Trying to get it all straightened out...


New Member
Oct 11, 2004
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I'm trying to get all this political stuff straightened out in my head so I'll know how to vote come November.

Let's put it all down in black and white. Maybe I'll understand it better.

Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia - good...
Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq - bad...

Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia - good...
Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq - bad...

Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia - good...
Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...

Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists- good...
Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator - bad...

Clinton bombs Chinese embassy - good...
Bush bombs terrorist camps - bad...

Clinton commits felonies while in office - good...
Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit - bad...

No mass graves found in Serbia - good...
No WMD found Iraq - bad...

Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton - good...
Economy on upswing under Bush - bad...

Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden - good...
World Trade Centers fall under Bush - bad...

Clinton says Saddam has nukes - good...
Bush says Saddam has nukes - bad...

Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq - good...
Bush imposes regime change in Iraq - bad...

Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton - good...
Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan - bad...

Milosevic not yet convicted - good...
Saddam turned over for trial - bad...

Ahh, it's so confusing!

Every year an independent tax watchdog group analyzes the average tax burden on Americans, and then calculates the "Tax Freedom Day". This is the day after which the money you earn goes to you, not the government.

This year, tax freedom day was April 11th. That's the earliest it has been since 1991. It's latest day ever was May 2nd, which occurred in 2000. Notice anything special about those dates?

Recently, John Kerry gave a speech in which he claimed Americans are actually paying more taxes under Bush, despite the tax cuts. He gave no explanation and provided no data for this claim.

Another interesting fact: Both George Bush and John Kerry are wealthy men. Bush owns only one home, his ranch in Texas. Kerry owns 4 mansions, all worth several million dollars. (His ski resort home in Idaho is an old barn brought over from Europe in pieces. Not your average A-frame).

Bush paid $250,000 in taxes this year; Kerry paid $90,000. Does that sound right? The man who wants to raise your taxes obviously has figured out a way to avoid paying his own.
First of all why are you comparing Bush and Clinton? Clinton has nothing to do with this year election. :crazy:

You copied off of someone's post from another forum and brought it here, she or he can sue you.
same here I am lost oh well it's pointless to post this up here cuz we wud not understand what is ur point of posting that up here? :ugh:
The post just shows how certain similar things were viewed during both Clinton's and Bush's term and how it was considered 'good' during Clinton's term, but considered 'bad' during Bush's term...hope that makes it a bit clearer.... ;)
Honestly, I do not know why you point out Clinton vs Bush, This is not to argue that Clinton should be excused. It is to say that what matters have become worse...My reasons how I felt about Bush has nothing to do what is related to Clinton.

With Clinton, Lying about a sexual affair is just not on the same scale as lying about war. (that my one point of view).

With Bush, Nearly 3,000 innocent souls lost their lives that day because he refused to listen to threats of impending terrorist attacks and did absolutely nothing to defend the American people. I've come to know a lot of the people who lost their loved ones on 9-11 and my heart breaks a bit more every day when I hear about how these folks are suffering. It was his direct responsibility to protect those lost that day and I don't know how he can look at his face in the mirror knowing that they died as a direct result of his incompetence....I'm standing up for the millions who have lost their jobs I'm standing up for the homeless, the poor and for all of the kids living in poverty even though he made a pledge to "leave no child behind"!

US has now killed more Iraqi women and children than Saddam Hussein. But, we fought a war that has nothing to do with us! we should have took care of the person who threats to bomb 4 major cities, but he didn't he went after Saddam instead that leaves us in dangerous still today.
I just tell u what I think is...

i think that bush is more think of war than America People... where America people need??? not fair to them.. i mean need improve for hospital, mall, more stores that need wheelchair, electric wheelchair..

let me example u,

if a person drive itself to mall alone, person wanna electric wheelchair , cuz of there mall have regualr wheelchair, but this person cant do itself push wheelchair no one help this person.. so need set up for electric wheelchair for itself then it WILL BE NO PLMS!! u know what i mean?? that what i talk abt america people need more important, support and improve more in america...

And in restaurant need use glove, net for hair so it wont fall hair in the foods... also, old ppl who cant work, so they live house or apt whatever, it will cut the ssi, ssd, ssa, retires and more checks off, how they can live and afford for bills and rent so not fair them and plus who has health plms who cant work too so they need checks...

:ugh: if u dont agree with me then i will understand that... so i vote kerry! :D
bttrflykiss621 said:
I'm trying to get all this political stuff straightened out in my head so I'll know how to vote come November.

I understand your point.

It is not the actions that Democrats disapprove of; it is the person behind the action. A particular action is acceptable if a Democrat president does it, but the same action it is not acceptable if a Republican president does it.

Suppose the war in Iraq ended today. Tonight, Osama is killed. All the troops came home tomorrow. Tomorrow night, everyone gets their flu shots. Monday morning, the economy shoots thru the roof. Monday afternoon, everyone has a good job. Monday night, gas prices drop like a rock.

The Democrats would still support Kerry for president. It doesn't really matter what Bush does. The Democrats hate him, period. They let their emotions control their decisions.

If you notice, most pro-Kerry postings include the phrases (please excuse the profanity) like:
"Bush sucks"
"I hate Bush"
"Bush is an idiot"
"F*** Bush"
"Kill Bush"

That shows personal emotions, not thoughtfulness.

I have given up trying to reason with anti-Bush posters. Their bottom line is, they hate Bush, and nothing will change that. Their hate for Bush is even greater than their support for Kerry.

I think at this stage of the campaign, people have made up their minds. I just pray that the election process itself goes smoothly and legally.
Reba said:
I understand your point.

It is not the actions that Democrats disapprove of; it is the person behind the action. A particular action is acceptable if a Democrat president does it, but the same action it is not acceptable if a Republican president does it.

Suppose the war in Iraq ended today. Tonight, Osama is killed. All the troops came home tomorrow. Tomorrow night, everyone gets their flu shots. Monday morning, the economy shoots thru the roof. Monday afternoon, everyone has a good job. Monday night, gas prices drop like a rock.

The Democrats would still support Kerry for president. It doesn't really matter what Bush does. The Democrats hate him, period. They let their emotions control their decisions.

If you notice, most pro-Kerry postings include the phrases (please excuse the profanity) like:
"Bush sucks"
"I hate Bush"
"Bush is an idiot"
"F*** Bush"
"Kill Bush"

That shows personal emotions, not thoughtfulness.

I have given up trying to reason with anti-Bush posters. Their bottom line is, they hate Bush, and nothing will change that. Their hate for Bush is even greater than their support for Kerry.

I think at this stage of the campaign, people have made up their minds. I just pray that the election process itself goes smoothly and legally.

OMGosh! You are plain wrong right there, First of all you think, If everything changes right now "Monday" right before Election Day things would just be so different? ha ha ha! What a joke! Because, honestly, that would be a bad move because, its like President Bush is doing this just to get votes to reelected for another four years. If he have done changes a year ago or two maybe we would have different thoughts about Bush. You have a way of putting words in people's mind thinking "oh that is what they are thinking." You make me so ill that I cannot stand one bit of what coming out of your mouth because, honestly you think we are just bad people because, we do not give Bush a chance, well hell he blew that chance to win my heart, so that is what he deserved to get not my vote. :nono:
Cheri said:
OMGosh! You are plain wrong right there, First of all you think, If everything changes right now "Monday" right before Election Day things would just be so different? ha ha ha! What a joke! Because, honestly, that would be a bad move because, its like President Bush is doing this just to get votes to reelected for another four years.
That proves my point. You condemn Bush no matter what happens. No matter what he does, it is always wrong.

You have a way of putting words in people's mind thinking "oh that is what they are thinking."
No, you yourself just said it with your words, not mine.

... honestly you think we are just bad people...
That is not true. I never said that you are "bad" people. I can tell from your other postings in non-political topics that you are a very caring person. You just look at political things in a totally different way than I do, and you are very emotional about it.

...he blew that chance to win my heart...
That is exactly my point. As your words say, "he blew that chance to win my heart." You are making political decisions with your heart (emotions).
But Reba, when a person looks at all the OVERWHELMING facts and evidence of Bush's complicity in 911, the fact that he is the only President with a criminal record, the fact that he LIED to get us into a war that is totally unnecessary, the fact that he made a shambles of our economy, etcetera etcetera, facts, facts, facts, and STILL vote for him anyway, THAT person is basing the vote on pure emotion.
Thank goodness the election is just a few days away, because once Kerry takes office, maybe some sanity can be restored in this country and all this bickering will be a thing of the past.
Reba, What do u want me to say? Who cares about people dying? who cares about the attacked on America 9/11? Who cares about Medicare? who cares about people in the war? Who cares about the poor, children, our lives that effected each and one of us? I can't do that because, I do care and yes maybe I do get emotion when it comes to policies "when it comes to Bush," he screwed things up for us he let Bin Laden get away when he is the one that we need to get what we need to stop. I am not going to sit at home and being so afraid what would happen to America next year or the next 4 yrs. cuz Bin Laden still on the loose and 9/11 justice hasn't been served for those who lost their lives expectly the heros.

More sounds like "screw them" vote for Bush. where your caring, ur comfort about those people who died? those people who are suffering with getting jobs, what about children? the list goes on. Oh wait that didn't happen to you yet to experience it or walk the miles in their shoes. ;)
Cheri said:
Reba, What do u want me to say?
Whatever you want to say; it is a free country.

More sounds like "screw them" vote for Bush. where your caring, ur comfort about those people who died? those people who are suffering with getting jobs, what about children? the list goes on. Oh wait that didn't happen to you yet to experience it or walk the miles in their shoes. ;)
...and you have not walked a mile in my shoes either. I do not judge your caring about people, so please don't judge mine.

It is because the deaths and pain of innocent people impact me so strongly that I have my beliefs. I just think it is not necessary to show all my emotions to the world.
Actually, those are done in most places. Most food places I go to have people wearing hair nets and/or hats... as well as gloves. Most malls I've been to have a few electric scooters. :thumb:
Cheri said:
Reba, What do u want me to say? Who cares about people dying? who cares about the attacked on America 9/11? Who cares about Medicare? who cares about people in the war? Who cares about the poor, children, our lives that effected each and one of us? I can't do that because, I do care and yes maybe I do get emotion when it comes to policies "when it comes to Bush," he screwed things up for us he let Bin Laden get away when he is the one that we need to get what we need to stop. I am not going to sit at home and being so afraid what would happen to America next year or the next 4 yrs. cuz Bin Laden still on the loose and 9/11 justice hasn't been served for those who lost their lives expectly the heros.

More sounds like "screw them" vote for Bush. where your caring, ur comfort about those people who died? those people who are suffering with getting jobs, what about children? the list goes on. Oh wait that didn't happen to you yet to experience it or walk the miles in their shoes. ;)
such a powerful, and strong understanding statement there...carry on