skill level :D
I am manager vbulletins TECHINCAL I am professional expert! I am manager another I am responsisibitity another I am responsiblity I banned for proxy! I found it!
I think how I not know how Botti do this always...blind on top deaf sucks!!!!!
Wirelessly posted (droid)

To the ADer who mentioned that Opera works well in smart phones, thank you. Finally AD mobile and other places work on my phone.
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