What are you doing right now?

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What am I doing? Watching a beautiful sunrise. Nice day, but butt-freezing COLD!!
Making the 3 hour trip to Oklahoma again. Yesterday was the viewing, today the funeral. 3 hours there, 3 back......which is why I was on here so much yesterday, and probably will be again today.
Looking at the pixs my sister sent from NC....solid ice in her yard....BRRRRR...she put out several bird feeders...and threw some seed on the ground....at least they won't starve...but freeze to death maybe...so sad!...She's a animal lover (especially birds)....
Procrastinating. yet again. Wound up here after doing google searches on info I needed lol.

The internet is a time suck. I'll be glad to work again- as most places I've worked at in the past disallowed the internet (then cell phones came into the picture...oops).
Wirelessly posted

Relaxing , soon go to Farmer's market :)
Waiting for my husband to be finished with the grocery shopping so we can go and check out a flea market .
my house is sH1te hole today i just looking at it but not well so goping to bed
Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
Rio said:
Relaxing , soon go to Farmer's market :)

Ah...my plans for today as well!

I love it! Isn't it addicting? Lol I am going there to buy salsa so yummy and purse from Peru. Have fun
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Wirelessly posted

I love it! Isn't it addicting? Lol I am going there to buy salsa so yummy and purse from Peru. Have fun

It has been a long time since I have gone to one so we are trying to make a habit of going.
Some of you have year round Farmer's Markets? Ours is just in the summer with those that sell setting up on a parking lot just on Saturday mornings. So . . . how do these year round ones work? Location I assume is a factor — I am in Illinois east of St. Louis.
Some of you have year round Farmer's Markets? Ours is just in the summer with those that sell setting up on a parking lot just on Saturday mornings. So . . . how do these year round ones work? Location I assume is a factor — I am in Illinois east of St. Louis.

I think Chicago's seasonal Farmer's Market begins at the end of May or the beginning of June.... :hmm: I, too, need to make a habit of going there. There is one near my home over on Sheridan, and I ought to stop by sometime this year.
Right now I am trying to decide what to do for lunch. Also planning on going grocery shopping and to the shoe store.
Has anyone had the Shingles vaccine? I'm thinking I might look into it, but a little freaked out about it causing some other issue since weird medical things seem to happen to me.

<haven't finished reading this thread, so I may be repeating something>

I have not had the shingles vaccine yet because, the last time I checked, the insurance company would not pay for it for people under 60. And the vaccine is expensive ($200+ I believe). Hopefully the insurance companies will lower the age limit soon if they haven't already.
Some of you have year round Farmer's Markets? Ours is just in the summer with those that sell setting up on a parking lot just on Saturday mornings. So . . . how do these year round ones work? Location I assume is a factor — I am in Illinois east of St. Louis.

Here in northern Delaware there has been a year round farmer's market for as long as I can remember. It's indoors and they don't have just food for sale. There's also one close by me that is also year round and sell's more than just food. I rarely go to them myself. One of them has had, and may still have, a couple of Amish vendors selling meats.
Watching college basketball. It all leads to March Madness!
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