What´s the difference between Reglious and Bible?

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Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Some of hot threads got me wondering over that "judging" or "not judge".

I notice that the people who worship kind of reglious judge the people who had the sinned in the past which it´s not right.

Cheri´s post
I also have a few movies of Old testment of party who was around Jesus at that time, You have heard of Mary Magdalene? I don't like to call her "whore" But that is what people call her in the past, who bathes Jesus's feet with her tears, dries them with her hair, kisses them, Did Jesus even judged her because the way she was? No, He forgave her and He would never tell her that she is a sinner not something like you would say to me. I don't care what your "bible" says to you Crazymanw00t, If you are a christen like you say you are, Then you wouldn't be judging me, like you did.

Jesus would not judge murder, whore, etc etc etc. I´m wondering about the Reglious during Jesus time, either you know or not that priests who have different beliefs JUDGED Jesus and make him suffer until they let Jesus nail to death? Jesus do not judge the priests for that and STILL forgive them.

Did you know what King David did is wrong and sin because he is weak and to have sex with other woman? Did the God judge him for that? No, he forgive David.

The god also forgive Mose for make one mistake, too.

I am sure Jesus would not like anyone judge others for their mistakes but make a good listener and forgive their sins instead of judge them.

I will be back with more post soon.
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Excellent, you have a very good point.

As I said many times, it was between God and us. Not these Religious Right and us. Why should I seek their 'forgive' when God forgave me already for what I committed my sins in the past?

That's what Religious Right needs to get over with it. That's Cognite tute for you.
Good posting, Liebling!

For me, Religion means man made organizations that follow God's Laws. However, since the beginning of creation, men have been manupilating the Laws to their preferences, especially politics. We are following man made rules that were made centuries ago and most were adapated to that time, not 2005.

Bible is a guidebook for Christians. However, Old Testament is followed closely by Jewish people so Bible is not just for only Christians, but also Jewish people.

I grew up with labels - since I grew up Roman Catholic, I was harshly judged by other Chrsitians of different denominations and was told that I am not Christian, etc.

Enough with labels - we are all more alike than different whether we are Chrsitians, Jewish, Muslim or Hindus, etc. We all embrace the fact that there is a Higher Power out there. We all agree that there is something beyond our living on Earth but the difference we all have is HOW we worship God and HOW we lead our lifestyles. Much energy goes into fighting other religions to try to force them to follow certain rules, etc. That is where the problem begins. Jesus never dreamt that we would all end up judging and hating others harshly. If Jesus is here, he would be heartbroken to see how we all have splintered into various camps, vying for the most power.
Look the example about Y´s post:

I can judge by seeing mothers who had an abortion,
and then these same mothers still got pregnant again
as an unwed mother who did not learn any lessons...
However, I cannot call them "Sluts" or "Whores" because
that would be too harsh so I try to think of
a better word maybe "Jezebel" or women with low morals.

Crazymanw00t´s post
Y made very good point. That's all I can say.

You can hate me. You can be very angry at me. You can slap me or whatever. But I still love you anyway.

Well, Y and Crazymanw00t both are Christian. Look this what they did is belongs to kind of JUDGING, not good listener.

Is it really good point what Crazymann00w claim about Y´s post? Do you really think Jesus would like it? Jesus has a good heart and forgive people and heal them etc. etc. Jesus died for us to free our sin.

I really dont understand why reglious judge anyone. Is it because of bible?
^Angel^´s post

The whole point is, when a couple of members here came forward and poured out their heart by experiences of an abortion of their past, yet some of you members just walked all over them by throwing a few brielf at them or what it may say in the bible, but the point is, it happened in the PAST, yet does that give you any members a right to say your baby is in hell, you are a slut, you spread your legs out, its all your fault, give me a freaking break here, young teenagers has done so many tons of mistakes, and yet, they seek God for HIS forgiveness, so don't tell me any of you Christian did not make any simple mistakes by spreading your legs out when you were only a teenagers, we were not taught back then about pregnancy, about sex, about sins, about God of course, so don't go around blaming those women who had a past of having an abortion because things are different now as they were back then... Yes there may be some women and young girls out there who are seeking for an abortion, but that their choice and I know where I stand for abortion which is against it, but I don't go around shoveling things at their face even if they happen to not believe in God or what it may say in the bible.....

And yes, that member should have never call anyone names, or label them for whatever they see in this person when it DID happened in the past, everyone made their share of mistakes , everyone sins, and everyone learn a lesson or two, but don't go around rubbing it in their face when they have already gone to God to seek for His forgiveness and yes God does forgive and forget....Can you???...

Wow, you said this best, I even read, sweetie ^Angel^!!!

I can tell the difference between judge and not judge that you are a true Christian, ^Angel^. I must agree with Magastu´s post from other thread to describe you as true Christian!!!!
Liebling:-))) said:
Look the example about Y´s post:

Well, Y and Crazymanw00t both are Christian. Look this what they did is belongs to kind of JUDGING, not good listener.

Is it really good point what Crazymann00w claim about Y´s post? Do you really think Jesus would like it? Jesus has a good heart and forgive people and heal them etc. etc. Jesus died for us to free our sin.

I really dont understand why reglious judge anyone. Is it because of bible?

I am not here to judge Y or Crazy or whoever. But yes it is because of the Bible. Many people follow Bible literally and see it as a black and white thing ONLY. Yes God helped many writers create up New Testament with their own gospels but it has been interpreted so many times by different people with their own perspectives.

I have read the Bible from the first page to the last page about 20 times and hold a great deal of respect and honor to it. But it is hard to know what is right or wrong when it comes to religions, fighting over what it really means.
I am always preached at by many different denominations, claiming htat their own religion is the RIGHT ONE.

Jesus does not want tos ee us arguing over who is RIGHT but rather let us follow his own teachings and examples. I prefer to follow Jesus's words than listen to a ranting person.
Liebling:-))) said:
Is it because of bible?
No. It is their personal belief. Not bible. Not Jesus's teaching. Not God's Words. It is their personal belief.

God and Jesus clearly don't look at everything in black and white. That's what makes them different from these conservative "Christians" because reality itself is grey regardless they like it or not.
Meg said:
Jesus does not want tos ee us arguing over who is RIGHT but rather let us follow his own teachings and examples. I prefer to follow Jesus's words than listen to a ranting person.
:werd: :gpost:
Liebling, Great thread and very good point. :hug:

Magatus and Meg well said! I agree the same as you both do. :hug:

We must accept the fact that each of us sins from time to time, and no Christen preachers should criticize us for our failures same time they fail to practice what they preach because they are a sinner too themselves. Jesus would be heartbroken to see their followers preach like that, I don't see in the bible either about certain people going to hell for what they have sinned, or even our sins are far worst than anyone else. All sins are the same and God forgives them all when we seek for our forgivings. :)
True, Meg, Cheri and Magastu.

We are not here to judge anyone but some of threads got me wondering over that difference between reglious and bible.

I only show you the example what/how judge is a wrong.

True, I notice that reglious has the different beliefs. I´m catholic and grow up to learn catholic´s side and met people with kind of beliefs like JW, Christians, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, etc and collect their beliefs. I do not judge their beliefs but respect them.

I´m Catholic but I dont go to church. I can pray everywhere what I want, not in the church. I know Jesus is with me to everywhere, not in the church. Why church?

Jesus would not like "church". He prays everywhere, that´s why I follow him, not reglious´s beliefs. Jesus would not like us to worship "false" status (Jesus with cross) in the church. Right?
Please forgive me if I'm not making quite sense today since I'm sick with the stomach flu :barf: *urggg*...

I honestly do not have a problem with people who spreading around God's words or what it say in the Bible, the only problem I am having is those who judge others of their past sin, as the Bible does tell us we shall not judge others, and they know that, but yet they forget that important message from God Himself...I've seen some Christian people going around calling women murderers, whore, slut etc just because they abort their babies...When those womens may not know at that time about abortion being a sin, or they had no choice of getting an abortion and did it for a reason, yet they seek God to forgive them, and still some Christian people just keep rubbing at their face over and over by calling them names etc, or what it say in the Bible, most of us know the truth in the eye of God or what it may say in the Bible yet, it doesn't give them a right to judge when they themselves have sins from time to time too....

I'm not a perfect Christian here but I do believe in the mighty of God with all my heart and knows the truth that says so in the Bible, God knows what in my heart and I seek God everytime I sin in the eye of God, God knows I'm not perfect and knows that I have done some share of mistakes which I'm not proud of the mistakes I have made in my life, but yet I do seek God for HIS forgiveness and he does forgive and forget and He didn't come out at me and judge me for whatever sin I've done, He listens by knowing what is in my heart...Likewise the same goes for me, I listen to those women's stories by feeling them while they pour out their heart in the most heartbreaking way, yet they do know what they have done that they aren't proud of but still they seek God for HIS forgiveness... that's all it counts the most!! and that what God wants them to IS come up to HIM!
It is not our responsibility to judge people, except as a court judge judges them under man's law. But we are mandated to judge what is and is not sin, not to point it out to other sinners, but to recognize it in our own lives.

What is a church? A community of believers, not a building, or a government licensed corporation with this label or that.

What is a religion? A deeply held belief, usually in a higher being, most commonly God, though Satan worship is also a religion, as is Bhuddism, Hinduism, Islam, and hundreds more.

The bible is a guidebook, a history book, a communication to us from God if you are a Christian. If you are not, it is simply a book of ancient tales written by men, composed and edited by men.

A sin, ancient English archery term for missing the target, is doing what we believe God told us not to do, or not doing what God told us TO do. Thats sins of comission and omission.

Making laws to prevent sin hardly ever works. People's concept of sin varies widely and what I think is sinful, you may not and vice versa. I might believe that it is a sin to drink alcohol, but you may not. I might try to get prohibition laws passed, or even just blue laws so that you can't buy certain things on Sunday. Now what if my Sabbath day is Saturday, the last day of the week not Sunday, the first day of the week. A lot of the problems caused by "Christians" have come when they tried to impose their beliefs on others, even other "Christians".

These are examples only. I do not believe alcohol is sinful in and of itself, or any of the other examples.
Liebling:-))) said:
Did you know what King David did is wrong and sin because he is weak and to have sex with other woman? Did the God judge him for that?
Yes, God did judge David for that sin. He caused the baby of Bathsheba to die. After David repented, then God forgave him.

The god also forgive Mose for make one mistake, too.
God did judge and punish Moses. God never allowed Moses to enter the Promised Land because Moses disobeyed God.
Reba said:
Yes, God did judge David for that sin. He caused the baby of Bathsheba to die. After David repented, then God forgave him.

God did judge and punish Moses. God never allowed Moses to enter the Promised Land because Moses disobeyed God.

Well, it's only God's job task to judge us, not you, me or others.

God forgive them because they admitted their sins.

Check the important link:



Ok you all are very confused with that verse Matt 7:7.

Please move this to debate group because this thread is obviously for debate purpose.

I will post every details about what Jesus meant with that verse. Before I say anything. Before year of 1500s there were nothing of verse numbers. They created the verse numbers to help the pastor to guide their members to understand what the pastor was talking about. That's all.

You seems to point only to Matt 7:7 without read whole Matt 7. That is wrong. Also that's why many people got misunderstood because they only focus on one verse than whole chapter.

Anyway you all need to read entry of Matthew 7 before you points out to anything.
Many of us are not grow in Christ. We stuck in the baby stage for long time till we grow out of it and move on to adult stage. My experice with God and Son has nothing to do with religion or bible. Bible help me to getting know Him better everyday but it is wrong of others to tell me that I am wrong. None of us know what real Love is all about. Till we experience that kind of Love. It blew me away and I can't describe it because it is not same kind of love we experience here on earth.

IMHO, people here put too much word "sin" and not enough Love. I already knew sin but I do not need others telling me over again and again. It is getting old. Now with young Christians, they are immature and try to preach us, what do they know about our own life? They do not know us except believe we are not saved. I have been deal with this over again and again for last 30 years.
Angel, hope your'e feeling better today. Yeah, on what you said. What I think is generally happening here is: Commentary is coming from, or reactions are toward Christians whom I see as falling into two different camps: The legalistic and the grace-oriented Christians. The grace-oriented ones are those I listen to and agree with. This is VERY short and I hope it doesn't get twisted around. I need to go for now and do not have time to write a novelette! LOL!
Crazymanw00t said:
Ok you all are very confused with that verse Matt 7:7.

Please move this to debate group because this thread is obviously for debate purpose.

Yes, you are right, I don't know alot in the Bible, since I am planning on taking Bible study class to learn more about it ...

I honestly do not want to keep debate on this, because I have my own belief, and what I believe in God, and you have yours as well, there's nothing really to debate about...I respect for whatever you believe in so please respect the others for what they believe in too....:)

Thank you Tousi! and I agree ;)
^Angel^ said:
Yes, you are right, I don't know alot in the Bible, since I am planning on taking Bible study class to learn more about it ...

I honestly do not want to keep debate on this, because I have my own belief, and what I believe in God, and you have yours as well, there's nothing really to debate about...I respect for whatever you believe in so please respect the others for what they believe in too....:)

Thank you Tousi! and I agree ;)

Great you are planning to take the bible class. I went to the bible class once and never again go there. They spend their great energy to condom other religions. I did not come to bible class to listen their bs about other churches. I had to stand down and told them I do not come to the class to listen their anti-view of Catholicsm, Mormons, JWs. I came to class to understand the word of God.
jazzy said:
Great you are planning to take the bible class. I went to the bible class once and never again go there. They spend their great energy to condom other religions. I did not come to bible class to listen their bs about other churches. I had to stand down and told them I do not come to the class to listen their anti-view of Catholicsm, Mormons, JWs. I came to class to understand the word of God.

Yes, I'm very much aware of that, and If it does happen Ill always leave to find another church or Bible study class, I heard my best friend went to one and learn a great deal, so I wanted to go and learn as well....

Thanks for that information, Ill keep my eyes open on that ;)
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