
I have my twitter updates tied to my facebook so I dont have to update both places lol... I have the twitter app on my blackberry so when I want to status update what I am doing I do it there and it shows up on facebook too =)
Gee, another social network? Well, facebook is all I need for now. I don't want to join too many different sites. I have not checked myspace in a long while. I've been using facebook quite often now since I find my old classmates thru there. :)

Same here on all counts.
Very interestin'.... unfortunately, I am not a twitter fan. I prefer Facebook. ;)
Facebook is a thousand times better than any networking site!:laugh2:
Years ago, I used hi5, but haven't used it, and already cancelled it. The only networking I have is myspace, facebook, so I pick facebook over anything. :)
im using facebooks often.

but i dont using twitter dues Asthon Kutcher won against of his rightsful from CNN i understand from Actor's respectives for his reason.
I've never used Twitter, not in the least bit interested in it.

I don't use myspace either.

I do have facebook - it was great to connect with old friends from school, childhood, summer camp (deaf camp that is), and even a few people from here. But I spend very little time on there. I'm either on here or at home having a life :) I learned that a long time ago! :)
It´s nice but I use facebook often.

My old schoolmates and I reunion each other after between 20 and 30 years, no see via facebook. I also have Americans, Aussie and Canadian friends I know thru AllDeaf in my facebook, too.

I have little time for anything but I am very busy in real life. All what I use mostly is AD, facebook and German Forum that´s all.
I am not a twitter person. I love AllDeaf the best. I do Facebook sometimes when I feel like socialing with my family members or friends. Also I go on Powwows forum online because I love to powwow at the powwow gathering events. I do not want to go any other sites just only the two forums that I have. I like to share and discuss what interest me and I do have experiences what is like to be Deaf and Native American. I am dancing now. :fruit:
facebook better. pm me for my facebook name but please say who you are
I'm giving Twitter a try. If anyone would like to follow me, the URL is: Alex (DeafAlex) on Twitter

Anyone else who has a Twitter account, post here so I can add you on the list.
yuck i hate twitter. FB status updates are good enough for me.

What is the fascination with Twitter? I don't understand. I've never used it before, so could someone explain this to me? Thanks! :)
I don't have a Facebook, MySpace or Twitter account. What exactly am I missing? My 15 year old niece encouraged me to create a Facebook page, but I really don't see the point since I have nothing to talk about and I'm kept busy enough on forums like AD.
its old and kinda stupid, who would blog every second of your life? thats not far from losing your privacy and sorta hell weird might be good for those crave internet/network attention

Now I understand. I wouldn't be interested in Twitter since I don't feel comfortable sharing the details of my life with total strangers over the Internet.
I've been using facebook quite often now since I find my old classmates thru there. :)

That's awesome Calvin. :D I never thought about reconnecting with old classmates using Facebook. I found all of my classmates through