Watch your debit card!!!


Active Member
Apr 7, 2003
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Last Tuesday, I went to a drive up ATM. I was in a hurry and I left without retrieving my card. Unfortunatly, the next person in line behind me wasn't honest. They cleaned went shopping and cleaned out my bank account to the point I had a negative balance in my account. Now, I have big headaches. I had to cancel my card, go to the police to file a report, then go to the bank to fill out affidavits, close my old account, and open a new account. But that is not all. I have to change my direct deposit now cuz it went into my old account. I also have to change all my bill paying that took money from the old account. And, all my outstanding checks were kicked back cuz my account was locked. Now, some of my bills are going to be late (cuz i don't have any money to pay them) so that will affect my credit. So now, I have to write to the credit agencies to tell them why any bills are late. So, if you don't need a Debit card that acts as a Credit card, don't get it. If you do get one, BE VERY CAREFUL!!!
Ohhh man, Matt.. that sure sucks! I had a debit card but I dont have that anymore.. i use a checkcard now but i make sure i dont misplace it or lose it.. Hope things works out for you :\
Jeremy & I both have debit card but we make sure we dont lose it or misplaced. We are very careful with everything and we do have our checks too. What is a checkcard? :confused: Is it like a debit card. I have a debit card that has Visa logo on it.
WildKaTReSS said:
Jeremy & I both have debit card but we make sure we dont lose it or misplaced. We are very careful with everything and we do have our checks too. What is a checkcard? :confused: Is it like a debit card. I have a debit card that has Visa logo on it.
It's like a credit card that u can use to make purchases of stuff in the store.. cuz some stores don't accept debit its better than writing a check and you use a pin number to use the checkcard
even though I use a debit card myself, I only use the VISA signature portion instead of punching in the PIN on the debit part of the card. Saves headaches of remembering PIN's and keeping nosy people from memorizing the PIN nbr. (One additional benefit is if u used signature part of the card, the bank deducts it from the checking account in 2-5 days compared to instantly for PIN purchases!)

BTW I keep a sharp eye on the card when its off the wallet until it gets safely back in it.
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One thing to protect yourself. Instead of signing, write "SEE ID" so that they have to check your ID. That is if the cashier knows how to read or isn't too lazy to look at it.
I am sorry to hear that but I thought debit card is required a pin number every time you purchase something at every store.. For Credit or check cards, it doesnt require a pin number unless you need a quick cash at ATM machine..
if you know the time this happened, the bank can check their cameras... and the one next in line is probably a customer with that bank so it shouldnt be hard to identify i dont know........the police could do a cross check or something
prostock19 said:
One thing to protect yourself. Instead of signing, write "SEE ID" so that they have to check your ID. That is if the cashier knows how to read or isn't too lazy to look at it.
Unfortunately, that won't work in some places. For instance, my Post Office doesn't accept those kind of "SEE ID" signatures. All cards must be actually signed instead of that.
Matty, my deepest condolences - I hope things get better for you asap! What creeps, for stealing from someone like that and not at least leaving a little for you... grrrrrrrr.... do you have money left for food??
........ We have no ATM cards in Norway, just credit cards (usually visa) with photos of us in the back. We use that as an ATM card, and debit card. We don't write checks either. I showed my husband a checkbook, and he had never seen it before.
Liza said:
We have no ATM cards in Norway, just credit cards (usually visa) with photos of us in the back. We use that as an ATM card, and debit card. We don't write checks either. I showed my husband a checkbook, and he had never seen it before.

Matty! What a luck. I hope your holiday season spirit wasn't ruined by the theft of the card. It must be a sinking feeling that 800$ is gone from your account. Will the bank reimburse that amount into your new account? I hope they catch the theives.

@ Liza: I remember when I was in Germany, ATM cards were widespread there, but there was no such thing as a debit card. The card was used for obtaining money from the Geldautomat (ATM), and also when one would visit inside the bank to obtain a copy of their statement from special statement printers in the lobby. (They dont mail you statement like in the US.) Cheques are used in Germany, but it is done very differently. You are given a cheque by companies that bill you, and you take your cheques to your bank, sign them and give it to the teller. The teller will automatically deduct it from your account and wire it to their accounts. I miss this kind of banking system!

Sorry for going off topic here!
When I order purchase on the line. I had a difficult time to go through with them because they do not accept my debit card (VISA). I had to using my credit card on the line. The flight reservated on the line, they refused to accept my debit card.

They were not sure if I have a sufficient money in my account with the debit card.

I used alot of debit card like at gas station, grogery, shopping to using PIN number to whip your card in the machine. (knock the wood) I would not lose my debit card !

I had it for five years now !! I am very careful with my debit card. I love it because I do not pay any interest percent on my credit card 18%.
VamPyroX said:
Unfortunately, that won't work in some places. For instance, my Post Office doesn't accept those kind of "SEE ID" signatures. All cards must be actually signed instead of that.
Actually, Yesterday, I went to P.O to purchase Pripoerty mails by using my C.C.. And then the worker asked me for ID :)
Aww Matty!!!
I have been there before.. It was horrible and disappointed.. It was a week before christmas (1999).. I had debit card.. someone stole my purse and I had 250 dollars cash.. I was ready to go christmas shopping but bumped into friends in the mall, we chatted.. someone took my purse under pile of our coats.. I assume that someone watched us real good and saw me doing this.. and came over .. smiled at us, pretend that she is intersting in signs.. she was acting weird.. but i didnt realized that she was trying to get my purse and took, left..
After i found out the purse gone.. I was devesated cuz i just deposited 1,500 in debit card for car ins and gifts for my kids.. plus cash.. PLUS my keys.. so I was stuck at mall, kindly enough the guard gave me ride home to pick up my extra key.. I called Agency and stuff like that.. but they caught that lady from the camera on ATM machines.. she have LONG rap sheet records.. but I didnt get the money back cuz she is in jail and no money. i went thru hellish with paying back stuff.. BLAH!.. (good thing i have ins for that card).. but nice that resturant found out what i went thru and no money for my kids.. they called us and wanted us come over, we came over.. they handed 2 nice gift cerficates (toy r us) (total 100 dollars) for the kids.. and 1 gift cerficate for me to shop at Northstorm's.. it was nice christmas.

Its sucks to be robbed... Matty .. my heart out for ya.. hope things work out.. *sigh*
ack that totally sucks Prostock!!!! :(

i myself have NEVER used a debit card -- i always had use of the ATM card and i have never trusted Debit cards or those check cards thingie -- just knew they cant be trusted due to possibilities of theft and the like -- so forget that -- and like someone had mentioned -- someone can memorize the PIN nbr u enter at the store when u use the debit card -- it IS true that ppl can actually memorize the PIN nbrs ppl key in at the stores and then rob the person just for the card and have the money taken out of the card all cuz they had the nbr MEMORIZED after just ONE time watching u key in the PIN nbr!!!!

i carry ATM card and a credit card for emergencies thats it basically -- no keying in PIN nbrs and such except at a reputed ATM (owned by a BANK not some bs ATM machines due to reports of more incidents of fraud by con men buying ATM machines and putting money in there and waits for customers to go use the machine and while customer using machine all their info in the card's strip is then stolen and stored on the ATM machine til the con man retrieves the info then go to ur bank and wipe u out!)
Awww I m so sorry that happened to both of you, MsGiglz ...& Matt... Believe me I know exectly how u both felt.. I went through the same thing when i was at the Store my purse was in the cart and i was getting food off the shelf and then my purse all sudden was gone.. I started panic and screaming (*&&^%%*) :lol:.. I was soo mad cuz i had 2,000.00 money order in my purse for my apt. that I was moving into and plus 500.00 cash and i only got back the money order refund but i had to pay 9.00 to get my money back.. plus the 500.00 cash is gone... never got it back.. Uggh.. I cannot believe people out there can rob us.. what wrong with them getting a job and get their own earning.. dont take it from us! greesh..
Cheri -- they just want an easy ride in life but theyll get sloppy eventually and get caught then land themselves into lock up -- it also usually means theyre career criminals especially when they know how to rip ppl off professionally and dont give a damn abt the vics

its always wise to CARRY the purse with u at store even at grocery stores and keep it CLOSED (zip it or button it up depending on style ofc) and keep in front of u while shopping -- i imagine its annoying but hell better safe than sowwy right q
Yep it's true.. I have XOXO purse and Princess wallet.. I keep an eye on it all the time and kept them buttoned. My husband carries mine and his cards such as ATM & Debit card in his leather wallet at all times. Of course he keeps an eye on it and he never lost it. Sometimes he would ask me to hold his wallet in my purse in some places he feel dangerous like in big cities or whatever. We don't bring a lot of cash with us so we use the card alot. We don't have credit cards right now but when we do.. we ll use it for emergcy only.

I hate when people steal the money from others and being on a free ride. Everything isnt free and alot of people who have families need money to pay for bills and food on the table. People who steal don't realize that or dont give a damn about it. :roll:
Thanx everyone for your thoughts. And I'm sorry for those of you who've been robbed, too. Most of these jerks aren't the smartest, and WILL eventually get caught and go to court. They just make our lives miserable.