What are you doing right now?

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Half-time for the Super Bowl....Broncos down 22-0...oh my!...taking a break, grabbing snacks, etc.
quick dinner & Super Bowl at pizza joint with my bro before I head to city to be a tour guide for a Korean deaf group

Wirelessly posted

Watching Manning's sad face lol
Woke up at 530 am to check the status of my work to see if it is closed or not. No announcement so I assumed that it was open. Made myself coffee and sat down to do my usual morning routine. Had two sips of my coffee when the announcement was made...my work is closed. GRRR! I cant go back to sleep! Ugh! I hate that.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone/Asus Tablet)

Thinking about food shopping and my to-do list. Hence why I'm still awake right now.
Thinking about making my bed! first time in 7 months that I have a proper bed.....
for these people who doesn't know what I am talking about. I have been sleeping on single mattress and then moved to bed sofa and now, my girlfriend's sister gave me her old bed, free.
I lost my old bed while I was married with my ex -wife when we had a new bed, and the old one wasn't necessary so I threw it out. (Should have kept that...)
Experimenting with the new tapatalk app on my iPad. AD looks REALLY different on tapatalk so it takes some getting used to...

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Today's goin 2 pick up new h/a n' e/m n' then, 2 more other appts. Maybe, later in the afternoon do laundry if im not exhausted.
Just finished working out and soon will take a relaxing bath. Work was closed today due to the snow but it is raining here so far. Weird.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone/Asus Tablet)

Waiting for my MiFi to finish charging so I can go and get some chow. My stomach is rumbling like a bear.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

Wondering what it's like to do an exciting thing. Like doing a thing with a female. :hmm:
Laying in bed feeling a bit under the weather :/ and missing work...

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Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

Waiting for my lunch order. Think one of the ladies likes me. Ah, well.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

Wondering what it's like to do an exciting thing. Like doing a thing with a female. :hmm:

What thing? Checkers? Gin rummy? Snow boarding? Counting and rolling spare change? Washing dishes? Cleaning the toilet? Grocery shopping? Flinging frozen cow poop at each other? :laugh2:
What thing? Checkers? Gin rummy? Snow boarding? Counting and rolling spare change? Washing dishes? Cleaning the toilet? Grocery shopping? Flinging frozen cow poop at each other? :laugh2:

Dude? Need I mention the thread about my manhood? Yeah, that thing.
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