What are you doing right now?

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I see just fine honey! I meant what I said, i'm gonna smuggle in some jack n whoopers for your veg out retreat! :whistle:

Okay, but I think we're going to need some extra ammunition.... maybe some movies and kettle corn and we'll be set.... :D :thumb: I've already got Jack, come on now.... you don't think I have that stocked and ready to go at all times?! :P You will need diet coke though, I don't do diet coke... blech!
erm, girls, my bourbon is Maker's Mark, ever tried that? its a good stuff I have 2 bottles (cuz it was on special , cheap)....that makers mark is often in holly wood films why? its that good, a few films i have seen had cutty stark, (irish, not had it) but i like my Bushmills...last month a whole bottle of Jamieson's it wasnt that bad...prefer Bushmills any day..
Hmmm...sitting in a chair of course! oh how bored i am thankgod i can use my kindle
hiding from horrible neighbours who just moved in...they into crime,i asked him clean his guttering cos water flooding into my garden,he taking piss out my signing and I can read when called a f*cking bitch,i just taught him f*cking bastard
hiding from horrible neighbours who just moved in...they into crime,i asked him clean his guttering cos water flooding into my garden,he taking piss out my signing and I can read when called a f*cking bitch,i just taught him f*cking bastard

Oh lawdy.... Sounds like they're going to be a handful.... :(
not sure if I doing right thing but put music on full blast I enjoying vibration hope they not
watched them just now believe my daughter and me been refered to as spastics(insult in uk)they about to get their own cats shit back but I wait until they gone out
watched them just now believe my daughter and me been refered to as spastics(insult in uk)they about to get their own cats shit back but I wait until they gone out

oh dump it all in their yard! and see how they react ;-) just dump it all in their yard lol
:giggle::giggle:get cousins over to plays bagpipes, let them practice as often as they like:giggle::giggle::laugh2:
husband says don't lower myself but he out and I don't give a shit..i always been good neighbour.....I have never played the deaf little old lady with Downs child I don't want patronizing sympathy but I can if they turn my cat into sausage and don't mend their roof I one getting flooded
Woot, no more waking up my son to get him ready for now!
I actualy getting scared and intimidated by them

I won't even worry about them at all sweetie. I am sure they will soon just fade away and mind their own business and not even worry about you anymore.
Realizing that it's been 9 years today since I moved to Chicago. A lot has changed since then. Wow.
husband says don't lower myself but he out and I don't give a shit..i always been good neighbour.....I have never played the deaf little old lady with Downs child I don't want patronizing sympathy but I can if they turn my cat into sausage and don't mend their roof I one getting flooded

I'd lower myself to setting a bag of flaming poo on someones porch... that looks hilarious.... :giggle: Think of it... stamping out some flaming poop.... Oh, the laughter that would happen.... I don't think I could control myself really.... :D I do hope everything works out with the situation Caz, and hope your kitty stays safe! :(
I'd lower myself to setting a bag of flaming poo on someones porch... that looks hilarious.... :giggle: Think of it... stamping out some flaming poop.... Oh, the laughter that would happen.... I don't think I could control myself really.... :D I do hope everything works out with the situation Caz, and hope your kitty stays safe! :(

And throw in a drano bomb for that extra hydrogen kick! :P
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